Driving directions to kitty hawk north carolina

View a map with driving directions using your preferred map provider: Google Maps, Bing Maps, or MapQuest. You can use DriveDistance.com to find out how far is it to drive from Kitty Hawk to Raleigh with full directions.

More trip calculations

Driving time from Kitty Hawk, NC to Raleigh, NC

How long is the drive from Kitty Hawk, NC to Raleigh, NC? The total driving time is 3 hours, 22 minutes.

Your trip begins in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. It ends in Raleigh, North Carolina.

If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from Kitty Hawk, NC to Raleigh, NC.

You can also calculate the cost to drive from Kitty Hawk, NC to Raleigh, NC based on current local gas prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage.

If you're meeting a friend, you might be interested in finding the city that is halfway between Kitty Hawk, NC and Raleigh, NC.

Planning to fly a plane instead? You might be more interested in calculating the flight time from Kitty Hawk, NC to Raleigh, NC.

Driving time calculator

Travelmath helps you find the driving time based on actual directions for your road trip. You can find out how long it will take to drive between any two cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes. This can also help you plan the best route to travel to your destination. Compare the results with the flight time calculator to see how much longer it might take to drive the distance instead of flying. You can also print out pages with a travel map.

View a map with driving directions using your preferred map provider: Google Maps, Bing Maps, or MapQuest. You can use DriveDistance.com to find out how far is it to drive from Kitty Hawk to Washington with full directions.

More trip calculations

Driving time from Kitty Hawk, NC to Washington, DC

How long is the drive from Kitty Hawk, NC to Washington, DC? The total driving time is 4 hours, 24 minutes.

Your trip begins in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. It ends in Washington, District of Columbia.

If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from Kitty Hawk, NC to Washington, DC.

You can also calculate the cost to drive from Kitty Hawk, NC to Washington, DC based on current local gas prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage.

If you're meeting a friend, you might be interested in finding the city that is halfway between Kitty Hawk, NC and Washington, DC.

Planning to fly a plane instead? You might be more interested in calculating the flight time from Kitty Hawk, NC to Washington, DC.

Driving time calculator

Travelmath helps you find the driving time based on actual directions for your road trip. You can find out how long it will take to drive between any two cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes. This can also help you plan the best route to travel to your destination. Compare the results with the flight time calculator to see how much longer it might take to drive the distance instead of flying. You can also print out pages with a travel map.

Find driving directions to the Outer Banks of North Carolina from all major cities, plus information on Ocracoke Island Ferry, nearby airports.

Driving directions to kitty hawk north carolina

Driving Directions to Outer Banks

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Traffic delays can be a drag. Plan ahead, find alternative routes, and avoid peak travel days. Weekend rule of thumb in the summer season is be on and off the island by 9:00am to avoid possible delays and backups.

Use this map of Kitty Hawk as a guide to learn the area, main roads, and directions around the island. Mileage chart and estimated driving times to Kitty Hawk, NC

Kitty Hawk, NC | Outer Banks

Directions to Kitty Hawk, NC

All rights reserved. Map images on this website are copyrighted and may not be used or reproduced without permission. Contact us to request use.

Google Map | Kitty Hawk, NC

The Outer Banks is as far east as you can go without getting wet. With that simple truth in your back pocket, locate the direction you're coming from below and read our easy-to-follow instructions. They're guaranteed to alleviate the need to stop and ask.

Is Kitty Hawk worth visiting?

Kitty Hawk's location and numerous features make it a perfect getaway for exploring North Carolina's Outer Banks. Additionally, the diverse attractions make the area an ideal place for family-friendly vacations.

What is Kitty Hawk NC known for?

Kitty Hawk became world-famous after the Wright brothers made the first controlled powered airplane flights at Kill Devil Hills, four miles (6 km) south of the town, on December 17, 1903.

Is Kitty Hawk NC in the Outer Banks?

Kitty Hawk is on the northern Outer Banks, just north of Kill Devil Hills (which is considered the most central of the towns on the north/south-oriented Outer Banks) and just south of Southern Shores.

Is Kitty Hawk NC nice?

On the Outer Banks of North Carolina and part of a string of barrier islands, Kitty Hawk is steeped in history and known for its natural beauty. In each island town, travelers will find fine art, dining and history coupled with great beaches and adventure. Water hideaways provide refuge for wildlife.