Can i get pregnant from precum if im on birth control

Precum doesn’t contain sperm, but don’t get too comfy with it if you’re trying to avoid pregnancy.

Precum doesn’t usually contain sperm, but a small study found sperm in precum.

Basically, when pre-ejaculate fluid travels through the urethra, there’s a chance it picks up any sperm hanging out in the urethra after sex or masturbation.

So, while precum itself doesn’t contain sperm, it can facilitate the transmission of sperm to a partner.

The point: If a “P” is in or anywhere near a “V,” pregnancy is possible. For example, this might affect people using the pull-out method without other contraception.

Precum (aka pre-ejaculate or Cowper’s fluid) is a clear fluid that leaks out of a penis during arousal. It shouldn’t be confused with semen, the sperm-filled fluid released during the “Big O.”

It’s produced by glands in the urethra (not the testes, where sperm comes from) and acts as a natural lubricant to help move things along.

While there hasn’t been a lot of research on sperm in precum (one 2014 research review even noted the lack of studies available), it’s estimated that the risk of a precum pregnancy is low. But low risk doesn’t mean no risk.

Looking at pregnancy rates with the withdrawal method (aka pulling out) is the closest way to estimate your odds of getting pregnant from precum.

Compared to other birth control methods, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says the pull-out method is 78 percent effective if used perfectly (compared to 82 percent for condoms, 91 percent for the pill, and 99 percent for an IUD).

But Planned Parenthood estimates 4 out of every 100 people who use the pull-out method properly will still get pregnant. And considering that most peeps aren’t perfect, the number jumps to 1 in 5 😰.

Sperm can actually live in a woman’s body for up to 5 days. So, even if you’re not ovulating, sperm hitching a ride in precum can wait around for when you do ovulate.

Ovulation typically happens toward the middle of the menstrual cycle, which is about 14 days before you start your next period.

This can vary, especially if you have irregular periods. But generally, you can get pregnant during the 5 days before and the day after ovulation.

So, even if your partner’s pulling out during this fertile window, you might find yourself with a kiddo in 9 months thanks to any lingering sperm in precum.

If you’re worried the pull-out method has failed you, you might want to consider a backup emergency contraceptive (EC).

One popular form of EC is Plan B hormonal contraceptive pills, which you take within the first few days after sex without a condom or other barrier method.

According to Planned Parenthood, some EC pills can be taken up to 5 days after sex. But some pills are most effective when taken within 72 hours. Also, it’s worth noting that effectiveness of emergency contraception decreases with a body mass index (BMI) higher than 30.

Another option is the copper intrauterine device (IUD). A copper IUD is a small, T-shaped form of contraception placed into the uterus. The copper acts as a sperm repellent, making fertilization difficult.

This device can prevent pregnancy if inserted into the uterus within 5 days after sex. As a bonus, it remains an effective birth control method for up to 12 years.

If you think you might be pregnant, taking an at-home pregnancy test can help you know for sure.

Usually the earliest you can take a pregnancy test is the first day after your missed period. But it’s more accurate if you wait a week after your missed period.

You should also give your gyno a call if you think you might be pregnant.

Although precum doesn’t naturally contain sperm, it can still cause pregnancy by transporting lingering sperm to an egg.

To fully prevent pregnancy, account for the risk precum poses if you’re using the withdrawal method. And remember that emergency contraception is an effective option to prevent pregnancy if taken right away.

Sex is great, but it can often be pegged as a taboo topic because of the many unwanted consequences that could come as a result of it. Sometimes it feels like there are so many ways in which sex can go wrong. The condom could break, you could forget to take the pill, or your birth control doesn't end up providing the protection you assumed it would. Sometimes, you may not even use a contraceptive at all, instead opting for the pullout method to protect you. But, as you probably already know, that's not the most effective form of birth control, mostly because of something called precum (or pre-ejaculation as One Medical Provider Dr. Natasha Bhuyan calls it). To learn more about precum and the chances that it could get you pregnant, I talked to Dr. Bhuyan to answer all your burning questions.

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What is precum?

You might be asking, what even is precum? Basically, it's exactly what is sounds like. Precum is the "fluid that comes out of the penis during arousal," Dr. Bhuyan explains, before the sought after orgasm and ejaculation. While it's main intention is to act as a lubricant during sex, precum can carry some sperm, which is where people often run into a problem.

Can you get pregnant from it? What are the chances?

When a couple engages in the pullout method as a form of birth control, they aren't taking into account the sperm that is in precum. So, if you’re having sex with someone who has a penis and it’s removed before ejaculation, precum will have already been released, meaning there will be sperm inside the vagina. Dr. Bhuyan estimates that there is around a 14-24% chance that you can get pregnant from precum, even if you do pull out.

How can you prevent precum from causing an unwanted pregnancy?

The only way to prevent precum (or any cum, for that matter) from causing an unwanted pregnancy is by using a reliable form of birth control. Dr. Bhuyan suggests the pill, an IUD, a patch, or whatever you are comfortable with. She also states that it is important to use a condom "anytime there is contact between the vagina and penis." While this won't completely eliminate you chances of getting pregnant, it will decrease them greatly.

If you have any other questions, reach out to your doctor. They will be sure to help you out by answering even your most embarrassing questions professionally and honestly.

Can i get pregnant from precum if im on birth control

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Carolyn Twersky is an associate editor for Seventeen covering celebrities, entertainment, politics, trends, and health. On her off time, she's probably watching Ru Paul's Drag Race, traversing NYC for the best donuts, or, most likely, enjoying time in her favorite place in the world: her bed. 

How likely is it to get pregnant on birth control?

Contraceptive pill Fewer than 1 in 100 women will get pregnant in a year when using the combined pill correctly. Typical use: around 91% effective.

What are the chances of a girl getting pregnant to Precum?

This means that there is a chance of pregnancy from precum for people who use condoms, especially if they start using a condom after sexual contact has begun. The chance of pregnancy within 1 year of insertion is less than 1% . making the chance of pregnancy from precum very low.

What are the chances of getting pregnant from Precum while not on birth control?

So, if you're having sex with someone who has a penis and it's removed before ejaculation, precum will have already been released, meaning there will be sperm inside the vagina. Dr. Bhuyan estimates that there is around a 14-24% chance that you can get pregnant from precum, even if you do pull out.

How effective is pulling out while on birth control?

So in real life, about 22 out of 100 people who use withdrawal get pregnant every year — that's about 1 in 5. The reality is withdrawal isn't as effective as other types of birth control, but it's definitely better than not using anything at all.