Cold sore corner of mouth home remedy

Also known as fever blisters, cold sores are a common viral infection. They look like small blisters that are filled with fluid and on and around your lips. Many times, these blisters form in patches. Once they break, a crust develops over the sore. Fortunately, cold sores usually go away within two to four weeks and don’t leave a scar. The most painful cold sores are the ones that show up on the cracks of the cheeks and where the teeth hit the inside of one’s lips. They can sometimes be so painful that it brings tears to the eyes.

Many people have reached out to us asking the fastest ways to get rid of a cold sore or if there are any at home remedies that can fix the pain in 24 hours or less.

If two to four weeks seems like a long time or you have an upcoming important event and would like to get rid of your core sore as soon as possible, you may be able to. There are a number of natural home remedies that may get the job done. We recommend you try the following:

  • Tea Tree Oil
  • Ice Cube
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Tea Tree Oil

Dab a bit of tea tree oil on a cotton swab and apply it to the sore directly. Be sure to repeat this several times during the day and before you go to bed. Tea tree oil is a great option because it contains anti-viral properties that kill infection that spread bacteria and expedite the healing process.

Ice Cube

Take an ice cube and hold it on to your cold sore to minimize itching and swelling. Try your best to avoid scratching the sore and repeat this several times during the day. Since an ice cube can reduce swelling, it can make your cold sore heal faster.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Use a cotton swab to apply apple cider vinegar on the cold sore with the cotton swab and leave it one until it dries. Repeat this several times throughout the day. Apple cider vinegar is an antimicrobial agent, which can kills the virus that’s causing infection and provide you with quick relief.

Contact River Run Dental

As with any type of sore or irritation, do not pick at it or rub insistently as this will only make it worse. It is not uncommon for people to lick or rub a cold sore with their tongue. There can be a slight pain that jolts through the skin and sore when doing this but some enjoy the pain. No matter your pain tolerance, understand that licking, picking or rubbing a cold sore is only going to prolong the time it is on your lips. We have heard of some people that actually enjoy this pain and it causes the cold sores to remain longer because they irritate the blister. Do your best to not touch it with your tongue or teeth.

For more information on cold sores and how to get rid of your them, contact our Midlothian, VA dental office. Feel free to call us at (804) 262-1060 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!

Read this article in Spanish here – Cómo deshacerse de las boqueras en 24 horas

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Cold sores are as commonplace as they are irritating -- but often, what we assume is a cold sore might not be one. If you've ever had cold sores that didn't respond to medication designed to treat them, it might be angular cheilitis, a completely different medical condition that looks surprisingly similar.

The good news: It's usually easy to treat, as long as you have the right diagnosis. Here's an overview of what you need to know and what signs to look for to help you tell the difference.

How Are Angular Cheilitis and Cold Sores Similar?

Some people believe that any inflamed spot in the corner of their mouth must be a cold sore, but that isn't always the case. Cheilitis can also be very painful, and just like cold sores, it can form in the corners of your mouth. It may affect one or both sides of your mouth, and it can take two to three weeks or longer to heal, depending on the treatment.

How Are Angular Cheilitis and Cold Sores Different?

Angular cheilitis may mimic cold sores, but there are specific signs you can look for to tell them apart. Cold sores typically begin as an itchy or painful area that turns into one or a group of small, painful blisters. Over time, they may weep, scab over, and finally heal. Angular cheilitis, on the other hand, begins as a patch of dry, irritated or cracked skin at one or both corners of the mouth. If it's not treated early, it can progress into swollen, painful sores that may bleed when you open your mouth.

What Are the Causes of Angular Cheilitis?

The cause of cold sores is simple: a herpes simplex virus. Treatments are fairly simple, too -- either an ointment or antiviral drugs. Angular cheilitis, however, isn't quite so simple. In fact, there are a number of causes that can lead to the same symptoms. These include a yeast infection, the Staphylococcus bacteria, poor-fitting dentures, drooling while you sleep, antibiotics, inflammatory bowel disease, allergies, and deficiencies in iron or vitamins. Even licking your lips too much when they're chapped can lead to the condition.

Do You Need to See a Doctor for Angular Cheilitis?

The treatment for cheilitis depends on the cause. Less severe cases may heal up if you apply petroleum jelly or a thick lip balm to the area. If that doesn't work, you may need to see a doctor, who might take a swab to better identify the cause. You might be given a different type of topical treatment, a hydrocortisone cream, or an anti-fungal ointment or medication. If the cause is a nutritional deficiency, you may need to take iron-replacement pills or specific vitamins. Allergy medication may be needed if there's a contact allergen at work.

If you develop sores in the corner of your mouth, don't worry. Angular cheilitis can typically be treated fairly easily. However, don't be surprised if it returns -- recurrence rates can be as high as 80 percent. Talk to your doctor about what preventative measures you can take to prevent the condition from coming back.

What home remedy kills cold sores?

The 7 Best Cold Sore Remedies of 2022.
Lemon balm..
OTC antivirals..
Aloe vera..
Stress reduction..
Ibuprofen or acetaminophen..
When to call a doctor..

How do you get rid of a cold sore in 24 hours?

Use Ibuprofen to Reduce Pain and Swelling Most of the pain and discomfort caused by cold sores originations from underlying inflammation. NSAID medications like ibuprofen temporarily reduce inflammation so that you can feel better in less than 24 hours, even if that stubborn cold sore hasn't disappeared quite yet.

What causes cold sores on side of mouth?

They're usually caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), and less commonly herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). Both of these viruses can affect your mouth or genitals and can be spread by oral sex. Cold sores are contagious even if you don't see the sores.

Does toothpaste help Coldsores?

According to the Wound Care Society, toothpaste may not get rid of cold sores overnight but can help reduce pain, prevent blisters from forming, and promote faster healing. Most toothpastes contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which can numb the area and help dry out blisters or halt their progression.


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