Can an employer offer health insurance to an independent contractor

1099 Employee & Independent Contractor Group Health Insurance

Do you have multiple 1099 contractors but very few full-time employees? If you give or receive 1099s instead of a W-2 every year, you have likely never been able to take advantage of group benefits. The alternative, 1099 group policies, could be the answer to excellent, affordable health insurance coverage.

Group Insurance for 1099 Employees & Contractors

Group benefits are far less expensive than individual health insurance. The coverage is generally better, and pre-existing conditions and age do not carry as much weight. Qualifying for health insurance coverage is not a question, it’s a given, and that is a relief to people with chronic health concerns and dependents.

Some of the professionals who could benefit from 1099 group insurance policies include:

  • Real estate agents
  • Associations
  • Truck drivers
  • Engineers
  • Hair stylists
  • Freelancers
  • Consultants

Benefits of Group Insurance for 1099 Workers

Any health insurance is better than no insurance. Individual plans, however, are pricey. There is no guarantee that, after going to the effort to find a plan you want, you will qualify for coverage.

1099 health insurance policies have offerings such as:

  • HSA compatible plans.
  • Multiple copay plan options.
  • Dental and Vision insurance options.
  • Eligibility for part-time 1099s.
  • 100 percent of preventive care covered.
  • High-deductible health plans.
  • Contractors can choose their own deductible.

Enroll in a 1099 Group Health Insurance Policy Administered by Experts

Group health insurance is complicated. The administration of a plan requires experience and comprehension of all policies and guidelines. Choose The Benefits Group to aid you in identifying, procuring, and administering your 1099 group insurance policy in many states. The plans we offer are up to 50 percent less expensive than individual plans, and include 6,000 hospitals and other medical facilities.

1099 Health Insurance for Independent Contractors

If you’re a 1099 enterprise, you don’t have the spare time to dedicate to insurance plan management. The Benefits Group does the work for you. Initial and annual enrollments, billing and claims resolution, and any insurance matters will be managed through our consultants.

Allow us to help you identify competitive plans and options for your 1099 employee needs but under a 1099 group insurance umbrella. Contact us today to get connected with a dedicated benefits consultant.

*Requires a Minimum of 5 Enrolled to Quote*

1099 Quote

These days, more and more businesses are making greater use of the independent contractor. There are many scenarios in which using independent contractors makes sense. However, every company and contractor needs to understand its benefits and costs. 

Even in this day and age, not every business owner is fully aware of the differences between payroll employees and independent contractors. There are pros and cons to using one over the other, and this often varies depending on the nature of your business. Experts at The Goodkind Group are familiar with the pros and cons of each, including whether or not it makes sense for your business to offer benefits to your independent contractors.

What is the Difference Between Payroll and Independent Contractor Employees?

In human resources lingo, payroll employees are those employees tax classified as W2 employees. These are employees working 100% for the company that hires them. But, not all payroll employees are afforded the same level of benefits. For example, part-time hourly payroll employees do not necessarily receive benefits as do salaried, full-time payroll employees.

Employers are permitted to demand more from W2 payroll employees with regard to hours and workplace demeanor. Companies that require employees to follow a handbook and report to the office during certain hours will usually hire payroll employees.

In contrast, independent contractors are tax classified as 1099 employees. Technically, they are not employees but instead self-employed workers hired for a project or time period. In some industries, they are known as freelancers or subcontractors. Employers hire independent contractors with an agreement over what the deliverables are and the parameters within which those deliverables will be completed. 

Employers may not require certain work hours, dress codes, etc. from their independent contractors. For the most part, independent contractors can choose whatever work schedule they prefer so long as they complete the work within the assigned timeframe and according to the parameters discussed.

Pros of Offering Benefits to Independent Contractors

It is not necessary that employers offer their independent contractors benefits (such as health insurance) as they would to their payroll employees. In fact, most companies that hire independent contractors do not offer benefits. That being said, there is a small portion of companies that do offer their independent contractors health benefits. recruiters at The Goodkind Group can assist you with understanding the pros of offering benefits to your independent contractors. Here are a couple of the main reasons why.

As a disclaimer, offering independent contractors benefits is not the same as withholding taxes on paychecks or contract payments. It is still the responsibility of self-employed individuals to withhold and pay quarterly taxes when necessary according to federal (IRS) and state requirements. 

Keep the Best Freelancers and Subcontractors Happy and Loyal

In some industries, finding and keeping talent–even freelance talent–can be difficult. As such, companies may not always be able to offer the most money, but it may be within their ability to offer their independent contractors health insurance.

This is a big deal for self-employed individuals. It is very difficult to find a quality, affordable family healthcare plan when self-employed. Independent contractors may be willing to forego the highest paycheck if one of their clients offers them health benefits.

More Employees on a Health Plan Might Mean Better Rates

For some companies, having a larger workforce that they can offer health benefits to actually decreases benefits costs for everyone. If your company already hires a number of people as payroll employees, you could decrease your per-employee benefits cost by including your independent contractors.

Cons of Offering Benefits to Independent Contractors

Overall, most companies choose to not offer benefits to their independent contractors because it generally increases overall costs. It can make a company’s payroll more complicated, and there are also tax implications for both employees and independent contractors. That’s why offering benefits to independent contractors is not for everyone.

More Operating Expense

While in many cases, the cost per employee may decrease, overall operating costs still increase by adding independent contractors to company benefits. If talent is fairly easy to come by in your industry, it may not be in your best interest to include independent contractors in your company benefits packages.

Not All Group Carriers Allow Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (MEWAs)

Not every group plan will allow you to mix payroll employees and independent contractors. If you are interested in offering independent contractors health benefits, it is important that you discuss your intentions with your payroll provider and benefits provider. It could mean that you need to change providers entirely, or you may be looking at a more complicated scenario to work through come tax time.

For more information about how The Goodkind Group can help your company maximize the use of independent contractors, contact a consultant today at (212) 378-0700 or visit our website.

Can a 1099 employee have benefits?

If you are an employer that has 1099 employees, you might be wondering whether you should offer health insurance to these workers. While you are not legally required to do so, you do have the option to provide benefits if you choose.

What is a 1099 health insurance?

Form 1099-H is a federal income tax form required by the IRS. The form is filed by health insurance providers that receive advance payments on behalf of the taxpayer as a recipient of TAA, ATAA, RTAA, or PBGC.

Is it better to be a 1099 employee or w2?

Examples of when a 1099 worker is best A 1099 worker is typically less expensive than a W-2 employee and ready to immediately accomplish a task without any extra training. However, they can usually pick and choose what work they accept — as such, they may not always be available to take on the work you need done.

Do I send a 1099 for health insurance premiums?

Insurance companies are almost without exception corporations and as such are exempted from IRS 1099-MISC filing requirements, except in certain cases unrelated to insurance companies. Therefore, businesses do not need to send incorporated insurance companies 1099-MISCs, nor file related reports with the IRS.

CAN 1099 employees participate in 401 K?

You could also offer access to your group's insurance plans. Access to retirement savings plan: 1099 employees can access their own 401(k) pension plans or your business can offer them a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRA plan, or a Simple IRA.

What are the pros and cons of being a 1099 employee?

Independent contractors have a lot of advantages. They are their own boss, set their hours, and can deduct a lot of business-related expenses come tax time. But there are also some cons, one of which is that they have to pay self-employment tax.


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