Bucky barnes x reader safe word

Bucky barnes x reader safe word

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Inspired by the song Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift feat. The Civil Wars - Doesn’t follow the storyline of Civil War. The Avengers find Bucky, the readers long lost lover.
Warning: angst???
Words: ca 1100

Thank you very much to @heyy-its-meh-world for your support! Your words mean the world to me, so this one is for you! I hope you enjoy it!

“Oh my god, Bucky!”

You’d heard the Avengers return from their mission a few minutes ago, so when you walked downstairs to greet them and take care of eventual injuries, your heart almost stopped as you found a bulky man with a metal arm that was strapped to the wall. There, only 25 meters from you, was Bucky. James Buchanan Barnes, the man you had planned to marry as soon as he would have returned from war in the 1940′s. Only, Bucky never returned. Steve, or, Captain America, told you he’d died as he fell off a moving train, and your heart broke that day.

Trying to follow his footsteps, you let yourself be used as a test object for another Super Soldier Serum. It wasn’t like the one Steve had, it was different. You ended up being a shapeshifter, and you served with Steve in the war until the day the both of you got frozen in ice.

Of course the other Avengers heard your whispered words, and the first to turn was Steve, your best friend. He jogged over to you, wrapping a strong arm around your waist and pulling you into his side. 

“He’s unstable, (Y/N). Hydra fucked with his mind even more than we thought.”

Your eyes were focused on the man you hadn’t seen in decades, tears slowly running down your cheeks as you took in the differences. His hair was long and messy, his cheeks were fallen in, his left arm was replaced by a metal one and his whole posture seemed broken.

Steve guided you closer to Bucky, and you fell to your knees in front of him, trying to catch his gaze, but he refused meeting your eyes.

“Bucky. It’s me, (Y/N). Buck…”

You knew who he was. What he’d done. But this man right now, this was your Bucky, and you knew it. You placed your hands on each side of his face, lifting his head until there was no other choice but for him to look at you. He squeezed his eyes shut.

“You’re not real.”

He whispered, frantically shaking his head as if to get rid of your voice and your touches.

“Free him! Free him now!”

“(Y/N), we can’t… we’re not sure what will happen.”

Tony carefully spoke to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. You knew now why you weren’t allowed on this mission. You couldn’t think straight with Bucky in the room, but having him on display for the whole team by strapping him to a wall almost physically hurt you.

“Please Tony, free him!”

The Avengers exchanged a few worried glances, but they came to the conclusion that if Bucky should lose his mind, they would be able to fight him. Tony and Clint went to the wall, twisting and turning Bucky’s arm before it was free. He fell forward onto his knees and straight into your arms, burying his head in your neck. You shouldn’t see him like this. You shouldn’t see the killer he had become, the monster Hydra created. Out of all the people, you shouldn’t. You were so perfect, you deserved so much more than what he had become.


You whispered, running one hand through his hair as the other caressed his back the way you used to do it when he got scared of what was to come in the war. His body started shaking, and it took you a moment to realise he was crying. His tears stained your shirt as his arms wrapped around your body, pressing you as close to him as you could. It was only with you that he felt safe enough to break down, safe enough to cry and let his true emotions show. Not with Steve, his best friend. No, it had to be you. Only you.

You both sat there, crying and holding onto each other as the others gave you some privacy by exiting the garage. You knew they were just outside, just to be sure, but you didn’t care.

“You’re okay now, Bucky. You’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to you again. It’s okay…”

You tried your best to soothe him, to get his sobs to stop, because every time they raked through his body, another piece of you died, and you had no idea how much longer you could take this. His pain. His sorrow. It was worse than everything you’ve ever felt before. It was worse than thinking he was dead, because his sobs showed you he would’ve rather died that night back in 1942 than become the monster he believed he was.

You somehow managed to manoeuvre the two of you to the wall, where you laid back, limbs entangled with each other as you did the best you could to comfort him. Even when he stopped crying, the emptiness in his eyes was daunting and there was  nothing you could do.

“I love you Bucky. I love you so much.”

You pressed your forehead against his, repeating your words over and over again like a mantra, forcing him to believe you. You knew Bucky. After everything he’d done when under the influence of Hydra, he’d never fully believe you loved him. But he deserved all the love. He, especially, deserved it for everything Hydra made him do. He was a broken man, and there was no way you could fix him with some simple words, but you’d be damned if you didn’t try.

His grip on you stayed tight, and he would turn his head up every  now and then just to make sure it was really you sitting with him. You would held him; you who took care of him. Some lonely tears fell from his eyes every now and then, and his body shook from suppressed sobs, and after a while you couldn’t take it anymore.

You didn’t know what made you do it, but you started humming a song you liked, and after a few seconds you decided to sing to Bucky. Your voice was in no way good, nor have you ever had lessons, but it seemed to work, because he was listening so intently to the words you sang, his tears stopped, and his eyes closed in peace.

Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You’ll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You & I’ll be safe & sound

As you sang the last words to the song, you noticed how Bucky’s breath had evened out and how his grip on you loosened as he drifted deeper and deeper into unconsciousness. His body was still tense and on high alert from years of training, but the longer you hummed and sang, the more relaxed he became. When he was fully asleep, you could see the old Bucky in him. The little boy he used to be, the boy trapped in a grown man’s body, and the man you fell in love with. He was still your Bucky, and even if times had changed, together, you could overcome everything.

Forever Tags:@oh-my-gerd @gallifreyansass  @kapolisradomthoughts@iamwarrenspeace @dairyfarmher9 @shoytai
Marvel:  @feelmyroarrrr​ @thefridgeismybestie @grumpy-grandma @retroasgardian @marvel-fanfiction @smile-sugar  @lovelybluepaper @white-chocolate-mocha-fan
Bucky Tags: @theladyofmanyfandomsofficial@cassandras-musings@superwholockyooooo @ballerinafairyprincess @ccrossfire @superwholocknda @ellisaday @this-is-bucky-barnes  @nerdyandproud9 @bexboo616

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