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Commander in chief katy evans pdf

“We play by my rules now.” —Kit, the new boss Who does Kit Walker think he is? The trust-fund heir waltzes in and wants to boss me around, but if I catch him misbehaving, his father will yank his inheritance. Stalemate, right? Not...

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

A sexy new contemporary standalone romance by New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Katy Evans. You’ve seen the headlines: Womanizing billionaire player! Watch out! Stay away! We were just two strangers. Facing a forbidden...

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Katy Evans comes a sizzling new contemporary romance. He’s won the hearts of millions. But is he willing to lose his? I met the president’s son when we were both young. Matthew...

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

The fourth story in the new adult series that began with the New York Times bestseller Real, featuring Brooke’s best friend, Melanie, and the ROGUE she can’t resist. Greyson King… My boyfriend. My friend. My protector....

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

He wasn’t always this rich. This hot. This difficult. Aaric Christos was a guy who protected me. Wanted me. Maybe even loved me. That man is gone. In his place is the most powerful real estate tycoon in the city. He’s a cold, ruthless,...

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Underground fighter Remington Tate is a mystery, even to himself. His mind is dark and light, complex and enlightening. At times his actions and moods are carefully measured, and at others, they spin out of control. Through it all,...

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Can love really conquer all?—Book Six in Katy Evans’s breakout New York Times bestselling series that began with REAL. Maverick “The Avenger” Cage wants to rise to the top and become a legend in the ring. Though he keeps his...

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Katy Evans, get the bestselling White House books together in one volume. Book 1* Mr. President: He’s won the hearts of millions. But is he willing to lose his? I met the...

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

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Nov 28, 2016 Karen Mc rated it it was amazing

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” ~President Ronald Reagan

Growing up in the Virginia suburbs of DC, I was never a fan of politics, but I had two presidents and political heroes whom I greatly admired: one who was before my time, John F. Kennedy, and one was during my childhood, Ronald Reagan. When I heard these presidents speak, both great

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” ~President Ronald Reagan

Growing up in the Virginia suburbs of DC, I was never a fan of politics, but I had two presidents and political heroes whom I greatly admired: one who was before my time, John F. Kennedy, and one was during my childhood, Ronald Reagan. When I heard these presidents speak, both great communicators, I could not help but feel American pride and positivity surge through me. So many candidates feed us broken promises and are all ‘smoke and mirrors.’ Somehow in the past several years, I lost faith in politics and the presidency.

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” ~President John F. Kennedy

I had not felt that feeling of pride, possibility, and positivity for many years until my one of my favorite authors, Katy Evans, wrote a political romance that started with Mr. President and ended with Commander in Chief. THIS DUET BLEW BOTH ME AND MY ANTI-POLITICAL MIND AWAY! Katy Evans’ Commander In Chief is an intoxicating, inspirational, and passionate-powered political romance that dares you to dream big as you fall in love with one beautiful president and his positive politics. OH DID I FALL SO VERY HARD!

Commander in Chief picked up where Mr. President ended but I felt as if I had never stopped reading this spellbinding story. This political scene with one powerful and passionate president, the breathtakingly beautiful Matt Hamilton, still moved my mind and definitely still had my heart. I WAS STILL ALL IN…still on a high from Mr. President, one that grew into one aching addiction with Commander in Chief.

Adrenaline surged through me while I pounded through Commander in Chief like I was running a race…excited…breathless…fearless…as my heart beat out of my chest to the sweet song of love mixed with a world of possibility. I FELL IN LOVE AGAIN AND AGAIN with the dashing president and his gorgeous first lady in Commander in Chief, adoring Matt and Charlotte more than ever in this story. Patriotic pride beamed bright like a beacon of light—a beacon of faith—as I read these wondrous words filled with so much heart and hope, and passion and promise. Commander in Chief make me feel proud to be an American!

“I drink him up like a starved woman, six feet plus of pure fantasy, all packaged in a real man---beautiful beyond belief. So beautiful, I can’t believe beauty like that exists.”

Oh Matt Hamilton…Mr. President and Commander in Chief…where do I begin?!? This man is beautiful inside and out with his dark, dark eyes, and over six feet of all man. His passion, promise, huge heart, and hope for everything great were inspiring and heartwarming! This man and president are PURE PERFECTION!

“I don’t want to forget that for a little while, Matt Hamilton—forty-sixth president of the United States—was mine.”

Beautiful red-haired and blue-eyed Charlotte Wells grew up with her crush and reunited ten years later, her once lover and now president, Matt Hamilton, but had to let him go months ago so he could pursue his White House dreams and not be distracted by her…though the pain of letting him go eats at her alive every day as it does Matt. Two broken-hearted lovers needed to be reunited so their hearts could become whole.

“I want to be able to kiss you anywhere, anytime I want.”

My eyes teared up with these declarations of love that lit my soul on fire. Oh Matt’s sweet words to Charlotte made me melt like chocolate on a hot day. The Commander in Sweet made me smolder and swoon. I LOVED MATT SOOO MUCH!

“Every time we kiss feels like the first time, but this time feels like it’s the only time.”

Charlotte and Matt’s kisses were a combustible mixture of fire and fate that when fueled by the flames, created an inferno that, once ignited, may forever burn…always there. Their passion was off the charts heat and heart—unbreakable and unstoppable—like their love for each other.

“He takes a moment to look down at my kissed lips—at me. In the way only he sees me, as if he knows my every dream and fare and nightmare, and all I have been and ever will be. As if he knows that I…was and am and will always be his.”

Oh sweet sigh. These words of beauty shone through the pages, words that touched me everywhere: body, heart, mind, and soul.

“I’m in over my head for this girl. Once I thought I couldn’t do both, govern a broken country and have her. But I know now that I will die trying to do both. This is who I am. I’m the president and a man.”

Katy Evans’ Commander in Chief seduced me, as I scorched and swooned, a power play of words that caught every piece of me until I fell so very hard in love. This story rendered me breathless, so full of exhilaration and emotion, where I felt every word…FELT EVERYTHING.

I was powerless to the power of this story, one of politics and passion, one of love and life. This story did not just hit this Virginia gal, this DC area native, and American patriot; Commander in Chief tore at my military wife heart. This story moved me…ALL OF ME.

Oh did Katy Evans’ enlightening and emotionally-entangled words make me BELIEVE! I BELIEVED IN LOVE…I BELIEVED IN POLITICS…I BELIEVED IN THESE FEEL-WORTHY WORDS. I dared to dream and I DREAMED BIG as I pounded through these pages, passion and promise penetrating every piece of me.

Commander in Chief is so much more than a politically-powered romance. It’s heart and hope…inspiration and passion…beauty in words…magic. It’s a dream for the future of America. It’s making every moment count.

Mr. President and Commander in Chief should be every president’s bible. If every president could be non-partisan and positive like Matt Hamilton, voting would be a seamless. Matt Hamilton, while a fictional president, should be real, a model for every campaign and one that would make America’s forefathers beam with pride just like I did while inhaling this brilliant book.

Katy Evans painted Commander in Chief to perfection in a book that’s sheer brilliance from beginning to end. I was besotted as this book buzzed excitement, so full of love and life, blasting big dreams through me. I FELL HARD. I FELL FAST. I FELL IN LOVE WITH EVERYTHING COMMANDER IN CHIEF. Intoxicating and incredible, Commander in Chief COMMANDED ME…every part…JUST EVERYTHING. I LOVED IT ALL. I’m still wrapped up in this dream of a story and I’m still DREAMING BIG.

“You learn something out of everything, and you come to realize more than ever that we’re all here for a certain space of time, and, and then it’s going to be over, and you better make this count.” ~Nancy Reagan

Commander in Chief COUNTS.

★★★★★ but worth 10 ‘dream big’ stars


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

I'm going to keep this review short and super sweet because you already know that I am crazy over Katy Evans and her books! But I just need to say that just when you think it can't get any better than it has, Katy goes and writes a sequel that flat out BLOWS YOU AWAY. A sequel that is so full of sweetness, it makes you swoon just thinking about it. I cannot say enough good things about Mathew and Charlotte. Those two are so perfect it's not even funny.

I really think this series is unique, well w

I'm going to keep this review short and super sweet because you already know that I am crazy over Katy Evans and her books! But I just need to say that just when you think it can't get any better than it has, Katy goes and writes a sequel that flat out BLOWS YOU AWAY. A sequel that is so full of sweetness, it makes you swoon just thinking about it. I cannot say enough good things about Mathew and Charlotte. Those two are so perfect it's not even funny.

I really think this series is unique, well written, and so romantic and sexy. It's got a lightness to it that just draws you in and keeps you there until the last word.

It's everything you want!



I don't know how Katy continues to write these amazing books. But release after release, she slays me! Really FIVE STARS. I highly recommend Mr President and Commander in Chief. You just cannot find any better. It's the most perfect way to take a break from life and lose yourself in the best romance novels around. Hands down. FANTASTIC!


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Jan 04, 2017 Cora Kenborn rated it it was amazing

Katy Evans has my book boyfriend owned heart spinning like a revolving door lately. I fell in love with Matt Hamilton in Mr. President, believing she couldn’t possibly create another character I’d love more. Then, I lost my head and heart to Callan Carmichael in Womanizer. I was anxious to see if Matt had the sequel stamina to win me back.

Oh, win me back he did. Matthew #MadeMyHeartHisAgain

This book was refreshing. There was no drama at the center, just the final chapter of an epic love story th

Katy Evans has my book boyfriend owned heart spinning like a revolving door lately. I fell in love with Matt Hamilton in Mr. President, believing she couldn’t possibly create another character I’d love more. Then, I lost my head and heart to Callan Carmichael in Womanizer. I was anxious to see if Matt had the sequel stamina to win me back.

Oh, win me back he did. Matthew #MadeMyHeartHisAgain

This book was refreshing. There was no drama at the center, just the final chapter of an epic love story that had me swooning for Tux-Matthew, Suit-Matthew, Presidential Seal Jacket Wearing-Matthew, and oh yes, very Naked-Matthew. Commander-in-Chief was everything I wanted in this book and more. The sign of an amazing book is when you finish the very last word and…smile—genuinely smile. As the old saying goes, not because it’s over, but because it happened. It makes you feel THAT good.

Don’t get me wrong, while I swooned, I fanned myself. Evans cranks up the heat factor to about a fifteen in this sequel and has set the bar so high for future book boyfriends for me, it just may be unattainable (sorry, Callan.) Matt Hamilton is everything you want in a hero: smart, handsome, sexy, powerful, passionate, and loves his woman with everything he has. Charlotte and Matt were electric together. There was no need for a vying suitor to show the raw need and heat between these two. It leapt off the page and smacked you in the face.

No break down or spoilers from me, because this is one series you must experience for yourself. The attention to detail Katy Evans put into getting the political and presidential details just right floored me. As always, her way with words just draw you in as a reader and you have to keep reading to see what happens next. This is a love story for the ages and one that will remain in my e-reader as one of the top series ever.

**ARC gifted by author for honest review**


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Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 Commander in Chief, book 2 of 2. After a reckless & forbidden affair intern must face her former boss, the President!
‘You have no idea the amount of cells that become inactive in women’s brains when you walk by.”

Books in White House series should be read in order:
Book 1: Mr. President
Book 2: Commander in Chief

In Mr. President, book 1 (book 1) son of an assassinated President, attorney and head of a real estate empire Matthew Hamilton, Matt decided to run for P

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 Commander in Chief, book 2 of 2. After a reckless & forbidden affair intern must face her former boss, the President!
‘You have no idea the amount of cells that become inactive in women’s brains when you walk by.”

Books in White House series should be read in order:
Book 1: Mr. President
Book 2: Commander in Chief

In Mr. President, book 1 (book 1) son of an assassinated President, attorney and head of a real estate empire Matthew Hamilton, Matt decided to run for President. Non-profit worker and recent college graduate Charlotte Wells grew up amidst Washington politics and has crushed on Matt since his days in the White house.

When Charlotte joined Matt’s campaign as an intern they connected over purpose and message, fought their attraction and attachment yet fell into a reckless and forbidden affair right under the nose of the watchful media and the people who would elect him.

Commander in Chief, book 2 opens up to book 1’s devastating ending. From euphoric highs to their affair falling apart they must pick up the pieces. With time and reflection, they set out the repair their friendship for the sake of the country. The story goes on to follow them as Matt leads the country, attacks issues, implements change and becomes not only the commander-in-chief of a nation but a commandant of Charlotte’s heart.

“I feel like I just got high on a drug called President Hamilton.”

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Eight words to describe Matt Hamilton: Self-assured, determined, commanding, mature, private, compassionate, honorable and captivating.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Eight words to describe Charlotte Wells: Quirky, sweet, levelheaded, lonely, focused, impressionable, stubborn, naïve and loyal.

Commander in Chief, told from dual POVs, is butterflies-in-your-belly romance with Matt wooing Charlotte as a nation of people cannot get enough of him and her and… them. It takes us through the presidency and beyond and had me smitten and ready to cast my vote for Matt Hamilton!

Effortless story-telling! Melt-your-panties hero! Love, purpose, legacy and HEA!

“And on this day, the mystery of our love grows, and I realize that it keeps changing, evolving, deepening with every experience we share, every kiss not given, and every kiss given, every whisper and every word unsaid.”

Hero: ★★★★1/2
Heroine: ★★★★
Plot: ★★★★
Storytelling: ★★★★★
Sexual tension: ★★★★1/2
Sex scenes: ★★★★★
Story ending: ★★★★★
OVERALL RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2
Angst: | LOW FOCUS |
Darkness: | LOW FOCUS |
Humor: | LOW FOCUS |
Kink: | LOW FOCUS |
Romance: | HIGH FOCUS |
Sex frequency: | MEDIUM FOCUS |
Suspense: | MEDIUM FOCUS |

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Thanks to Liz and Kim for buddy-reading amidst chaotic schedules!

ARC provided to me by author Katy Evans in exchange for an honest review.


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Jan 03, 2017 Lea ★ rated it it was amazing

ARC kindly provided by author VIA social butterfly PR.

I am so happy I got a chance to read an ARC of Commander in Chief.
Katy Evans is one of my favourite authors and an auto buy for me.
I did my victory dance when I got it on my Kindle the other day since I loved Mr. President, and couldn't wait to get my hands on the sequel.

So, Commander in Chief picks up two months after the election night, and Matt Hamilton has the inaugural day ahead of him. Yep, he became the youngest president in the his

ARC kindly provided by author VIA social butterfly PR.

I am so happy I got a chance to read an ARC of Commander in Chief.
Katy Evans is one of my favourite authors and an auto buy for me.
I did my victory dance when I got it on my Kindle the other day since I loved Mr. President, and couldn't wait to get my hands on the sequel.

So, Commander in Chief picks up two months after the election night, and Matt Hamilton has the inaugural day ahead of him. Yep, he became the youngest president in the history of United States of America... and a hottest too... but I'll get to that later. He has it all... except the woman he loves and he is aware that some things need to change.

Charlotte spent last two months traveling around Europe, daydreaming about the president-elect and mending her broken heart. She is still convinced Matt is not able to handle his presidency and a committed relationship all at the same time.
They are finally reunited on the night of Matt's inauguration and Matt has a plan to win her back right from the start.
I don't want to reveal too much, so I will stop here, because you have to read it in order to find out more...

This was my first book where hero is a president, so I was really intrigued and loved every second of it. There was no bullshit, no unnecessary drama and hidden feelings. Their relationship and their feelings toward each other were pretty clear right from the start.
I have to say I had a picture of John F. Kennedy Jr. in my mind while reading, because the plot reminded so much of him and what his life would be like if he was still alive.
Plus, wouldn't he be the hottest president USA ever had?

I highly recommend it!


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Jan 02, 2017 Anne Mercier rated it it was amazing

Commander In Chief was everything I'd hoped it would be. No, that's not true. It was so much more. The feelings--my feelings--so intense. The love--super crazy love. In Katy's acknowledgements she mentioned hoping people would be able to "feel this. Just like this." I guarantee you, I felt it.

"I fucking love the hell out of you," he whispers.

I was so afraid, not knowing what was going to happen with the investigation. That's all I'm saying about that... so I don't ruin it for everyone.

His Eyes.

Commander In Chief was everything I'd hoped it would be. No, that's not true. It was so much more. The feelings--my feelings--so intense. The love--super crazy love. In Katy's acknowledgements she mentioned hoping people would be able to "feel this. Just like this." I guarantee you, I felt it.

"I fucking love the hell out of you," he whispers.

I was so afraid, not knowing what was going to happen with the investigation. That's all I'm saying about that... so I don't ruin it for everyone.

His Eyes. I swear they are like the best coffee you will ever have.

The conclusion to the White House duet is fantastic--and not just Matt--though he is so dreamy. I mean D R E A M Y and one hell of a president. Honestly if we had someone like that in office, our world would be a MUCH better place. He is so darn inspiring!

"You have no idea the amount of cells that become inactive in women's brains when you walk by," I say.

I absolutely adore Charlotte. She is everything a First Lady should be--and she supports him, no matter what. Together these two are a formidable force and that makes Commander In Chief one hell of a story.

My Verdict: 5 Presidential Stars

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Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

What a fantastic conclusion, to a great duet 4.5 stars. I loved everything about Matt and Charlotte's tag of war. I felt like I was walking through the halls of the White House in Charlotte's footsteps, and absorbing all the thrills and feels along the way.

Katy has done a remarkable job on this series, I'm a total Manwhore fan, but President Hamilton, well I think he just knocked the Saint off his pedestal.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

What a fantastic conclusion, to a great duet 4.5 stars. I loved everything about Matt and Charlotte's tag of war. I felt like I was walking through the halls of the White House in Charlotte's footsteps, and absorbing all the thrills and feels along the way.

Katy has done a remarkable job on this series, I'm a total Manwhore fan, but President Hamilton, well I think he just knocked the Saint off his pedestal.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
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Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

3.5 Stars!!

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

'Commander in Chief'is the second installment to Matt and Charlotte’s story, conclusion, that I have to admit I was dying to read from the moment I finished the first installment. This second installment, unlike the first was not as thrilling…at least for this reader. However, I enjoyed it! That being said, I have to say that I’m a little disappointed with this one.

He’s the president now, but he’s still Matt. My first crush, my first love. And I know that after Matt, I’ll never wa

3.5 Stars!!

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

'Commander in Chief'is the second installment to Matt and Charlotte’s story, conclusion, that I have to admit I was dying to read from the moment I finished the first installment. This second installment, unlike the first was not as thrilling…at least for this reader. However, I enjoyed it! That being said, I have to say that I’m a little disappointed with this one.

He’s the president now, but he’s still Matt. My first crush, my first love. And I know that after Matt, I’ll never want or love another man again.

This second installment picks up two months after the election night. Matt has won the election, preparing now for the Inauguration. Winning, he became the youngest President of the United States of America in the history, but this win is not exactly everything he’d ever wanted since winning the elections, he was forced to give up on the woman he loves. Two months were enough for him to realize that he needs her more than anything, that he’s too selfish to give her up when he loves her more than anything.

“She is the one relentless, constant thought in my head and tug in my damn chest. The only she that has ever existed in my life.”

Charlotte spent two months traveling around Europe trying to forget about Matt and forget about her love for him. While she was left with a broken heart, she’s happy that Matt had won, believing in him with all her being.

From the moment these two meet again on Matt’s inauguration, they are drawn to each other…again, their feelings for each other being stronger than ever. Their relationship changes when Matt makes Charlotte a proposal she can’t refuse – to be his acting first lady and live with him at the White House.

"I want you. I want you indefinitely-- and eventually, baby, you're going to need to own up to the fact that the man you're in love with is the president, and you helped put me here."

'Commander in Chief' was sweet, sexy and…did I mention sweet? Like I previously mentioned, not exactly what I had expected, so not exactly what I had in mind for Matt and Charlotte’s conclusion. For me this second installment felt like an extended epilogue. Needless to say, I wouldn’t have minded instead of two books to be only one with a long, well done epilogue. Just saying…but this is just me.

Once again, the two main characters were endearing, well portrayed and I absolutely loved them together. Their devotion, loyalty and love for each other were heartwarming and I adored how sweet and tender they were with each other at times. They were perfect for each other in every way and I’m sure every reader out there will think the same as me. Their chemistry once again was fantastically done and the interactions between the characters pretty great.

“You never stopped being mine, and you never will.”

As much as I enjoyed the two main characters and reading about them, I have to say the plot was not exactly as developed as I had expected to be. Overall, the story was well written, but it dragged a little. And the predictability, that btw got on my nerves, made this story to be just an okay read for me. The lack of angst and drama was another aspect that bothered me. I love books that are low in angst in drama, but I truly believe this conclusion would have been more interesting with a little bit of…something…anything. Maybe more action or suspense…well, like I said, something.

Overall, a lovely conclusion to these characters’ story!

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

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Commander in chief katy evans pdf

➳Katy Evans never seems to disappoint, especially in this incredible and dramatic ending to an outstanding story…

➳The ending of Mr. President had me with my jaw opened, because I was NOT expecting there to be a cliff hanger. THAT’S what Katy does to us readers, surprises us with the most unexpected plot twists and endings that you do not see coming. Thankfully,this story is excellently structured in which us the readers can both enjoy and devour at the same time. She brings this story to a w

➳Katy Evans never seems to disappoint, especially in this incredible and dramatic ending to an outstanding story…

➳The ending of Mr. President had me with my jaw opened, because I was NOT expecting there to be a cliff hanger. THAT’S what Katy does to us readers, surprises us with the most unexpected plot twists and endings that you do not see coming. Thankfully,this story is excellently structured in which us the readers can both enjoy and devour at the same time. She brings this story to a whole new other level of knowledge towards our country’s history and what is to come if there were a good presidency in our society taking place.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

➳The story starts off with Charlotte and Matt being away from each other, for a little over two months after Matt’s election winning as the first Independent party President- Elect. Their separation is something that is quite devastating to read due to the fact that Charlotte had already confessed her feelings towards Matt in the previous book. Matt of course, is true goner for this woman and cannot stay away from knowing about her. He has been keeping track of where she has been traveling all over Europe during their two month separation. Just in time for the presidency inauguration, Charlotte comes back to him and he will not let the love of his life go away from his grasp for the second time. Although, now that he is the President, Matthew has a reputation to uphold. Not only does he have to start off his presidency at a correct and positive path, but he also wants to connote the legacy of his father; former President Hamilton. Charlotte though, is every where he goes and in his mind all the time;

”I let the woman I love go because I didn’t want her to go through what Mom went through. And I’ve realized that I can’t do this without her. That I need her. That she makes me stronger. I don’t want to hurt her if it’s my turn to end up here- I don’t want her to cry every night like Mother doe because I’m no longer here for her…”

➳The secrecy about their relationship is what binds this book to the first one, categorizing it as something incredible to read (unless of course you are already a fan of Scandal the TV show…) Matt is still the same, even after two months of being apart. He CRAVES Charlotte’s presence and cannot stand the idea of not being near her- both physically and emotionally.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

➳Something that I wish Katy would have added more of, is Matt’s perspective to this story. I wanted to be inside his head more and see how a presidency winner MAY feel. But overall, this was such a wonderful ending to a conclusion of the first book that I was not expecting- both positively and negatively. This series of two has to be by far one of Katy’s incredible master pieces, because this is one heck of a story to read for those who are looking to take a part of the politics environment with a special side of scandal.

➳Order Links:

ARC kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review, coming closer to release date...


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Jan 04, 2017 Pearl Angeli rated it really liked it

4 Happily Ever After Stars!

"I want you. I want you indefinitely-- and eventually, baby, you're going to need to own up to the fact that the man you're in love with is the president, and you helped put me here."

(I buddyread this book with my lovely sis Bea. Click her name to read her awesome review!)

Katy Evans manages each time to suck me into the story she writes. I loved Mr. President and now after finishing this conclusion of Matthew and Charlotte's story, I am so happy because of

4 Happily Ever After Stars!
"I want you. I want you indefinitely-- and eventually, baby, you're going to need to own up to the fact that the man you're in love with is the president, and you helped put me here."

(I buddyread this book with my lovely sis Bea. Click her name to read her awesome review!)

Katy Evans manages each time to suck me into the story she writes. I loved Mr. President and now after finishing this conclusion of Matthew and Charlotte's story, I am so happy because of their satisfying ending.

In this book, the hot and super swoon-worthy Matthew "Matt" Hamilton is already the President-elect of the United States. Charlotte flew to Europe to stay away from him and try to move on after he won the presidency. But when she returned to witness his first day as a ruler in the States, she wasn't able to deny the fact that her feelings toward him still remain. And when their paths crossed once again, she did not expect him to pull such a shocking proposal to her-- to become his acting First Lady of the United States.

I loved most parts in this book-- especially the scenes where Matt was trying to win Charlotte back and woo her. Despite his busy schedule, he was still able to make time for her, doing his best to make her feel that she's the most beautiful, most worthy First Lady in his heart.

The thing that has awed me most was the loyalty they had for each other. I loved how strong they were together and how tough they were despite some political issues that surround them. Over the course of Matt's presidency, I was afraid that he's going to be destructed while being in love with Charlotte but omg, I was so wrong. He is the man! The best President ever.

Maybe I was looking for a little bit more angst and depth that's why I rated it 4 out 5 but otherwise, I loved how the story turned out in the end. There was a resolution regarding the crime of Matt's father. The final chapters also brought me a whirlwind of emotions as well as the ending which just made me grin from ear to ear. Matt and Charlotte's love story, as a whole, was more than beautiful. They said their lives aren't fairytale. Um, I don't think so. There could never be any more perfect than their love for each other.

"I shed more than my clothes when I'm with her. I shed every preconceived notion of who I should be. My last name, the presidency, everything is gone-- only I remain. A man, flesh and blood, not perfect, but trying his damn best to be, and a man who wants her. Bad."

An ARC was provided by Katy Evans and Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

➦I am sitting here all torn up because I have no freaking clue about how to rate this. I loved the first book. And I loved the main characters. I still love them. I am absolutely sure a lot of people will enjoy this lengthy conclusion to the duet with the happiness overload.

➦Here is what I do know. This book read like an extended epilogue which lacked any sort of conflict or angst. For me, it was a snoozefest. If you are a patient reader and don't mind lengthy descriptions of things like house

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

➦I am sitting here all torn up because I have no freaking clue about how to rate this. I loved the first book. And I loved the main characters. I still love them. I am absolutely sure a lot of people will enjoy this lengthy conclusion to the duet with the happiness overload.

➦Here is what I do know. This book read like an extended epilogue which lacked any sort of conflict or angst. For me, it was a snoozefest. If you are a patient reader and don't mind lengthy descriptions of things like house decor and dinner appetizers then you should be able to enjoy this. I'm just one of those people who need suspense and anticipation to keep me in the book.

➦It felt like I was living beside these two for years. Imagine someone telling you about how they went through delivering a baby. Okay, may be it will keep you entertained for 15 minutes. But then they go on and tell you about other parts of their life like grocery shopping etc. etc. and it feels like may be the baby delivery story WAS a highlight. That's what it felt like for me - the most exciting parts weren't even that exciting.

➦To sum it up: they are the perfect couple, living a perfect life. I certainly don't discourage anyone from reading this, in fact, I thought the first book was excellent. You might also enjoy the sex scenes in this second installment because they were very descriptive and many. I almost feel like this duet should have been a standalone, it would have been a solid 4 star read for me. To rate this second installment on its own is very hard, it's so dependent of a first book. Did I like it? First 50%, yes. The rest just didn't keep my attention.

➦This book isn't BAD, it just isn't a book for ME.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Book two starts off two months after Matt wins the presidency. Charlotte has been in Europe trying to mend her broken heart and Matt has come to a decision concerning his and Charlottes relationship. No longer willing to live without her Matt puts a plan in motion to win her back and keep her forever.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

I enjoyed this one just slightly less than I did the first book. It was missing some of the "illicit affair-falling in love" vibe that the first book had and dragged a little for me especially tow

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Book two starts off two months after Matt wins the presidency. Charlotte has been in Europe trying to mend her broken heart and Matt has come to a decision concerning his and Charlottes relationship. No longer willing to live without her Matt puts a plan in motion to win her back and keep her forever.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

I enjoyed this one just slightly less than I did the first book. It was missing some of the "illicit affair-falling in love" vibe that the first book had and dragged a little for me especially towards the end. This was more a smooth sailing on EVERY front book. And although not a bad thing by any means, I think a little bit more angst or drama or something would have livened this one up for me. It was also very fast moving in terms of their relationship and his years in office. A little TOO fast at times that took away a TINY bit from the relationship for me.

That said, I still enjoyed the heck out of it. It was super sweet and sexy as f@ck. Both characters were very likable and considering politics usually bores me to tears, the author managed to keep me interested through two books loaded with it. So two thumbs up from yours truly.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Jan 02, 2017 ✰ Liz ✰ rated it really liked it

“She is the one relentless, constant thought in my head and tug in my damn chest. The only she that has ever existed in my life.”
Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in Chief is the second book in the White House Series, and this romantic duet MUST be read in order so if you haven't read the first book in the series Mr. President then cease reading this review now and come back later after you have read the first book!

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

"Hamilton holds nothing back from the First Lady."
Commander in Chief picks up a few months after
“She is the one relentless, constant thought in my head and tug in my damn chest. The only she that has ever existed in my life.”
Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in Chief is the second book in the White House Series, and this romantic duet MUST be read in order so if you haven't read the first book in the series Mr. President then cease reading this review now and come back later after you have read the first book!

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

"Hamilton holds nothing back from the First Lady."
Commander in Chief picks up a few months after Mr. President ends, and the stakes could not be higher for our main characters. Matt is now the President, and he is determined to make a difference for America. Charlotte is determined to stay away from Matt in order for him to make that happen. In Mr. President, Matt and Charlotte managed to keep their love affair quiet, but now that Matt is the President, Charlotte knows they cannot be together. As she attends one of his Inaugural events, Matt makes a bold move to bring her back into his life and straight into the White House.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

"Matthew Hamilton, I am so in love with you, I don't know what to do with myself anymore."
Matt makes Charlotte his First Lady and when these two are brought back together there is NOTHING that will tear them apart! Charlotte, not wanting to be a distraction to the cause, is hesitant at first but when Matt makes it clear that he needs her in his life the match is set, and the happy couple becomes America's Golden Couple.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

“She is the one relentless, constant thought in my head and tug in my damn chest. The only she that has ever existed in my life.”
Told in dual POV, Commander in Chief is romantic, sweet, and oh so tender! The connection between Matt and Charlotte is SMOKING HOT, and the emotional connection between the two was rock solid. In the first book in the series, the angst was high as Matt and Charlotte were fighting to hide their relationship. In this follow-up book, we experience the joy and bliss of their connection, and their "coming out" party could not have been sweeter. The tempo of the writing is evenly paced as I fell more in love with these characters and, of course, the passion between Matt and Charlotte is so hot it might just catch your Kindle on fire! Although I was anxious that something scandalous was going to happen, the plot was purely focused on the romance element between the two and their epic happy every after! It was a pleasant read that kept a smile on my face the entire time!

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Overall, I absolutely recommend Commander in Chief to readers who enjoy a sexy, romantic read with strong character relationships. Matthew Hamilton and Charlotte Hamilton certainly get my vote!

***White House Series***

Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf

*This was a BR with my Crazies Sista Kim and my Shhlutty Bestie SueBee*

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

*ARC graciously provided via author in exchange for an honest review!*

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Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf


I really enjoyed this series. 1st book was great too but 2nd book was so much better than that... <3 Please do yourself a favor and read this series asap! You’ll love Matt & Charlotte very much. I felt pure love and joy with them and most important thing their chemisty were perfect. :)

Matthew Hamilton. You are the definition of perfection. You are a perfect friend, perfect boyfriend,(view spoiler)[ perfect husband and father too... (hide spoiler)]
You're simply the best


I really enjoyed this series. 1st book was great too but 2nd book was so much better than that... <3 Please do yourself a favor and read this series asap! You’ll love Matt & Charlotte very much. I felt pure love and joy with them and most important thing their chemisty were perfect. :)

Matthew Hamilton. You are the definition of perfection. You are a perfect friend, perfect boyfriend,(view spoiler)[ perfect husband and father too... (hide spoiler)]
You're simply the best!!! And I love you so much... :)

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

I've waited for this book like air and after receiving the wonderful news of its early release, I was so excited to read the conclusion of this amazing love story.
Matt is now president of The United States and hasn't seen Charlotte in over 2 months, right after the news of his election was released. Because of the complicated situation that Matt was not able to be president and love someone in the same time, Charlotte decided to sacrifice her love for him and put the people's need first.

Of cour

I've waited for this book like air and after receiving the wonderful news of its early release, I was so excited to read the conclusion of this amazing love story.
Matt is now president of The United States and hasn't seen Charlotte in over 2 months, right after the news of his election was released. Because of the complicated situation that Matt was not able to be president and love someone in the same time, Charlotte decided to sacrifice her love for him and put the people's need first.

Of course Matt couldn't stay away much time and he looks for her in order to make a stunning proposition. He wants Charlotte to be his Acting First Lady, in this way having her close all the time. She accepts and you can figure out by now that being separated is not an option for this 2.
I can't say that I loved this book, like I loved Mr. President, but I enjoyed it. For me Mr. President was something very new and raw, but if you ask me, Katy could have written a longer first book and insert Commander in Chief in it. I really didn't get the point of having 2 books when not much happened in the second one.

Yes, maybe I am picky, but I would have preferred to see Matt chase Charlotte more, because from that point on, I didn't see something new add to the plot. There are a very hot couple indeed, their romantic scenes were amazing, as usual, but there were a loooot of pages where Charlotte was talking about her immense devotion and love towards Matt and I just couldn't connect with everything. After a while, reading this all over again, kind of bored me.. a little:)

Not very sure if you understood exactly how I felt and maybe you have another opinion, but that was my mood when I read this book. I wanted it more alert, maybe with some unpredictable moments, but I wasn't surprised by anything in it. The hanging moments from the first book received their closure, but I couldn't shake the feeling that they could have been handled differently.

I enjoyed on the other hand reading more about Matt, seeing him as President and lover, seeing him in control and in his vulnerable moments. Charlotte evolved a lot too, so from this perspective, Katy did a wonderful job in describing out beloved characters.
In conclusion, I am satisfied with the way their story ended, but I just wanted something more to keep me alert all the time, like the first book did.

3 stars :(

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4 stars!

Review at Of Pens and Pages.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

First of all, I'm in love with this duet's covers! Gorgeous! This alternating POV duet was such a joy to read, and it was interesting to find out more about what happens in a presidential campaign. Matt and Charlotte were both lovable characters who showed growth in the span of the two books.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in Chief follows the story two months after Mr. President. Matthew Hamilton is ready to assume office, and he's still in love with Charlotte. Their time apart m

4 stars!

Review at Of Pens and Pages.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

First of all, I'm in love with this duet's covers! Gorgeous! This alternating POV duet was such a joy to read, and it was interesting to find out more about what happens in a presidential campaign. Matt and Charlotte were both lovable characters who showed growth in the span of the two books.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in Chief follows the story two months after Mr. President. Matthew Hamilton is ready to assume office, and he's still in love with Charlotte. Their time apart made him realize how much he needs Charlotte, and now he's going to do everything to have her by his side, not only in the White House, but in his life.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf
I let the woman I love go because I didn’t want her to go through what Mom went through. And I’ve realized that I can’t do this without her. That I need her. That she makes me stronger…”

Shortly after the presidential campaign, Charlotte flies to Europe to distance herself from Matt. She knows that if she stays, she wouldn't be able to walk away. But two months away did nothing to lessen her feelings for Matt. She comes back to the States to cheer him on and to see his inauguration in person. Nothing would have made her miss that special event.

She doesn't realize that when she sees Matt again, he would never want to let her go. And he doesn't. He's done hiding his feelings for her, and now he wants her to be his acting first lady. Most of all, he wants her by his side. He's willing to take things slow for her, but most important is he's ready to go all in.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf
I’m tired of keeping you in the shadows. I want everyone to know that you’re mine. But I know what I’m asking is for you to become even more public, and possibly under scrutiny. I will wait for as long as we need to, but I’m ready to move this forward, Charlotte."

Now that the forbidden romance aspect has been settled, Commander in Chief is fairly angst-free compared to Mr. President. It opens up about Matt's father's assassination, but other than the mystery in the former President Hamilton's death and a few tiny bumps in the road, things sailed smoothly for Charlotte and Matt. Like Pearl said, I would have enjoyed a little bit more angst in there, but other than that, I was pretty happy with this book.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

It was obvious in book one that what Charlotte and Matt have goes beyond their amazing sexual chemistry. They're so attuned to each other's needs and feelings, I kind of feel envious. I was grinning from ear to ear when I was reading about their sweet moments (which this book has more than enough to satisfy anyone). Like the first book, this one has an abundance of sex, and I'm not complaining at all.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

I'm sad to say goodbye to Matt and Charlotte, but it was a pleasure getting to know them. All I know now is that the world would be a better place if we had a president and first lady like Matthew and Charlotte. I want to jump inside the book and live in it. Can we do that?

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

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Commander in chief katy evans pdf

⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 PRESIDENTIAL Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

I have never wanted a fictional character to be the real life President of the United States so much!! “Commander In Chief” was the perfect conclusion to Matt and Charlotte’s story and I couldn’t have been more happier with the outcome.

Picking up right where “Mr.President” left off, Matt has won the election and now is now gearing up for his Inauguration. But with that successful win, comes the devastating loss of losing the one woman he would do anything f

⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4 PRESIDENTIAL Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

I have never wanted a fictional character to be the real life President of the United States so much!! “Commander In Chief” was the perfect conclusion to Matt and Charlotte’s story and I couldn’t have been more happier with the outcome.

Picking up right where “Mr.President” left off, Matt has won the election and now is now gearing up for his Inauguration. But with that successful win, comes the devastating loss of losing the one woman he would do anything for. Never being one to easily give up, Matt is determined to win Charlotte back and make her his first lady.

“This is who I am. I’m the president and a man. She’s the girl I love and the woman I want to spend my life with.

Will Charlotte give in?

Or will Matt become the ultimate bachelor in the White House?

“I don’t want to forget that for all title while, Matt Hamilton-forty- sixth president of the United States was- mine.”

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

It’s been months since Charlotte has felt normal. Trying her best to move on and forget about him, she takes a long over due trip. But distance is just being miles apart from the only man she’s ever loved and she’s now ready to face him. Going to his Inauguration ball is her first step to finally letting go but little does she know, The Commander In Chief has other plans.

I liked that this story explored the Ins and outs of the daily life of the most powerful man and his other half. From trying his best to run the country how he saw fit, to making sure that Charlotte knew exactly where he stood when it came to his feelings for her. This man was not afraid to pour his heart out to the woman who could bring him to his knees and I LOVED that about him.

Another thing I really admired about Matt was that he was protective but considerate, strong when it came to ruling the country, but tender and supportive with Charlotte. Matt wasn’t just a man that said something and didn’t follow through on it, he backed it up with purpose and for that I respected the heck out of him.

If you’re dying to know how Matt and Charlotte’s story will end, then you NEED to one click this on release day because you won’t be disappointed.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

5+ 'Born for me' Stars!

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

7 days in 2017 and already a book rated with 6 stars, what a great way to start the new year! I immediately got reading this book after finishing Mr. President and I thought "It's impossible for this to get better!". Well, I am happy to say I was wrong! Commander in Chief is everything I expected and so much more. This series has blown my mind and given me all the butterflies!

Commander in Chief is the second installment in the White House series and it continues the secret

5+ 'Born for me' Stars!
Commander in chief katy evans pdf

7 days in 2017 and already a book rated with 6 stars, what a great way to start the new year! I immediately got reading this book after finishing Mr. President and I thought "It's impossible for this to get better!". Well, I am happy to say I was wrong! Commander in Chief is everything I expected and so much more. This series has blown my mind and given me all the butterflies!

Commander in Chief is the second installment in the White House series and it continues the secret love between Matt Hamilton and Charlotte Wells. Now he is the President of the United States and Matt is decided to have Charlotte back where she belongs: by his side. This love story is just so beautiful, I am still fangirling all over it! This is now Matt and Charlotte's journey through his presidency and how they keep their relationship working.

He’s the president now, but he’s still Matt. My first crush, my first love. And I know that after Matt, I’ll never want or love another man again.

I loved this new side to the story: seeing all the work Matt does as President, how much he loves his country and how he finally accepts that everything is better when Charlotte is close to him. This story got better, sexier, more intense and definitely, more emotional! If you thought Mr. President was good, you are not ready to fall in love even more with this story while reading Commander in Chief!

“I love you, beautiful.”
“How much? [...]
“Immeasurably, baby. I love you immeasurably.”

And as I said on my review of the first book, this fantastic couple has one of the hottest chemistries I have ever had the pleasure to read. If you thought Matt could not get any sexier, I am glad to inform you that you are wrong! Holy hell, this man is PERFECT and SO FUCKING HOT. My Kindle was burning while reading Mr. President but it burned to ashes with Commander in Chief. I am not kidding! The sex scenes are out of this world, beautifully written and they will definitely get your panties in a twist! I am obsessed with Matt Hamilton, can you tell? ;)

I’m lost. I’m his. I don’t want to be anywhere else, will never be anyone else’s, he’s my guy, my commander, my god.

He fills me as if he doesn’t plan to leave. As if he belongs inside me. As if my body was made to fit every inch of his.

This love story just clicked, again, all my boxes. It has everything that I love: a great and original plot, complex and amazing characters and a couple that make you happy and extremely hot at the same time. I seriously can't get over the chemistry between these two! And the ending, OMG I loved it so much! So adorable and I am so happy about how Matt and Charlotte's love story ended!

I will always choose him.

Therefore, my rating for Commander in Chief is 6 STARS because it could not have been better for me. I love a story that grabs me from the first page to the last and with characters that give you all the feels. Matt and Charlotte have become one of my favorite book couples ever! So yeah, I think I cannot say anything else besides: GO READ THIS BOOK NOW! You will not regret it!


Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

It's simple. It was sweetness overload. I loved how Matthew & Charlotte's story unfolded in this edition, loved the ending. Very easy, angst free read. Again, sweetness overload, in a good way❤❤❤

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

It's simple. It was sweetness overload. I loved how Matthew & Charlotte's story unfolded in this edition, loved the ending. Very easy, angst free read. Again, sweetness overload, in a good way❤❤❤

Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

We're finally back with Charlotte and Matt. Or rather, with Charlotte and Mr. President! ☺
Yup - Matt's the President of the United States of America now.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

And he hasn't seen Charlotte for two months. She ran away to Europe to get away from everything, and to maybe start forgetting about Matt. But of course you can't forget the man you're hopelessly in love with. And Matt didn't forget her either.
He wants her back. And since they can't start a relationship just like that (remember? His campaign sai

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

We're finally back with Charlotte and Matt. Or rather, with Charlotte and Mr. President! ☺
Yup - Matt's the President of the United States of America now.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

And he hasn't seen Charlotte for two months. She ran away to Europe to get away from everything, and to maybe start forgetting about Matt. But of course you can't forget the man you're hopelessly in love with. And Matt didn't forget her either.
He wants her back. And since they can't start a relationship just like that (remember? His campaign said that the country will be his wife) they come up with something different...
Charlotte will be Acting First Lady. Meaning, she'll do the job that would usually be done by a mother or daughter of a single/widowed president.
That way she can be close to him and she can work on her dream of helping people, of doing something great with her life.

But of course they can't stay away from each other for long.

But will the country be just as in love with their new First Lady as Matt is?


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

MATT IS BACK!!! FINALLY! I was so excited to find him on my kindle!

I loved the first book so much and I just needed to know what would happen to our two darlings!
There has to be some way those two can end up happily ever after, right???

And yes, of course. There is. Even if it will be a very public HEA - at least for the next 4-8 years.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves....

Charlotte just moved into the White House and now they have to learn to deal with soooo many things....meetings and events and press conferences and gossip and whatnot. It's not easy dating the President of the United States!

But it's adorable for us readers to read!
I just loved it. The whole cinderella-feel of the whole thing. Ugh.
Every girl wants to be Charlotte - this blogger at least! ☺

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Of course it's not all insta-happy-happy.
They can't just go from dating to married and HEA in a second - in front of the whole world.
But we're sure they'll get there one day soon.
And we're having a great time reading about it!

LOTS of very sexy and adorable and presidentsy moments for us to enjoy until we can finally fly off into our happily ever after sunset on board the Air Force One! ☺

The only horrible thing about the story is....
You come to the last word of the book, you wake up from this amazingly romantic & fairy-talish dream of Charlotte and Matt and their Happily Ever After.... and then ... here in the real word ... there's ... TRUMP ☹ ☹ ☹ Happy 2017!

Were there some tiny things I didn't like about the story?
Hm, not really. Maybe the whole adorableness of the whole book was a bit too 'nice'. I LOVED it. But I'm afraid some readers will find the story too lame, too uneventful, too happy. I think it was great. It's an amazing love story. I don't need unnecessary drama in my romances. I don't need weird misunderstandings and fights. There was mayyybe a tiny little bit too much sexytime in here. And Matt's love for licking on fingers and toes was a bit creepy, but pfff - he's the president - he's allowed to be a little kinky! ☺

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

COMMANDER IN CHIEF was the perfect finale to this amazingly beautiful & exciting & sexy American Cinderella love story!
Run to your nearest amazon to find out if our favorite Mr. President will finally get his Happily Ever After with his First Lady Charlotte!

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf
Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

4 stars <3

This was one of my most anticipated books for this year!I loved so much Mr. President and I couldn't wait to see what will happen between Charlotte and Matt.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

I loved Charlotte and Matt in this book.They were super hot together.You can easily feel their sexual tension and how intense they were!I loved how determined Matt was to have the woman he loves, this make me fell in love even more with his character!

Overall it was a great book,the main reason why I didn't give it 5 stars is becaus

4 stars <3

This was one of my most anticipated books for this year!I loved so much Mr. President and I couldn't wait to see what will happen between Charlotte and Matt.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

I loved Charlotte and Matt in this book.They were super hot together.You can easily feel their sexual tension and how intense they were!I loved how determined Matt was to have the woman he loves, this make me fell in love even more with his character!

Overall it was a great book,the main reason why I didn't give it 5 stars is because even though I enjoy it a lot I thought something was missing.


Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

5 Sugary Sweet Stars

Commander in Chief is part of the White House series by Katy Evans. I love Katy Evans and I love this series. I’m all about presidential theme books and I was dying for this book. Commander In Chief was nothing what I expected but everything I wanted and more.

The book beings two months later from when Charlotte leaves Matt and didn’t you love that ending? I love a good cliff hanger and this one didn’t disappoint.

I was really nervous about this book because I didn’t want to

5 Sugary Sweet Stars

Commander in Chief is part of the White House series by Katy Evans. I love Katy Evans and I love this series. I’m all about presidential theme books and I was dying for this book. Commander In Chief was nothing what I expected but everything I wanted and more.

The book beings two months later from when Charlotte leaves Matt and didn’t you love that ending? I love a good cliff hanger and this one didn’t disappoint.

I was really nervous about this book because I didn’t want to read a book where the two main characters are apart, and don’t you fret, they aren’t. Charlotte and Matt come to terms with their attraction for each other fairly quickly and try to work something out, but it’s not easy when one is the President of the United States.

I really liked the direction and dynamic of this book. I would describe this read very low on angst and high on cuteness. I loved reading about Charlotte coping with being in the public eye and having high expectations for herself. I love it when the book is about the couple against the world.

Matt is busy being the President but that does not take away his feelings for Charlotte. He doesn’t want to be like his father and he tries very hard to be present. I also like the little mystery of who killed Matt’s dad. It was a nice background story.

Overall, I would describe this book very easy, fun and cute to read. I loved reading about the couple and how they cope being in the white house.

And if you wanted to know, YES there will be a book 3, but it’s probably not what you expect. I guess you will have to read and find out.

AN ARC was provided

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Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

I'm going to make this review as quick as possible, this is one of those books where I just don't know how to review because it's character driven but this is why I ADORE Katy Evans writing style she grabs hold of my every nerve ending from page one.

This book picks up straight from Mr President and this is just a story about two people who are meant to be. But it's also a story about power, about strength, about love of a country and hope for their country. I'm not from the USA but I believ

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

I'm going to make this review as quick as possible, this is one of those books where I just don't know how to review because it's character driven but this is why I ADORE Katy Evans writing style she grabs hold of my every nerve ending from page one.

This book picks up straight from Mr President and this is just a story about two people who are meant to be. But it's also a story about power, about strength, about love of a country and hope for their country. I'm not from the USA but I believed in everything they did as a unit. I believed in everything they fought for and craved Matthew Hamiltons attention just like Charlotte did.

Above all LOVE poured through the pages, I couldn't put it down, one page went to another. Then Matt 'Mr President' his strength, his devotion and his love for Charlotte 'oh my' talk about HAWWTTTT they had chemistry that blew up my pages... I Knew just knew they were it...

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

So if your wanting a sexy character driven love story that builds gradually and where you believe in a country and a couple who are devoted to each other in equal measure, then be sure to pick this up. It'll make you thirsty for what they believe in and ultimately believe in family and love.

That is all..

ARC generously gifted in exchange for a honest review

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Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Jan 04, 2017 Nicola rated it really liked it

Commander in Chief picks up in the months following Matthew Hamilton's successful presidential bid. If you've not read the first book, Mr. President, rewind and do so now as this isn't a standalone read.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

This is one of those books that whilst I was satisfied with how it played out and continued to adore the characters, at the same time I was a bit peeved at the predictable path Katy Evans led Matthew and Charlotte down, and her failure to bring anything unique to the table beyond their situation

Commander in Chief picks up in the months following Matthew Hamilton's successful presidential bid. If you've not read the first book, Mr. President, rewind and do so now as this isn't a standalone read.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

This is one of those books that whilst I was satisfied with how it played out and continued to adore the characters, at the same time I was a bit peeved at the predictable path Katy Evans led Matthew and Charlotte down, and her failure to bring anything unique to the table beyond their situation and the general lack of of angst and drama. I expected a little bit more, but that's personal preference and there's no denying Charlotte and Matt are exceptional together.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

And for that reason I can brush my peeves under the carpet because what it lacked in those respects was made up for in other ways. You can't take away the beautiful chemistry Katy Evans has created between these characters: filled with fight, fire, humour, passion and unconditional true love, and irrespective of his position of power and life in the public eye, Matt and Charlotte's hearts belong to one another. They simply can't stay away from one another, and nor do they want to.

"I’m fucking tired of hiding the one thing I personally value aside my job and my country."

Yes I would have liked a little more angst and a little less predictability, but Matt's presence--his charm, charisma, down-to-earth nature, honesty and ability to command the attention of a room--is what stole my heart. And when combined with how much Charlotte grows as their journey progresses, because she herself is a smart, savvy endearing character, Commander in Chief really is an easy-read, captivating story of two people finding their normal in less than normal circumstances.

"I can’t do the first lady against the wall, where are my manners?"

Whilst Matt and Charlotte's story is concluded, there is to be a third book in the series focusing on a different couple within The White House. Looking forward to discovering who that'll be.

Copy received courtesy of Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.

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Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Jan 03, 2017 Dee Montoya rated it really liked it

4 STARS****

(ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review)

Matthew Hamilton is back as the Commander In Chief of our nation, and the owner of our hearts. This deliciously, sexy story takes us through the struggles of this handsome alpha male, as he tries to manage his feelings for the woman he loves and his responsibility and duty to his country.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Matthew Hamilton is continuing his father's legacy now that he has been elected President. He has a lot of love for his nation

4 STARS****

(ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review)

Matthew Hamilton is back as the Commander In Chief of our nation, and the owner of our hearts. This deliciously, sexy story takes us through the struggles of this handsome alpha male, as he tries to manage his feelings for the woman he loves and his responsibility and duty to his country.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Matthew Hamilton is continuing his father's legacy now that he has been elected President. He has a lot of love for his nation and a deep sense of responsibility towards the American people to make our country better. But he also has very strong feelings for Charlotte; an intern that played a big part in his winning campaign. When he was declared winner, he immediately knew he had to give up on his clandestine relationship with her. He knows he has to devote all his time to his job as President and he doesn't think Charlotte deserves to be in second place in anyone's life, not even his.

Charlotte was ready to give up on his love for Matthew. She knows he is the best future for her beloved country, but that doesn't mean that it hurts her heart any less, to have lost the man of her dreams to the American people. She decides to go away to Europe with her best friend after the election. Months later when she comes back, she gets a very special invitation to the Presidential Inauguration Ball.

When Matt and Charlotte see each other again, is like 4th Of July Fireworks; spectacular!!!!!!

One more taste of Charlotte and he knows he can't never again give her up, and as Commander In Chief and the total Alpha Male that he is, he will find a way to be both the President and the man that he needs to be.

Katy Evans has a knack for creating spectacularly romantic stories that take over our hearts. Commander In Chief was everything I was expecting out of this second installment of the story, and more. Get this book today and fall in love with these characters who shows us that politics too, can be sexy...

Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

The story dragged a bit, but it was still a nice predictable epilogue after all this unnecessary drama.

“She went from private citizen to public figure and she’s handled it with grace and style. I’m proud of her.”

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

4.5 Stars
(ARC provided by author)

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Charlotte Wells fell in love with President-Elect Matthew Hamilton while working on his campaign, & then ended things and left for Europe for two months. She didn't see any way they could make things work or be together without causing a scandal now that Matt would be the forty-sixth president of the United States. He needed to focus on his very demanding new job, & she needed to try to move on. Problem was, she missed him horribly and time did nothing to les

4.5 Stars
(ARC provided by author)

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Charlotte Wells fell in love with President-Elect Matthew Hamilton while working on his campaign, & then ended things and left for Europe for two months. She didn't see any way they could make things work or be together without causing a scandal now that Matt would be the forty-sixth president of the United States. He needed to focus on his very demanding new job, & she needed to try to move on. Problem was, she missed him horribly and time did nothing to lessen her feelings for the beautiful man that owned her heart.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Matt Hamilton has it all, except the one person his heart desires most, the stunning redhead that consumes his thoughts. He reluctantly let her go, but has recently decided there's no way he can live without her in his life. He was worried his life would hurt her in the long run, but he just can't give her up. She's returned from Europe to attend his inauguration, & he plans to convince her to be with him.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

Matt will devote himself to his country, but he won't sacrifice his relationship with Charlotte. He wants her with him at the White House & makes it happen. He wants to give her everything she deserves, but also wants to be a president his father would have been proud of.

Charlotte has tried to keep her distance from Matt, but she just can't do it anymore. She'll do anything to be close to him. They decide to take things slow & navigate this unique relationship that is void of privacy and normalcy if revealed to the public. They are still very much in love & dying to have each other again on an intimate level.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

-He's the president now, but he's still Matt. My first crush, my first love.

-My heart will always beat for him.

-It's as if he's lit me up, this man. And nothing I do can dampen the fire he ignites in me.

-"I want you. I fucking need you in my life, Charlotte."

-"I want to give you everything."

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

I really enjoyed this book & love this couple together. Matt & Charlotte are on fire! Super hot! They make a fabulous team in & out of the bedroom. They both want to make a difference & love their country, but are also crazy about each other & want a life together. They juggle life in the public eye & try at the same time to carve out special moments for themselves as a couple.

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Commander in chief katy evans pdf

3.5 Stars

Let’s start with what I absolutely loved about Commander in Chief – the main characters, the relationship development and progression, the steam level, and most of all I haven’t made it a secret that I love Katy Evan’s writing style. Her larger than life heroes are MAGNIFICENT and Mathew Hamilton is no exception.
The feelings and emotions exhibited by her characters are some of the best I’ve read. This book is a study in love that transcends all and out of this world chemistry between t

3.5 Stars

Let’s start with what I absolutely loved about Commander in Chief – the main characters, the relationship development and progression, the steam level, and most of all I haven’t made it a secret that I love Katy Evan’s writing style. Her larger than life heroes are MAGNIFICENT and Mathew Hamilton is no exception.
The feelings and emotions exhibited by her characters are some of the best I’ve read. This book is a study in love that transcends all and out of this world chemistry between two lovers.

The main characters are nearly perfect. Mathew is the gold standard of sexy alpha-male heroes. He’s the most powerful man in the country, but remains sweet and down to earth. Charlotte is strong, likeable, and relatable. They rocked!

The writing is top notch. It pulls you in and sweeps you off your feet.

With all that said, this book didn’t excite me like Mr. President. It was too easy – a little too perfect. I kept waiting for a conflict that never came. I imagined an assassination attempt, public backlash, kidnapping, a baby delivery scare, and countless other dramas. However, none came.
Because of that, I was left wanting. That’s the crux of my conflict, folks. Maybe I was in a drama llama mood when I read it. That’s doubtful, but I’ll go with it. What I do want to say is this review is my honest opinion. It may be unpopular, but it’s true.

So, here’s what I’ll say to those wondering if I recommend this book, the answer is maybe.
If you read book 1, absolutely – finish what you start.
If you haven’t started the series but love pure romance with no angst or drama – absolutely. This is your jam!
If you need a little more bite to your romance and haven’t started the series, this is an enjoyable read, but may not be for you.

To end my rambling, my opinions of the author haven’t changed. Katy Evans is one of my favorites and I’m looking forward to her future projects. Overall, this duet is an enjoyable read.

**ARC received for an honest review**

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4.5 Stars

Review @ Vanilla & Spice Books

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

“She’s the light. Walks on water”

Two months have passed since Matt has been elected and his inauguration is about to happen when we reunite with him and Charlotte. He hasn't been able to forget his girl and after a lot of second-guessing his decision to not continue his relationship with her he finally decided to go after her, damn the consequences.

“I have met the most wonderful girl. Do you remember I told you about her on my last vis
4.5 Stars

Review @ Vanilla & Spice Books

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

“She’s the light. Walks on water”

Two months have passed since Matt has been elected and his inauguration is about to happen when we reunite with him and Charlotte. He hasn't been able to forget his girl and after a lot of second-guessing his decision to not continue his relationship with her he finally decided to go after her, damn the consequences.

“I have met the most wonderful girl. Do you remember I told you about her on my last visit? I let her go. I let the woman I love go because I didn’t want her to go through what Mom went through. And I’ve realized that I can’t do this without her. That I need her. That she makes me stronger. I don’t want to hurt her if it’s my turn to end up here— I don’t want her to cry every night like Mother does because I’m no longer here with her. Or cry because I’m across the country and she needs me and turns around to find out I’m gone. But I can’t give her up. I’m fucking selfish, but I can’t give her up.”

Charlotte went to Europe to get over Matthew Hamilton and was just as unsuccessful. Now she is back and while she is hurting she can't help but watch with pride how Matt is sworn in. Coming face to face with him again at the inaugural ball leaves Charlotte reeling. A piece of paper changes ownership and ten minutes later she is alone with Matthew Hamilton, now the President of the United States, after two long months.

I was so looking forward to the continuation of this epic love story. You just can't help and root for them. Charlotte is a classy girl with so much kindness in her heart. Soon she begins to understand what it means to be the President of the United States, the sorrow that comes with it, the unpopular decisions, the secrets that have to be kept for the greater good. She goes above and beyond to help Matthew that he can do his job.

Matthew is determined to do everything to make Charlotte his. They still are hiding their love for a while, not for Matt's benefit this time, though, but for Charlotte's. He gives her time and room to come to terms with all the aspects and consequences which come with the job.

“I’m tired of keeping you in the shadows. I want everyone to know that you’re mine. But I know what I’m asking is for you to become even more public, and possibly under scrutiny. I will wait for as long as we need to, but I’m ready to move this forward, Charlotte.

Matt is oh so swoon-worthy. He loves Charlotte unconditionally and the feeling is mutual. And this is where my problem lied. I loved this story, I loved how commanding, hot and all in Matt was. I loved Charlotte's kind heart, her determination and backbone. She enables him to be himself with her, to shed the job and just be the man.

But again, the constant repetition of how much in love they were with one another was a tiny bit too much and kept me from giving this a full 5 stars. In the end I couldn't help but roll my eyes every time it came up. I'm a hopeless romantic and this story was indeed romantic but damn...that "I'm so in love with him", and his "I want to worship this woman" just started to grate on my nerves a bit. I also would have loved to get a little bit more of Matthew's side. The scales tipped more in favor of Charlotte in this regard.

There is a lot of sex in this book, some might think a little bit too much. The main character's sexual chemistry was off the charts and Charlotte and Matt set my Kindle on fire.
Overall this was a worthy and wonderful conclusion to this series and if you love real romance in your books, the one that makes you swoon and sigh and gasp, you need to read this.

I shed more than my clothes when I’m with her. I shed every preconceived notion of who I should be. My last name, the presidency, everything is gone— only I remain. A man, flesh and blood, not perfect, but trying his damn best to be, and a man who wants her. Bad.

Commander in chief katy evans pdf

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Commander in chief katy evans pdf


Commander in chief katy evans pdf

I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I buddy read this book with my lovely sis Pearl --> click to read her wonderful review :)

Matt Hamilton is officially the President of the United States. It's been two months since the Presidential election and the last time he saw Charlotte. She left the country to have some space after he won. Given with huge responsibilities to serve the country, there are sacrifices must be done. He thought being on a relationship with her wo

I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I buddy read this book with my lovely sis Pearl --> click to read her wonderful review :)

Matt Hamilton is officially the President of the United States. It's been two months since the Presidential election and the last time he saw Charlotte. She left the country to have some space after he won. Given with huge responsibilities to serve the country, there are sacrifices must be done. He thought being on a relationship with her would make things difficult while he's the President. However, letting go of the woman he fell in love with is a mistake. He's determined to win her back and this time, he'll never lose her again.

Charlotte Wells returned and was invited to attend the Inaugural ball. It made her miserable not to be with him. When she saw him in the event, it brought back all the moments they shared. It turns out the feeling is mutual and they want to work their relationship out. He wants her as his First Lady and the last woman he'll ever loved.

In this book, we get to see their life in the White House and their sweet, sexy romantic moments. Oh my god, the sexual tension between them is SO FREAKING GOOD I LOVE IT.

I love the direction of the story and I find it better than the first book. I'm so invested with it that it kept me awake at night. I love their character and relationship development. Both are admirable, passionate and responsible as public servants and in private life. They have a wholesome relationship by working as a team and maturely handling tough situations with patience and understanding.

Commander in Chief is a wonderful conclusion to Matt and Charlotte's story. They got a happy ending they deserved and there are no loose ends. Hands down to Katy Evans I can't wait for the upcoming books in this series!


Katy Evans is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Her debut REAL shot to the top of the bestselling lists in 2013 and since then 10 of her titles have been New York Times bestsellers. Her books have been translated into nearly a dozen languages across the world.

***Katy doesn't respond to messages on this site, but you can email her at

Katy Evans is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Her debut REAL shot to the top of the bestselling lists in 2013 and since then 10 of her titles have been New York Times bestsellers. Her books have been translated into nearly a dozen languages across the world.

***Katy doesn't respond to messages on this site, but you can email her at or look her up on Facebook, Twitter, or her website.


Twitter @authorkatyevans



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Hail to the new queen of political romance! Katy Evans makes the White House sizzle with Commander in Chief. She answers your questions about...

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