Derivative of y with respect to x calculator

Enter the function and variable to find the derivative using derivative calculator.


Differentiation Calculator

Differentiation calculator is an online calculus tool that finds the derivative of a given function. This derivative calculator can perform explicit differentiation with just one click.

Our differential calculator shows the solution with steps in a couple of seconds. 

Derivative – Definition

Let f(x) be a function whose domain contains an open interval at some point x0. The function f(x) is said to be differentiable at x0, and the derivative of f(x) at x0 is given by:

Derivative of y with respect to x calculator

In other words, derivative measures the sensitivity to change of the function value with respect to a change in its argument. The reverse function of derivative is known as antiderivative.

Derivative of y with respect to x calculator

How to calculate derivative?

To differentiate a function, you can use d/dx calculator above. Let’s calculate the derivative of 1/x to grasp the basic idea of derivation.

As 1/x = x-1

We will use product rule (refer to below rules).

d/dx (x-1) = -1(x-2) = - 1/x2


Find the derivative of (x+7)2.


Step 1:Apply derivation symbol.

Derivative of y with respect to x calculator

Step 2: Apply power rule.

Derivative of y with respect to x calculator

Derivative of y with respect to x calculator

Derivative of y with respect to x calculator

Derivative of y with respect to x calculator

Some functions need second derivative to complete the process of differentiation. You can use our second derivative calculator in this case.

Derivative rules – Formulas

Rules Name Rules
Constant Rule d/dx [k] = 0
Power Rule d/dx [xa] = a * xa-1
Sum Rule [f(x) + g(x)]' = f'(x) + g'(x)
Difference Rule [f(x) - g(x)]' = f'(x) - g'(x)
Product Rule [f(x) * g(x)]' = f'(x) g(x) + g'(x) f(x)
Quotient Rule

[f(x) / g(x)]' = [f'(x) g(x) - g'(x) f(x)]/[g(x)]2

Chain Rule If f(x) = hg(x)
f'(x) = h'(g(x)) * g'(x)
Trigonometric Derivatives d/dx cos(x) = -sin(x)
d/dx sin(x) = cos(x)
d/dx tan(x) = sec2(x) = 1 + tan2(x)
Derivative of e^x (Exponential) d/dx e^x = e^x
Logarithm Derivatives

d/dx a^x = ax ln(a), a>0
d/dx ln(x) = 1/x, x>0
d/dx logx(x) = 1/(x ln(a)), x>0

Use our derivative calculator with steps to differentiate the functions according to the above rules of differentiation. Here are some examples of deriavtive solved by our differentiate calculator.

Function Derivative of the function
derivative of x 1
derivative of 3^x 3x * ln(3)
derivative of x^2 2x
derivative of x^1/2 1/x1/2
derivative of 5^x 5x * ln(5)
derivative of x/2 1/2
derivative of x^e e * xe-1
derivative of 1/x -1/x2
derivative of 2x 2
derivative of 2 0
derivative of x^x xx(ln(x) + 1)
derivative of x^-1 -x-2
derivative of 2^x 2x * ln(2)
derivative of 4^x 4x * ln(4)

You can cross check the above resut by using our derivative calculator.


  • Khan Academy. (n.d.). Derivative – Definition. Khan Academy
  • Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, August 28). Differentiation rules. Wikipedia. 


How do you find the derivative of y with respect to x?

Given y = f(x) g(x); dy/dx = f'g + g'f. Read this as follows: the derivative of y with respect to x is the derivative of the f term multiplied by the g term, plus the derivative of the g term multiplied by the f term.

What is the derivative of y?

The derivative of y is a function of x squared with respect to y of x.

What is the derivative of y with respect to t?

The chain rule tells us that the derivative of Y with respect to T is going to be equal to the derivative of Y with respect to X times the derivative of X with respect to T.

What is dy dx calculator?

Implicit differentiation calculator is an online tool through which you can calculate any derivative function in terms of x and y. The implicit derivative calculator with steps makes it easy for biggeners to learn this quickly by doing calculations on run time.