7 days to die claim block

Do you also hate to have to look around your base after every horde night to repair what has been broken by the Zeds? Don’t worry anymore, here comes the Claim Auto Repair Mod.

Module Description

The Block is based on a storage chest, as you need to put the necessary repair materials into it.

It will randomly check blocks in its perimeter if they need repair and if the required materials are in storage. If both requirements are met, the block will start to be repaired. This will take some time and the repair sound will be played while repair is undergoing. If the block is damaged during that process, the whole repair will be aborted. Also only blocks that are within a claim you belong to (e.g. can pickup items) are repaired.

So far the UI is really just the standard storage chest, and no further information about which block is being repaired etc. is displayed. Only some sounds will play according to what is happening. For ocbMaurice that is probably enough, although he doesn’t know if the sounds might be too annoying after some time. Feel free to open a pull request on GitHub if you have any improvements in that direction.

Also multiplayer hasn’t really been tested yet, but should work ™.

Multiplayer Bugfix Release (0.7.5)

  • Fix issue not reporting missing land claim
  • Improve multiplayer support for new features

UL Release (0.7.4)

Added compatibility with UL out of the box, e.g. no further compatibility patches are needed. But you will need to make sure that this mod loads after the regular UL mods. You can e.g. accomplish this simply by renaming the folder to ‘ZClaimAutoRepair’.

  • Fix issue with outline not moving fast enough
  • Fix high CPU usage (left dev mode on in 0.7.3)
  • Add compatibility (recipes etc.) for UL
  • Also chat about missing land claim block

Update (0.7.3)

Improved visual/textual feedback and added translations:

  • Shows red outline if land claim is found missing
  • Shows orange outline if repair materials missing
  • Progresses outline from yellow to green on repair
  • Chats you about last missing material when opened
  • Add Simplified Chinese Translations (thx future93)
  • Automated deployment and release packaging
  • Expose repair speed factor to block xml config

Update (0.7.1)

Made repair speed configurable via block xml (finding speed still hardcoded)

Important Update (0.7.0)

He has finished porting this mod over to A20 (current latest version 0.7.0) which makes this harmony mod now standalone and working out of the box with 7D2D A20

I run a dedicated server and play with one other person.  Even if I group with them and identify them as an 'ally' and having already been tagged as a 'friend' through Steam, my friend can't modify the base we're at.


Is there some type of permission that I still need to give my friend?  I'm at a total loss.  Maybe a console command?


Running A20 on PC.


Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!



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Posted January 7, 2022


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Posted January 7, 2022

Only the person that put down the claimblock and pick up workstations, fence posts, etc. I don't like it either but it is a game issue and until/if tfp decides to fix it, there is no fix. Now your friend should be able to place and upgrade blocks, they just can't pick up placeable objects.

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Posted January 7, 2022


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Posted January 7, 2022

1 hour ago, Jandus said:

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!

If it's just one other person on the server, pick up your land claim and you won't have the issue.

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Posted June 14, 2022


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Posted June 14, 2022

Not having a land claimblock isn't an option either since it's required to pickup certain items. I'm in a similar situation where I have a dedicated server just with some friends and we've reached a point where we have generators, turrets, etc. But only person can actually interact with those items because of the limitations.

What does a claim block do in 7 days to die?

The Land Claim Block should prevent all Point of Interest Zombies from respawning within its area. Furthermore, if its protected area includes a Point of Interest then it should prevent Trader jobs from selecting that POI as an quest location. This allows players to take over POI structures.

Can you have more than one land claim block 7 days to die?

They can be in different POIs. You can have multiple land claim blocks by editing the windows registry, or using a mod, but only the 1st block will stop sleeper spawns. The others will just allow you to pick up things.

Can zombies destroy land claim block?

Land claim blocks are more or less useless against zombies. Their purpose is to only increase the block health of all blocks in its coverage area but this only applies to other players. It has no effect on zombies who see it as simply another block.

How do I get more claim blocks?

If you need more claim blocks you can buy more with "/buyclaimblocks <number>" for $6 a block, or by purchasing them in the store.


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