Am i supposed to bleed after taking plan b

Am i supposed to bleed after taking plan b

Zen Group

  • Bleeding for a few days after taking Plan B is normal.

  • But if you have to change your pad or tampon at least every two hours for longer than a day then you should see a doctor.

  • You may also experience symptoms like breast tenderness, dizziness, nausea, and headache after taking Plan B.

  • Visit Insider's Health Reference library for more advice.

Plan B, also called the morning-after pill, can stop you from getting pregnant, but it may come with side effects like bleeding.

It's normal to have some bleeding after taking Plan B, but if your bleeding is especially heavy or lasts longer than a few days, you may need to see your doctor.

Here's what you need to know about bleeding after taking Plan B and when you should see a doctor.

"It is common for there to be unexpected or atypical bleeding after taking Plan B," says Felice Gersh, MD, the medical director of the Integrative Medical Group of Irvine.

Around 15% of people experience bleeding right after taking Plan B, before their period starts. This means that you may have spots, but that your period doesn't start right away.

In other cases, Plan B can trigger your period to come early, so bleeding may be a sign that it's working, Gersh says.

Bleeding can start and stop any time in the first three weeks after taking Plan B. The length of your bleeding can vary, but it generally won't last longer than a few days.

Plan B works by delivering a chemical called levonorgestrel, which mimics the hormones that control your menstrual cycle. Levonorgestrel can stop your ovaries from releasing an egg or stop a fertilized egg from implanting in your uterus.

Taking Plan B can cause bleeding because levonorgestrel changes the stability of the uterine lining that you shed during your period, which can lead to unexpected bleeding, Gersh says.

Other side effects of plan B

In addition to bleeding, Plan B can cause other side effects, including:

  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

  • Lower belly pain or cramps

  • Feeling dizzy

  • Fatigue

  • Headache

  • Tenderness in your breasts

The most common side effects of Plan B are nausea and cramping, while vomiting and diarrhea are rarer.

When to see a doctor

In rare cases, bleeding after taking Plan B can be a sign of something more serious, especially if it comes with other symptoms like severe abdominal pain.

Generally, bleeding after Plan B shouldn't last much longer than a week, so prolonged bleeding can be a sign of a problem.

It's also concerning if your bleeding is too heavy, meaning you have to change your pad or tampon at least every two hours for longer than a day, Gersh says.

If you're having any of these symptoms after taking Plan B, it's best to see your gynecologist to make sure there isn't a more serious issue.

Other symptoms that should raise an alarm include:

  • Sudden or severe belly pain

  • Itching and a rash

  • Vomiting within two hours of taking the pill - this may mean you need to take another Plan B dose

Also, if any of the normal side effects like nausea or cramping last more than a day or feel severe to you, it's best to get medical attention, Gersh says.

Insider's takeaway

It's normal to experience bleeding after taking Plan B, especially if you get your period early or just have light spotting. It's also normal to have mild side effects, such as nausea or cramps.

But if your symptoms feel severe or your bleeding doesn't stop after a week, it's best to reach out to your doctor to check if there is a more serious issue.

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Read the original article on Insider

So, you have just taken a morning-after pill to prevent unintended pregnancy. Done and dusted, right?

Or that’s what you would expect.

If you have suddenly started experiencing light bleeding after taking Plan B, you may be experiencing an “Uh Oh!” moment.

After all, spotting is a classic sign of successful implantation.

But do not worry- spotting on the Plan B pill can be normal.

In this article:

  • Plan B Spotting
    • What Is Plan B?
    • How Does Plan B Work?
    • What Causes Spotting on Plan B?
  • Implantation Bleeding
    • What is Implantation Bleeding?
    • Why Does Implantation Bleeding Happen?
  • Plan B Spotting VS Implantation Bleeding – 7 Key Differences
  • When Should I Contact the Doctor About Vaginal Bleeding?

Plan B Spotting

You may feel that spotting after taking plan B is a bad sign that the emergency contraception did not work- but it can be completely normal.

What Is Plan B?

Am i supposed to bleed after taking plan b

For those of you reading who do not know what Plan B is- Plan B is the most commonly used- and most widely available- form of emergency contraception.

It is also called the morning-after pill.

The purpose of the Plan B pill is to prevent pregnancy, whatever the reason. For example, if your birth control pills have failed, if your condom broke, or if you had unprotected sex on a night out.

How Does Plan B Work?

The plan B pill contains a synthetic form of Progesterone, called Levonorgestrel.

The synthetic hormone- Levonorgestrel- within the Plan B emergency contraceptive pill- works by delaying ovulation within your menstrual cycle, so that the egg is not available to be fertilised.

Of course, the plan B pill is not a fool-proof method of preventing pregnancy, as, if ovulation has already occurred, it cannot prevent ovulation, and therefore, cannot prevent pregnancy.

To read more about this, you can read our article, Do You Ovulate On Birth Control?

What Causes Spotting on Plan B?

If you are experiencing light spotting or bleeding after taking emergency contraceptive pills, just know that you are not alone!

Many women have reported experiencing spotting or bleeding between menstrual periods following Plan B.

The synthetic hormone within the Plan B pill- called Levonorgestrel (as discussed in the section above)- causes your uterus to shed its inner lining (like on a menstrual period).

This inner lining then exits through your vagina, along with small amounts of blood.

Implantation Bleeding

Am i supposed to bleed after taking plan b

In some cases, the spotting you are seeing may actually be implantation bleeding. But what is implantation bleeding?

What is Implantation Bleeding?

Implantation bleeding is a symptom that some women experience following implantation- the process where the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus.

It is through this connection that the fertilized egg receives the nutrients and blood supply it needs to grow.

Why Does Implantation Bleeding Happen?

During the process, the motion of the fertilised egg implanting itself into the uterine lining can cause the tiny blood vessels in the uterine wall to break, resulting in a small amount of bleeding.

This blood then exits the vagina as implantation bleeding.

Following implantation, you may experience the following early pregnancy symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Nausea
  • Implantation bleeding
  • Implantation cramping
  • Heightened sense of smell
  • Fatigue

Plan B Spotting VS Implantation Bleeding – 7 Key Differences

Am i supposed to bleed after taking plan b

1) Flow

Implantation bleeding is much lighter than menstrual bleeding- in fact, it is usually just a few drops of pink or brown discharge, or small streaks when you wipe.

On the other hand, whilst bleeding after Plan B can usually be described as very light, in a study it was found that around 15% of women reported experiencing heavy bleeding after taking the plan B pill.

2) Colour

Implantation bleeding is usually brown or pinkish brown.

However, Plan B spotting can be described as a reddish brown colour.

3) Cramping

When implantation happens, some women experience implantation cramping- a side effect of implantation caused by the rapidly fluctuating hormone levels that come with implantation.

Implantation cramps are very mild and can be described as either a sharp twinge or dull ache- somewhat like your usual menstrual cramps, just much milder.

Around 30% of women report experiencing implantation cramps.

On the other hand, Plan B pills may cause cramping that feels like a slight pain in your lower abdomen.

4) Consistency and Duration

Implantation bleeding is very light and usually lasts for between 1 and two days.

During those two days, the bleeding can be described as inconsistent, and you may notice that it stops and starts, or that it is only present on occasions when you wipe.

For the Plan B pill, however, the vaginal bleeding can last much longer.

Some women report experiencing light bleeding or spotting for up to one month after taking the plan B emergency contraceptive pills, which then resolves itself.

Women most commonly report light bleeding or spotting after taking Plan B for around one week.

5) Incidence

In terms of how common each kind of bleeding is- bleeding after Plan B is much more common than implantation bleeding- with only around 25% of women experiencing implantation bleeding.

7) Pregnancy Test

The only way to be certain as to whether the spotting you are experiencing is due to implantation or the Plan B pills is to take a pregnancy test.

You can receive accurate results between 7 and 12 days after successful implantation, so you should wait until then to take a pregnancy test.

If you believe your implantation may have been unsuccessful, why not read our article Implantation Failure Symptoms?

If you decide to take an early home pregnancy test, Clear Blue Ultra Early pregnancy tests are a great choice- making it possible to receive accurate results up to 6 days before your missed period.

When Should I Contact the Doctor About Vaginal Bleeding?

Am i supposed to bleed after taking plan b

As a general rule: if you are concerned, take a trip to the doctor’s office!

If you are experiencing irregular bleeding in between periods, you should consult your doctor to rule out any issues.

If you are experiencing very heavy bleeding that requires more than one sanitary pad or tampon per hour, for several hours, which may or may not be accompanied by severe abdominal pain, you should seek medical help immediately.

Am i supposed to bleed after taking plan b

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Is Plan B supposed to make you bleed?

It's not common, but Plan B can lead to unexpected spotting and bleeding. According to the package insert, Plan B can cause other changes to your period, such as heavier or lighter bleeding or getting your period earlier or later than normal.

How long will you bleed after taking a Plan B?

Some people who take Plan B experience light bleeding or spotting for up to 1 month afterward, and this goes away on its own. Keep reading to learn more about how Plan B works, some possible side effects, and what to do if this form of emergency contraceptive is ineffective.

How do you know if Plan B worked?

If you've taken Plan B, there are no symptoms that will be a sure sign of whether it worked. The only way to know is to wait until your next period or to take a pregnancy test. If you're feeling anxious, you can take some pregnancy tests as early as six days before your expected period date.