Faint positive pregnancy test but feel like period is coming

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posted 4 years ago in Pregnancy

Post # 1

Faint positive pregnancy test but feel like period is coming

34 posts


  • 4 years ago
  • Wedding: January 2019

Hi bees,

Since yesterday I’ve had faint positives. I definitely feel pregnant so I believe it. But last night and this morning I’ve had cramps that felt like period cramps. Not exactly… because normally right before AF my cramps are in my lower back and more acute, and these are in the front and mild-moderate. But should I be getting cramps like this at this point? It can’t be implantation because I already have a positive test, correct?? Also if I sneeze or stretch weird it feels like my uterus is going to rip in half. 

I’m currently 12-13dpo and I felt what I believe to have been implantation cramping from 6-9dpo and then stop until last night. 

Post # 2

Faint positive pregnancy test but feel like period is coming

667 posts

Busy bee

  • swissbride
  • 4 years ago
  • Wedding: January 2010

With my first pregnancy I cramped a lot in the first two months, just things growing and stretching..I had a happy & healthy pregnancy. It sounds like this to me…try and relax…yoga helped me loads! When can you confirm everything with your doctor?

Post # 3

Faint positive pregnancy test but feel like period is coming

3283 posts

Sugar bee

  • Twizbe
  • 4 years ago
  • Wedding: July 2011

Cramping in early pregnancy is very common. It’s just your uterus stretching and starting to grow. If you get blood and cramps then you should see a doctor, but cramps alone are ok. 

Post # 4

Faint positive pregnancy test but feel like period is coming

2004 posts

Buzzing bee

  • Equine_Breeder
  • 4 years ago
  • Wedding: October 2013

Totally normal!!

Post # 5

Faint positive pregnancy test but feel like period is coming

253 posts

Helper bee

  • sweetmama
  • 4 years ago

I cramped on an off around 1.5 weeks before I found out I was pregnant until around 2 weeks after. Definitely felt like period cramps at times. I think as long as you’re not bleeding, there should be nothing to worry about. 

Good luck X 

Post # 6

Faint positive pregnancy test but feel like period is coming

9721 posts

Buzzing Beekeeper

  • slomotion
  • 4 years ago
  • Wedding: City, State

Cramping is incredibly common in the first trimester. It’s kind of a shock cause no one ever mentions it.

Post # 7

Faint positive pregnancy test but feel like period is coming

2260 posts

Buzzing bee

  • lahela017
  • 4 years ago
  • Wedding: September 2016

I’m currently 29 weeks and I too had a fair amount of cramping in the first trimester.  It’s upsetting because you automatically associate it with your period, but rest assured it’s very normal.  The concern is when you have both cramping and bleeding.

Post # 8

Faint positive pregnancy test but feel like period is coming

1225 posts

Bumble bee

  • PaperQueen
  • 4 years ago
  • Wedding: December 1995

 Totally normal.  

Post # 9

Faint positive pregnancy test but feel like period is coming

381 posts

Helper bee

  • erinmarie0685
  • 4 years ago

Cramping is very common and a sign of pregnancy. 

Post # 10

Faint positive pregnancy test but feel like period is coming

1 posts


  • Cheyking97xo
  • 2 years ago

It’s Very strange how the Body Works. Around Three Days Ago I start feeling a little off  My nipples Were Itchy, Tingly, And So Sore To Touch, The first Thing That Popped In My Head Was, “GUUUUURLL ARE YOU PREGNANT”?. So I took A Test. I thought  It was Nothing Even though I Swore I Saw Something! But I Was like maybe my eyes Are playing With me. I have been extremely tired And very crampy But those are my usual PMS SYMPTOMS! Me and my Man Were Not TtC but we Also Weren’t practicing Safe Sex lol Too Much Information 🤦🏽‍♀️ But  Anywhooo, He Just came out the Following Morning And Was like, Are you Pregnant babe? I’m like huh 👀 , Who Not Me, Mind you he knows nothing about My Secret little Test I took. So of course it’s been on my Mind because now 2 days later I actually feel Pregnant As I’ve previously had 2 Pregnancies 1 I lost one  At 6weeks, And my Son I lost At 4months Last Year 😢,So here I am at 8:00 am January 11th,2020 Sneaking Another Test After my man leaves For work lol, and I guess my eyes Weren’t Playing with me. I got An Actual Faint positive and I’m still 2 days Away from AF. Please Take a look What Do Y’all Think ????? I’m 

Faint positive pregnancy test but feel like period is coming

P.S I sent it to My Mans And He Said Looks Like We Gotta Start Saving Up 🙃

Post # 11

Faint positive pregnancy test but feel like period is coming

2890 posts

Sugar bee

  • kevinsbee
  • 2 years ago
  • Wedding: February 2005 - Shreveport, LA

(Closing thread 2 years old)

The topic ‘Faint positive pregnancy test but feels like AF is coming?’ is closed to new replies.

Why am I bleeding like a period after a positive pregnancy test?

You may experience light pink or brown spotting after a positive pregnancy test. This could be due to implantation bleeding, which occurs when a fertilized egg implants in the lining of the uterus, one to two weeks after conception.

Can you get a faint positive before your period?

Some very sensitive pregnancy test kits can detect pregnancy as early as 6 days before your missed period (5 days before you expect your period), however the levels of hCG this early are so low that you can expect any line to be faint.

Is cramping normal after positive pregnancy test?

“Early on in your pregnancy, it's natural to feel some mild cramping in your lower abdomen at infrequent times as your body prepares for your growing baby,” Dr. Nalla said. As your belly grows, so does your uterus. This may cause you to feel some slight pulling, tugging or stretching similar to menstrual cramps.

Why is my pregnancy test getting lighter but no bleeding?

Pregnancy test results should get darker early on as a pregnancy progresses. If your pregnancy test results seem to be getting lighter, it could be because you tested after drinking water and your urine was more diluted. Or, the first test result could have been an evaporation line and not a positive result.