Essential oil blends for depression and anxiety

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In this post: Feeling stressed and filled with anxiety? Here are 7 calming essential oil blends to use for anxiety and depression. 

Calming essential oil blends are a wonderful way to help lessen your stress or feeling of being anxious. In this post, I’m sharing 7 oil blends are great for helping you to feel more relaxed and calm, plus how to use them.

Essential oil blends for depression and anxiety

Grab your essential oils and create a calming oil blend to help take the edge off your anxious mind.

  • Which Essential Oils are Good for Calming
    • Here are the most helpful essential oils for anxiety:
  • 3 Ways to Use Essential Oils For Calming
    • 1. Rub Directly on Skin
    • 2. Inhale
    • 3. Diffusing
  • 7 Essential Oil Blends for Calming and Stress
    • 1. Peace and Calming
    • 2. Exhale
    • 3. Uplifting and Relaxing
    • Great blend to diffuse in your home or  office. Within a few minutes of deep  breathing in your oil blend you will feel that weight lift off your shoulders. Plus it leaves the room smelling amazing.
    • 4. Minty Fresh Blend
    • 5. Focus And Relax
    • 6. Center Your Mind
    • 7. Cozy And Re-Focus Blend
  • What’s next?
    • What is your go-to blend for calming when it comes to essential oils?

Which Essential Oils are Good for Calming

If you are a fan of essential oils you might already know how awesome they are for so many things.

From making your home smell fresh and clean, soothing a tummy ache to disinfecting naturally. But did you know there are a handful of essential oils that are wonderful for for calming you down?

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Here are the most helpful essential oils for anxiety:

  • lavender
  • ylang ylang
  • grapefruit
  • orange
  • lemon
  • bergamot
  • frankincense
  • peppermint
  • lemongrass
  • clove 
  • cedarwood

My favorite brands of essential oils are NOW, Aura Cacia and Plant Therapy. You can usually find all of these on Amazon, which is where I get most of the essential oils we use in our house. Occasionally, I will buy other brands. 

If you have babies or pets, always double check which essential oils are not safe to use with them. 

You will find that you have options in terms of how you choose to use your oils to relieve stress. I will give you options below and you can decide what fits your needs the best.

1. Rub Directly on Skin

With a diluted oil mixed with a carrier oil, you can massage your essential oils directly on the skin. This is a quick and easy way to get those oils to work.

Many look at massaging oil on the wrists, behind the ears, back of the neck, and more. Depending on the oils you might decide what fits you best.

You will be able to smell the oil blend but it also soaks into your skin, helping to soothe and relax your body and mind.

Essential oil blends for depression and anxiety

2. Inhale

One method that is very popular is adding the oils in palm of your hand and rubbing your hands together. Then lift up and inhale the vapor (NOT the oils themselves) directly.

You will get a stronger concentrated smell that can work fast at calming your mind. The only thing to watch with this method is once you are done to wash your hands.

I only say this because you don’t want to forget oils are on your hands and then you touch your eye or something. It can sting and hurt, especially if you’re using an oil like peppermint.

You could, of course, alternatively, just remove the lid from your essential oil bottle and inhale the scent that way. 

Essential oil blends for depression and anxiety

3. Diffusing

Using a diffuser is an amazing way to fill your room or home with a relaxing and calming aromatherapy.

Add your oil blend and then just carry on working or lay down for a bit to clear your mind.

Want to know more about diffusers? Read Essential Oil Diffusers 101 – Everything You Need to Know to Get Started. 

No matter what choice of way to use your oils, I think you will find this helpful.

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7 Essential Oil Blends for Calming and Stress

Here are some really amazing oil blends that help you to relax but also smell pretty amazing too.

1. Peace and Calming

This is a wonderful blend to help calm and center your mind. It can relax and soothe an anxious mind. A great one to use at night as you lay down to sleep to diffuse.

  • 2 drops Lavender
  • 1 drop Ylang Ylang

2. Exhale

A mood booster but also a quick way to exhale all that worry and racing of your mind. The citrus is fantastic to help
stimulate your mind and the Bergamot will relax the mind.

  • 3 drops Grapefruit
  • 2 drops Orange
  • 1 drop Bergamot
  • 1 drop Lemon

3. Uplifting and Relaxing

Great blend to diffuse in your home or  office. Within a few minutes of deep  breathing in your oil blend you will feel that weight lift off your shoulders. Plus it leaves the room smelling amazing.

  • 2 drops Frankincense
  • 2 drops Bergamot
  • 1 drop Lemon

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4. Minty Fresh Blend

A fantastic blend for inhaling from your palms. You can also massage onto the neck, wrists, or diffuse. If you diffuser you might do 3 drops each. The peppermint can sooth and the Orange will be a nice boost in your mood.

  • 2 drops Peppermint
  • 2 drops Orange

5. Focus And Relax

A really fantastic blend to diffuse for your morning focus time or mid-day when you need to clear your mind from the stress and worry.

  • 3 drops Lavender
  • 3 drops Frankincense
  • 1 drop Peppermint

6. Center Your Mind

Re-center your mind with this soothing and relaxing blend. This is awesome for  diffusing or making a roller ball to  massage on your points.

  • 3 drops Lemongrass
  • 2 drops Lavender
  • 1 drop Orange

7. Cozy And Re-Focus Blend

Another blend that will have you feeling warm and cozy. A fantastic blend that is so aromatic you can’t help but breathe deep and soak in the relaxing mood.

  • 2 drops Clove
  • 2 drops Orange
  • 2 drops Cedarwood
  • 1 drop Lemon

What’s next?

Do you want to use essential oils in your home more, but feel like there’s so much info out there? 

Check out The Complete Guide to Using Essential Oils in Your Home packed with everything you need to know to – without the overwhelm.

Includes: which grades of essential oils to use, which ones to avoid for pets and babies and the top 13 essential oils that are perfect for beginners. Plus, recipes and tips for making your own home remedies, soaps, scrubs and cleaners and more. 

Essential oil blends for depression and anxiety

Essential oil blends for depression and anxiety

What is your go-to blend for calming when it comes to essential oils?

Essential oil blends for depression and anxiety

Essential oil blends for depression and anxiety

What essential oils are best for anxiety and depression?

In this article, we will introduce to you the best essential oils for depression and anxiety that may help with the stress relief..
Bergamot Essential Oil. ... .
Jasmine Essential Oil. ... .
Lavender Essential Oil..
Vetiver Essential Oil. ... .
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil..

What essential oil is good for depression?

Some of these oils are:.
sweet orange..

What smell helps with depression?

The following essential oils might be helpful:.
clary sage..

What is the best essential oil blend for anxiety?

According to a 2006 study involving nurses, inhaling a blend of ylang ylang, lavender, and bergamot lowered stress and anxiety levels, blood pressure, heart rate, and serum cortisol. We like the ylang ylang oil from Plant Therapy because it's undiluted and 100 percent pure.