Croup cough how long does it last

Croup is an illness that is usually caused by a virus. The tissues of the windpipe (trachea) and voice box (larynx) become swollen. The swelling narrows the trachea, which makes it harder for air to get into the lungs.

It often starts as a “cold.” Croup can cause a barky cough or hoarse voice and is usually worse at night.

Croup occurs most often during the fall and winter seasons, but it can occur year round. It usually affects children 3 months to 5 years of age. Croup is contagious (can be spread to others). A child can get croup more than once.

What You will Hear and See

At first, your child may have a stuffy or runny nose and may have a low fever. As the swelling gets worse, he or she will get a barky cough and his voice may sound hoarse.

When your child breathes in, you may hear a "crowing" or a high-pitched squeaking sound, called stridor. He may also breathe very fast or have retractions. Retractions are when the skin of the child’s neck or ribs pulls in when breathing in. Your child may become frightened or upset.

What to do

There is no medicine that will get rid of the virus, but you can do some things to help your child breathe easier until the infection goes away.

  • Stay calm and try to keep your child calm. Crying and tension can trigger coughing.

  • Offer fluids to keep him hydrated.

  • Have him breathe in cool night air (dress appropriately) or humidified air.

  • Avoid exposing your child to tobacco smoke or other irritants.

Call 911 or go to the emergency room if your child’s lips or face turns bluish, if he is working hard to breathe, cannot speak or drink, or is drooling.

Treating Croup with Medicines

  • If your child is uncomfortable or has a fever, medicines such as ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®) or acetaminophen (Tylenol®) can be used. Follow the dosing directions for your child. See Helping Hand HH-I-105, Fever for more information.

  • Avoid over-the-counter cough medicines. They do not help and may cause harm.

  • If your child goes to the hospital or to urgent care, he may be given a steroid treatment and watched for a few hours to see if his breathing improves. Steroids help reduce the swelling and thus make breathing easier.

  • Since croup is a viral illness, antibiotics would be ineffective and are unnecessary.

When to Call the Doctor

Call the doctor if your child:

  • Gets worse

  • Has stridor constantly when resting

  • Is less than 1 year old with stridor or a croupy cough

  • Seems to not be able to catch his breath

  • Cannot speak because breathing is so difficult

  • Drools and cannot swallow his saliva

  • Has trouble swallowing liquids and refuses to drink

  • Skin is blue around the mouth or fingernails during coughing

  • Has nonstop coughing

  • Has retractions after each breath and his chest hurts

  • Is very tired and difficult to wake

  • Croup cough lasts more than 10 days

If you have any questions, please call your health provider.

Croup (PDF)

HH-I-19 4/78, Revised 3/17 Copyright 1978 Nationwide Children’s Hospital


Croup is typically diagnosed by a doctor. He or she will:

  • Observe your child's breathing
  • Listen to your child's chest with a stethoscope
  • Examine your child's throat

Sometimes X-rays or other tests are used to rule out other possible illnesses.


The majority of children with croup can be treated at home. Still croup can be scary, especially if it lands your child in the doctor's office, emergency room or hospital. Treatment is typically based on the severity of symptoms.

Comfort measures

Comforting your child and keeping him or her calm are important, because crying and agitation worsen airway obstruction. Hold your child, sing lullabies or read quiet stories. Offer a favorite blanket or toy. Speak in a soothing voice.


If your child's symptoms persist beyond three to five days or worsen, your child's doctor may prescribe these medications:

  • A type of steroid (glucocorticoid) may be given to reduce inflammation in the airway. Benefits will typically be felt within a few hours. A single dose of dexamethasone is usually recommended because of its long-lasting effects.
  • Epinephrine also is effective in reducing airway inflammation and may be given in an inhaled form using a nebulizer for more-severe symptoms. It's fast acting, but its effects wear off quickly. Your child likely will need to be observed in the emergency room for several hours before going home to determine if a second dose is needed.


For severe croup, your child may need to spend time in a hospital to be monitored and receive additional treatments.

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Lifestyle and home remedies

Croup often runs its course within three to five days. In the meantime, keep your child comfortable with a few simple measures:

  • Stay calm. Comfort or distract your child — cuddle, read a book or play a quiet game. Crying makes breathing more difficult.
  • Provide humidified or cool air. Although there's no evidence of benefit from these practices, many parents believe that humid air or cool air helps a child's breathing. For moist air, you can use a humidifier or sit with the child in a bathroom filled with steam generated by running hot water from the shower. If it's cool outside, you can open a window for your child to breathe the cool air.
  • Hold your child in a comfortable upright position. Hold your child on your lap, or place your child in a favorite chair or infant seat. Sitting upright may make breathing easier.
  • Offer fluids. For babies, breast milk or formula is fine. For older children, soup or frozen fruit pops may be soothing.
  • Encourage rest. Sleep can help your child fight the infection.
  • Try a fever reducer. If your child has a fever, over-the-counter medicines, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), may help.
  • Skip the cold medicines. Over-the-counter cold preparations aren't recommended for children of any age, and can be harmful in children less than 2 years of age. Plus nonprescription cough medicines won't help croup.

Your child's cough may improve during the day, but don't be surprised if it returns at night. You may want to sleep near your child or even in the same room so that you can take quick action if your child's symptoms become severe.

Preparing for your appointment

In most cases of croup, your child won't need to see a doctor. However, if your child's symptoms are severe or aren't responding to home treatment, you should call your doctor.

What you can do

Before your appointment, make a list of:

  • Your child's symptoms, including how long they have been occurring, what if anything makes them better or worse
  • Any medication your child is taking, including over-the-counter medications, vitamins, herbs and other supplements, and their dosages
  • Questions to ask your child's doctor

What to expect from your doctor

Your child's doctor will likely ask a number of questions to help determine the best course of treatment:

  • What are your child's symptoms?
  • Has your child had a fever or difficulty swallowing?
  • How long has your child been experiencing symptoms?
  • Has your child's cough become progressively worse? If so, how rapidly?
  • Have you noticed a pattern to your child's cough? For instance, does it get worse at night?
  • Has your child had croup in the past?
  • Has your child recently been exposed to other sick children?
  • Does your child have any other medical conditions?
  • Are your child's vaccinations up to date?

Your doctor will ask additional questions based on your responses and your child's symptoms and needs. Preparing and anticipating questions will help you make the most of your time with the doctor.

Oct. 02, 2021

How do you break up a croup cough?

Lifestyle and home remedies.
Stay calm. Comfort or distract your child — cuddle, read a book or play a quiet game. ... .
Provide humidified or cool air. ... .
Hold your child in a comfortable upright position. ... .
Offer fluids. ... .
Encourage rest. ... .
Try a fever reducer. ... .
Skip the cold medicines..

Will croup cough go away by itself?

Most croup will go away by itself, but parents should steer clear of treating croup with over-the-counter cough or cold medicines. “They cause significant side effects,” says Dr. Giuliano.

How long should a child with croup stay home?

Children with croup should be considered contagious for three days after the illness begins or until the fever is gone. Croup is usually mild, although it is possible for symptoms to become severe and life-threatening.

When should I be concerned about croup cough?

Croup is usually mild and treatable at home. However, it's an illness that can quickly become serious. Severe croup can cause breathing difficulties in general but if your child's skin “caves in” around their neck or ribs when they try to inhale, you should seek urgent medical treatment.