Can you dissolve vitamin c in hot water

Effervescent vitamin C is a unique form of the vitamin that, when submerged in liquid, reacts by bubbling and fizzing. While vitamin C can be taken in other forms and even garnered from natural food sources, some people choose to take this product because of how it tastes, as many people say that it tastes like mineral water. Although it creates a fizzy drink, quality effervescent supplements do not contain any additional acids or sodium, but many do contain additional minerals, such as zinc.

People who have difficulties swallowing tablets or who do not like the taste of chewable vitamin tablets often choose effervescent vitamin C as an alternative. Some manufacturers also claim that this form contains less sodium than other tablets. Many who do not like the taste of chewable tablets have been known to crush them and add them to juice for easier digestion. This does add extra sugar, however.

Can you dissolve vitamin c in hot water
Effervescent vitamin C fizzes and dissolves in water.

Vitamin C is believed to be helpful in boosting the body’s natural immunity against viral infections, as well as helping to fight off illnesses, such as the common cold. Drinks and other vitamin C products are often marketed to parents, especially during cold and flu seasons, as a way to help keep children healthy. While many children may not like the sour taste of traditional pills, effervescent forms of the vitamin may be easier for youngsters to tolerate.

Can you dissolve vitamin c in hot water
Effervescent vitamin C is sold in powder form.

Effervescent vitamin C is usually available wherever health products and vitamin supplements are sold. In some instances, it can even be more affordable when compared to tablets and other forms. This may be especially helpful for people who take vitamin C on a daily basis for its antioxidant effect, which is helpful in preventing a stroke or heart attack and helps lower blood pressure.

Can you dissolve vitamin c in hot water
Although vitamin C may help boost the immune system, large doses may cause headaches and nausea.

While the effervescent vitamin can be added to most liquids, manufacturers only recommend adding it to water to receive the maximum ascorbic acid benefit. In fact, some manufacturers even discourage depositing the vitamin directly in juice since doing so sometimes causes more of a foaming action and may even cause gas in some people. Whether purchased in powder or crystal form, unused portions also must be kept dry so as not to activate the vitamin benefits prior to use.

Can you dissolve vitamin c in hot water

Can you mix this with warm water, or does it work better with cold?

asked on April 29, 2014

Showing 1-10 of 19 answers

You can mix it equally well with warm or cold liquids. I drink it in the morning first thing along with my "without food" supplements and my "with/or without food" supplements. I also take hyaluronic acid which works synergistically with the collagen, but I take it with food later on. Vitamin C also potentiates the action of both the collagen and the hyaluronic acid and I take 5-6,000 mg's of that with food. I also take a super calcium formula with Vit K2. The combination keeps my bones, ligaments and skin strong. If I stop, I get creaky and joint-achy.

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When I'm feeling under the weather I warm up a cup of water, about 3/4 full, and heat it up in the microwave, take it out and put in the Emergen C and then add honey to taste. I LOVE it this way! It feels good on my throat and helps to relieve phlegm and pain in my throat and also helps to open my sinuses. I swear it works better for me this way.

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I have been taking this for years. I add a packet of Emergen-C (powdered vitamin C), I like orange favor. This covers up the taste and I get my vitamin C. I use a hand shaker that is used to mix powered drinks in. The vitamin C gets fizzy and you may need to release the pressure before taking off the lid. I add just about 4 to 6oz. of room temperature water and take it on an empty stomach. Sue Brown Sept. 2017

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No, do not mix it with cold drinks. It clumps up and you drink gel chunks! I even whizzed it in my drink mixer and still chunky. Use room temp or warm liquids!

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I mix it with cool water and some crystal light powder so it's more of a treat. I also use a 16oz. blender bottle to mix it so the clumps disappear. I usually fill with water, add the powders, THEN I put the little whisking ball in to get the powder mixing. Put on the cap and shake it up, sometimes even letting it sit to dissolve. I never end up drinking clumps tho! And it always tastes amazing! Far more affordable than the more expensive pre-flavored Beauty infusions.

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I mix 1 scoop with a glass of V8 juice and stir vigorously with a fork. It dissolves nicely with no lumps. Goes down well (plus the added nutrients of the V8)!

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I mix the powder with the powdered breakfast drink that I have every morning. I put both in the glass, blend them with a spoon, then add my 6 - 8 ounces of nonfat milk. That seems to help it blend better.

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I'm not sure whatever I did I couldn't get the chunks to blend well with anything actually. Personally, I would try warm water, but if that doesn't work try blending it with something other than just water.

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I mix it with some room temperature water in the bottom of a mug, then add hot water to top it off and it dissolves nicely.

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I mix mine in my yogurt every morning. No taste difference.

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Does Vitamin C break down in hot water?

Vitamin C can be destroyed by heat and light. High-heat cooking temperatures or prolonged cook times can break down the vitamin. Because it is water-soluble, the vitamin can also seep into cooking liquid and be lost if the liquids are not eaten.

Is it OK to dissolve vitamin C in water?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. That means it can dissolve in water. It's found in many fruits and vegetables and is a popular supplement.

Is it OK to take vitamins with hot water?

A: You can mix it equally well with warm or cold liquids.

What temperature will destroy vitamin C?

Vitamin C and heat Vitamin C begins to denature at temperatures as low as 86 °F, according to a study in the International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research. The negative effects of heat increase significantly at 140 and even more at 170 °F.