Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

You want to visit Fort Lauderdale in United States in february : check the weather and seasonal norms below.

Best time to go to Fort Lauderdale?

Weather in Fort Lauderdale in february 2023

The weather in Fort Lauderdale in the month of february comes from statistical datas on the last years. You can view the weather statistics the entire month, but also by using the tabs for the beginning, the middle and the end of the month.

  • All month
  • Beginning of the month
  • Mid-month
  • End of the month

Average weather throughout february

perfect weather UV index: 6

Weather at 6am

Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february
45% of time

Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Weather at 12pm

Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february
52% of time

Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Weather at 6pm

Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february
53% of time

Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Weather at 3am

Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february


Weather in january in Fort Lauderdale

Weather in march in Fort Lauderdale

Evolution of daily average temperature and precipitation in Fort Lauderdale in february

These charts show the evolution of average minimum/maximum temperatures as well as average daily precipitation volume in Fort Lauderdale in february.

The climate of Fort Lauderdale in february is perfect

The weather in february in Fort Lauderdale is quite dry (with 45mm of precipitation over 2 days). The weather's not getting better compared to the previous month since in january there is an average of 45mm of rainfall over 3 days.

The climate quite good in this city the month of february. The thermometer averaged maximum of 24°C. In the morning the temperature drops to 21°C. Thus, the mean temperature average in february in Fort Lauderdale is 23°C. Note that these seasonal averages are in contrast with those observed in Fort Lauderdale in february with a maximum record of 29°C in 2021 and a minimum record of 7°C in 2009.

In february in Fort Lauderdale, the days on average last 11:18. The sun rises at 06:56 and sets at 18:14.

With good weather conditions, this month is recommended to go in Fort Lauderdale.

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Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

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Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february
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Seasonal average climate and temperature of Fort Lauderdale in february

Check below seasonal norms These statistics are generated from the weather statements of the last years of february.

JanuaryFebruaryMarchOutside temperatureAverage temperature21°C23°C23°CHighest temperature23°C24°C25°CLowest temperature20°C21°C21°CHighest record temperature28°C
(2011)Lowest record temperature4°C
(2010)Number of days at +18°C29 day(s)
(94%)27 day(s)
(93%)31 day(s)
(100%)Sea temperatureAverage sea temperature23.5°C23.4°C24.4°CLowest sea temperature22.2°C21.8°C22.1°CHighest sea temperature24.7°C24.9°C26.6°CWindWind speed23km/h23km/h24km/hWind temperature19°C21°C21°CPrecipitation (rainfall)Rainfall45mm45mm47mmNumber of days with rainfall3 day(s)
(10%)2 day(s)
(8%)3 day(s)
(8%)Record daily rainfall35.7mm
(2019)Other climate dataHumidity78%79%76%Visibility9.82km9.82km9.85kmCloud cover33%30%28%UV index666Daily sunshine hours91111Sunrise and sunsetTime of sunrise07:1006:5606:29Time of sunset17:5118:1418:29Length of day10:4111:1812:00Our opinion about the weather in februaryOur opinion at whereandwhen.netperfectperfectperfect

How was the weather last february?

Here is the day by day recorded weather in Fort Lauderdale in february 2022:


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

19°C to 23°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

21°C to 24°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

22°C to 26°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

23°C to 27°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

22°C to 26°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

22°C to 26°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

23°C to 26°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

21°C to 24°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

18°C to 22°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

19°C to 23°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

21°C to 25°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

23°C to 29°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

20°C to 24°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

17°C to 24°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

20°C to 24°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

23°C to 25°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

23°C to 26°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

23°C to 29°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

22°C to 26°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

22°C to 24°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

23°C to 26°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

23°C to 26°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

24°C to 29°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

23°C to 26°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

23°C to 26°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

23°C to 26°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

24°C to 29°C


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february

22°C to 28°C

Map: other cities in Florida in february

Cities near Fort Lauderdale:

Miami in februaryperfect weatherBoynton Beach in februarygood weatherWest Palm Beach in februaryperfect weatherBiscayne National Park in februaryperfect weatherBig Cypress National Preserve in februaryperfect weatherKey Largo in februaryperfect weatherEverglades National Park in februaryperfect weatherPort Saint Lucie in februaryperfect weatherIslamorada in februaryperfect weatherFort Pierce in februarygood weatherMarco Island in februaryperfect weatherNaples in februaryperfect weatherFlorida in february: See full list of cities

Click over cities on the map for information about the weather in february.


Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february
Fort Lauderdale
Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february
perfect weather
Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february
Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february
Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february
Average temperature in fort lauderdale in february
very bad

Weather data for Fort Lauderdale for february are derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Fort Lauderdale. There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The weather in Fort Lauderdale can vary slightly from year to year, but this data should limit surprises. So you can pack your bags or check for the best time in year to go to Fort Lauderdale.

Is February a good time to visit Fort Lauderdale?

The best time to visit Fort Lauderdale is between December and April. Yes, anytime in that whole half of the year. The warm climate (between the high 50s and mid-80s) makes it an ideal getaway for anyone looking to escape bitter winter temperatures.

Can you swim in Ft Lauderdale in February?

Yes! The water temperature in Fort Lauderdale in february is pleasant. Swimming in february is pleasant in Fort Lauderdale and the surrounding area. The sea temperature is 74°F on average (min/max: 72°F/77°F), allowing you to swim for a long time and enjoy water sports.

What is the coldest month in Fort Lauderdale?

Average Temperature in Fort Lauderdale The cool season lasts for 3.0 months, from December 7 to March 5, with an average daily high temperature below 78°F. The coldest month of the year in Fort Lauderdale is January, with an average low of 62°F and high of 75°F.

Is February the coldest month in Florida?

Florida has a subtropical climate all year long, giving the impression that it is summer all the time. However, February is a bit colder and has more winds than most other months, especially in the northern regions.