Dabi x reader he makes you cry

A/N: I tried my best to try and interpret this request and make something I thought would be interesting using all the conventions you mentioned. I hope you enjoy what I came up with. Also, REQUESTS OPEN!

Dabi x reader he makes you cry

It was a rare occurrence that the winged hero would finish his patrol early, he often worked long hours from the morning long into the night before he crawled into his bed for a few hours of precious rest before getting up to repeat. However, he found himself having a lucky day with minimal incidents he needed to be involved in and ultimately found himself wasting his time more than anything. So he decided to go home for much needed R&R, keeping his sidekicks paged in case of an incident they could call him in.

More than anything he was excited to come home to his girlfriend, (Y/N), who was often asleep when he came flying in through the balcony window. Sometimes she tried to stay awake to greet him but would either have passed out before he came home in the early hours of the morning, or would be too exhausted to have any real fun. Now, he was on his way to their apartment at 8:00 PM with plans of ordering some chicken and watching a movie.

When Keigo landed on the balcony, a smile on his as he planned a fun little evening when he could hear sniffling coming from their shared bedroom. His first instinct was to rush inside and see what was wrong, but as he was about to slide the door lightly, he noticed it was locked. (Y/N) never locked the balcony so he would always be able to fly in at night. She hadn’t wanted him to come inside, so he hid behind the wall and looked through the glass door to find her burying her face into a pillow and felt his heart ache.

He watched her for a minute or two, wondering what could have upset her, and why she would lock the balcony from keeping him from catching her.

Keigo didn’t stay on the balcony watching for too long, instead he tried his best to return his smile and continue his light-hearted personality as to not alert her as he flew to the living room balcony and slid the door open.

“Hey, Dove! I’m home!” he announced.

He could hear her panic from the bedroom, the door was closed and most likely locked as she bustled off the bed and probably flipped her pillow over. When she spoke, he could hear how raspy her voice had become from her sobbing. “I’m coming!” she responded, opening the door.

Her eyes were bloated and red from crying, despite her best efforts to hide her face before and her attempted smile, he could still see the lines of where he tears had stained her face. It was heart shattering, his own smile faltered, fighting every urge to embrace and comfort her. Instead he wandered why she was hiding this from him, he thought they were being honest with each other.

“What are you doing back so early?” she asked, trying to hide her desperate and frantic tone, clearly having thought she would have enough time to continue crying before he came home. How often did she do this and he would slid into their bed unwise to how much she had suffered hours earlier?

“Patrol was cut short,” he responded, “why? Are you not happy to see me?”

She shook her head, she walked over and placed a light kiss on his cheek, “of course not, I’m just surprised. I’m always glad to have you to myself for a few extra moments before sharing you with the rest of Fukuoka.”

“Then what do you say I order us some chicken and we watch a movie until we pass out?” he asked, stepping back to move his feathers around to remove his coat and rubbing the back of his nape, a carefree expression on his face.

“Sounds great,” she grinned, although he could tell there was a certain lack of enthusiasm that she usually had, “but I get to choose this time.”

As she went to the TV to pick out a movie, he excused himself to the bedroom to change out of his hero costume. He looked around the room for any clues to what was happening. (Y/N) had always been a little withdrawn from people, she was never keen to go out with friends, she didn’t mind how little time he had for her, or any of his distance behavior. It made her appealing to Keigo, he didn’t need to worry that he was neglecting her, she was independent.

But independent people didn’t cry their eyes out into their pillow and then leave the room to pretend as if nothing happened to have a movie night with their boyfriends. Everything seemed so methodical. She hadn’t just flipped the pillow, she had changed the sheet as well, and hiden the evidence. This wasn’t the first time, he guessed. Which meant there probably wasn’t a high chance he would be able to get her to talk tonight about it. He needed more information.

Luckily Keigo was also good at pretending that everything was alright even when it verifiably weren’t. He changed his clothes and ordered the food before returning to the living room and sliding behind (Y/N), and he felt her slightly pull away before falling back into his touch. He tried his best to enjoy the movie night, but all he could do was look at her face. She seemed distracted enough, but he wondered what she was thinking about. After the third movie and eating a whole bucket of chicken, she fell asleep in his arms, a small pout on her face. He used his feathers to turn off the TV and throw away the trash while he carried (Y/N) back to the bedroom.

Placing her down as carefully as he knew how, he studied her face, the puffiness around her eyes had faded but he was sure they stung when she blinked. He kissed the corner of her eye as he climbed in beside her, wrapping his arm around her to make room for his large wings by sleeping on his stomach. She moved around a bit to be more comfortable.

“K-Kei?” she mumbled.

“Sorry I woke you, Dove.”

“No, my pillow’s just not comfortable,” she whined, moving to rest her head on his pillow instead, causing him to move her hair around.

“Well that’s what happens when you replace the comfortable pillow case with the scratchy old ones,” he responded, yawning a bit.

She turned to look at him with wide eyes. Without having to say a word, even in the dark, he could read her completely. He had a talent for this. Her questions were all clearly present: wondering how he knew, what he knew, how long he knew, where had she gone wrong covering it up this time, and what excuse she could use. Or maybe she was trying to come up with an explanation, he wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt because she was his dove.

He looked at her seriously, “I saw you crying your eyes out when you locked the balcony today. I wanted you to calm down before we talked in case I was the reason you were upset, in case it turned into an argument. So all I want to know if why you were crying and why you tried to hide it from me.”

She looked down at her hands playing with the covers, shamefully. 

“It has nothing to do with you,” she admitted.

“Then what was it?”

“It’s just my own issue, don’t worry about it,” she dismissed, although her voice betrayed her, clearly he had reinvoked whatever had hurt her.

He leaned in closer, his nose lightly brushing against her, “(Y/N), if we’re going to be together, we could be honest with each other. The secrecy and casualness of our relationship was great and all, but if you can’t tell me about what makes you cry and you hid from me rather wanting comfort, than this is going to get one sided pretty soon.”

She knew he was right. Despite being the number two hero, he had tried his best to welcome him into his life, worked with her boundaries just as much as his own to make her happy. When they decided to move in together he sold his apartment so they could have a place to call both theirs, he always sent her the kindest text messages and flowers when he was having a busy week so she knew he was thinking of her, he even told her his real name. 

Sometimes he looked at her like he loved her, a hopeful thought she tried to repress. How could he love her? He was so perfect and (Y/N) was a mess.

“I just feel like…I’m not good enough, like I could disappear nothing would change, no one would notice,” her voice croaked, tears starting to roll down her cheeks as she tried to bury her face into the pillow case put two firm hands kept her head facing him. She started to cringe her face, wanting to hide away from his beautiful golden eyes staring at her with tinges of sadness.

“That’s not true,” he tried to calm her, caressing her cheeks softly. 

She shook her head and she sobbed, “I try to be nice and helpful, but I keep getting treated like complete crap. I don’t have people who adore me like you, Keigo, I don’t have hero friends or workmates that admire me.” She closed her eyes, trying to pull away from his soft grasp, “and sometimes I feel like I’m just counting down the minutes until you move on to someone better.”

He leaned to rest his forehead against hers as the room sat silent with only her sobs to be heard. He wanted to keeping talking, to refute the idea that he would ever leave her, list every reason why she was perfect in his eyes and how everyone who made her feel insignificant was an idiot, and how much he loved her, but he knew words weren’t what she needed. So he held her close, wiping her tears away and whispering silent reassurances that she would be okay.

Once she had calmed and all her tears dissipated, her moved her to look him in the eyes with the most serious expression she had ever seen from her boyfriend. “I’m never going to want anyone more. I just want you and that includes this. I love you, (Y/N), and only you,” he whispered.

She brushed her nose against his, taking a deep breath, “I love you too.”

Dabi x reader he makes you cry


His head was resting against the wood of the door. His eyes remained fixated on the crack between the door and floor and the lights illuminating it. The sensation of wood against his forehead was hard and uncomfortable. But he was focused on the sounds of gentle weeping coming from the bathroom.

He had always been a light sleeper, so when he noticed (Y/N) was awake and on her phone, he paid no mind until she quickly left to the bathroom. At first he dismissed it as your average bathroom trip in the middle of the night, but he grew suspicious after several minutes passed and you didn’t return. Than a thought entered his mind as he tried to drift back to sleep. Could she be pregnant? And suddenly all hope of sleep vanished.

Dabi got of of bed to confront you, but when he reached the door all he heard was weeping. It wasn’t a shit I’m knocked up sob, it was the kind of broken sob that he was all to familiar with. It was the kind of crying that used to echo throughout his former home to the point where he was no longer able to discern between hers, his, or his own. But he never expected to hear it here.

So he stood there, imagining her seated on the floor, or toilet, or in the bathtub crying her eyes out in a way she was too afraid to do with him sleeping beside her. He wasn’t around a lot, and so he had never noticed her getting up to cry in the middle of the night. Dabi tried to recall anything insensitive he had done or said that would make her like this. Despite his villainous ways, he felt disgusted with himself if he was the reason she was crying the way his mother used to.

But he knew it was because of those messages she had been reading.

He pushed his head off the wall and quietly walked over to the phone resting on her nightstand and entered her password. Dabi had learnt her password months ago in the beginning of their relationship to make sure she wasn’t colluding with heroes or the police. He went to her recent messages for the source why she was so distraught.

Only to find a barrage of insults and hate from some bitches whose names were saved in your phone, you must have known them personally then.

Dabi was surprised- despite what his somber face may have betrayed, that some people could be so cruel to someone as kind and loving as his (Y/N) who managed to even be so caring to a villain like him. He placed the phone down, remembering their names and searched for them on her phone and social media. They used to be friends of hers, and now they were making excuses to exclude her and insult her despite all the kindness she had given them.

Listening to the sound of her tears and how fragile she sounded after having been used and then so viciously attacked by people she trusted, it made him sick. It made him angry. No one got to make his (Y/N) cry like that. He scrolled through their online profiles, each one so stupid as to constantly post their locations. He turned off the phone and returned it to his place.

He laid back into bed as the door clicked open, and (Y/N) flicked the lights off. She walked over and was thankful to find Dabi still sound asleep as she tried to quietly and gently laid beside him. When she was no longer looking at him, he opened his eyes to look at her cowered in the corner. Usually he would have enjoyed the personal space, but he found himself uncharacteristically reaching out, trying his best to seem asleep, and pulled her to rest on his chest.

(Y/N) seemed surprised at the feeling of burnt-skinned arm wrapping around her and dropping her on his smooth chest, before he passed out, but she cuddled herself into Dabi and whatever comfort she could get from him.

As true to form, Dabi left early in the morning to do whatever it was that he usually did, and (Y/N) would sleep in a few more hours before getting up to go to work. She didn’t expect to see him again for a few days or weeks. She knew he was bound to leave at some point, Dabi wasn’t exactly the committed, take-home-to-meet-your-parents kind of guy. But she missed the warmth of his skin.

Instead of leaving like he usually did, moving around Japan freely until the league called him in or he decided he wanted to see (Y/N). 

When he wanted to feel her soft lips on his charred skin, her hands running through his hair, and the kindness of her (e/c) eyes. 

Which was exactly the kind of sentiment that had him following around three girls from a coffee shop they always take photos within and in front of. Dabi tried his best to follow from the shadows and waited for the opportunity where they found themselves walking down an alleyway for the convenience that would be their mistake. Because he was there waiting for them.

“Excuse me, ladies,” he spoke up, cornering them. 

The three turned around, surprised and then mortified as he removed his hood and glasses to reveal his stapled, burnt skin. They were about to scream as he brought bright blue flames to his hand and they were scared silent, but they started to shake with fear, and trying their best to slink away.

“I wouldn’t try that. You could scream for help and maybe a hero or two will get here, but the closest agency is thirty minutes drive away, and even if one was on patrol close enough to here you, there is a lot of things that can happen to you in a few minutes. So maybe we try it my way first, ladies?”

He took their scared silence and stillness as confirmation.

“Good, then let’s begin, shall we? You girls look like you have so much to do today and I’ve got other appointments to see to,” Dabi stopped his flames, a smirk spreading on his lips. “So I’ll be forward- why are you so cruel?”

“Whaa-” one of them blubbered.

“Don’t give me the crying girls act, I’ve seen the way you treat people with no heart. How you can treat the kindest people like shit and then go out for lattes.”

“I don-”

“Does it make you feel good about yourself to hurt others?”

“Ple..please,” another plead.

Blue flames ignited in his hands, he was sure by pure probability that at least one of them had a quirk and yet they cowered waiting for one of their heroes to come and save them. But there were no heroes, there was only them and Dabi but they were so conditioned into believing their heroes would always be there that they weren’t even trying to save themselves. It was pathetic.

“Because it feels great to watch you cower, so I can get it,” he glared down at them, “normally I wouldn’t have bothered with something as pointless as this, but thanks to you girls I didn’t get any sleep last night. Forced me to relive some painful memories. So I’ll make an exception for you three.”

The girls screamed, and it took heroes seven minutes to arrive on the scene, and by that time Dabi had been long gone, hidden in the crowd.

When (Y/N) returned home, her phone was blowing up and after the previous nights messages, she decided to silence her phone and ignore the various police reports being sent to her about former acquaintances of hers. She opened the door to her apartment and sighed, being able to just relax after another awful day when she was greeted by another surprise.

“Hey, you’re back,” his voice announced, as he was laying on the couch from a nap he had been to lazy to sit up from. “You bring back groceries?”

“Dabi, what are you doing here?” she asked, dropping her bag and jacket to the ground as he slowly stood up from the couch and sauntered over.

“Had some unfinished business to attend to,” he responded, being as vague and mysterious as always. He walked in front of her and leaned a hand over to shut the door before one of her neighbors noticed the villain in her apartment or they heard him very loudly say his name. “Did you miss me already?”

“Not as much as you clearly missed me,” she snarked.

He shrugged, leaning down to press a passionate kiss, hands moving to possessively frame her face as she melted into his touch.