Find my friends no location found reddit

Find my friends no location found reddit

If you wish to stop sharing your location with friends you have given that access to without revoking the access so you can turn it on or off without sending them notifications it is very easy. Setting-/ then Privacy-/ then location services-/ scroll to the bottom and select system services-/ then select share my location and turn it off. This will not send any notifications and it will not take anyone off of your allowed friends to find my friends is will now show that your location is simply unavailable.

Is the person in your iCloud Family?

I was having this issue with my son after he got a new phone, and we finally determined that Share My Location was disabled in his Find My app on the Me screen. My guess is that Apple assumes the device is ultimately "mine," because his account controls the device, and his account is included in my iCloud Family.

Thus, unlike a friend who is outside my iCloud Family, because he is included in my iCloud Family, I could see his location on the Devices screen, but he was missing from the People screen.

That reasoning is just my guess, though.

Regardless, enabling Share My Location solved the problem.

Find my friends no location found reddit

My phone was stolen out of my purse at a bar last night, and the bouncers said that is a problem they have had for a couple months. I have my location shared with my friends and every time we check it says no location found, but when we call or text it rings and says the messages deliver. Can whoever took the phone disable the find my app without unlocking it? I do not understand technology whatsoever and have no idea what to do at this point please help lol.

savoytruffle is correct: there will be a hollow arrow showing there's a geo-fence on you.

If you really want to know if one specific friend is checking your location, turn everyone else off individually, leaving your one friend enabled, then look for that hollow arrow, and check to see if Find My Friends has accessed your location in the last 24 hours (after not opening it yourself for the same period of time).

Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services

This will show every app that has accessed your location in the last 24 hours, has a geo-fence on you, or has accessed location recently. If you only have one friend who can check your location, you can determine positively if they're doing so.

My boyfriend (30M) and I (28F) have been together a little over a year, and we have a wonderful relationship and I am very happy with him and do not want the relationship to end.

Back in September, I caught him texting an attractive female friend (24F) to go to the beach or grab food while I was at work. Because he had previously told me that he expressed interest in dating her years ago and she turned him down, I told him that this made me uncomfortable and asked him to please not do it again.

About two weeks later I went to a bachelorette party about an hour away and he went out with the groom and some of the groomsmen locally. He invited the same friend to meet them out, and she declined. I only found this out because I noticed he had deleted the thread of text messages with her, and had to poke and prod until he finally admitted it. I talked with her casually about it, and she told me she ended up going out with other people somewhere else instead, confirmed via instagram story.

I ended things at this point, because I asked him not to do it again, he did it again, deleted the evidence, then lied about it. I was heartbroken to have to do it, but I knew at that point I had to. He made a big effort to win me back, and we havent had any similar events since (that I am aware of).

Now, even though it has been months, I sometimes get waves of paranoia that he is sneaking around behind my back, even though I have no real reason to think that, evidence or proof. People say to "trust your gut" but I am not sure if my gut has anything to go off of or is just paranoid.

When all of this originally happened, he turned on his location (iPhone) to prove himself that he wasnt going anywhere or doing anything besides what he told me. We have both grown to like it, and use it to see when the other has left work, the gym, etc and to time arriving at places at the same time.

He works as a personal trainer and often has breaks between clients ranging from 30 min to 2 hours. He usually stays at work and works out, goes for a run or eats, but sometimes he will go surfing or run errands.

Yesterday, he wasnt sure when he was leaving work, so when I left the gym, I checked his location because we had other plans later on. For the first time ever, it said Location Not Available. I texted him a screenshot and he responded with "Weird" and a picture of himself at work. It stayed unavailable the rest of the evening and at around 9:30 this morning I checked again, and it was the same way. I texted him and said "your location still isnt working, I wonder why?" and he said he didnt know and to "try turning it off and back on again" which really doesnt make any sense but whatever. Around lunch time, I checked again, and it was working, so I said "now its working, whatd ya do?" and he said "nothing." I also have my moms location and hers worked fine the entire time.

So now paranoia is like "he turned it off to go do something and forgot to turn it back on" "he wanted to do some sneaky thing this morning before work and turned it back on after he was done" and similar type corrosive thoughts. When I have questioned him before he thinks I am being paranoid, and if I ask too many questions he says things like "if you dont trust me, this isnt going to work" which is very true. I know I need to trust him again, and I WANT to trust him again, but a part of me feels like if I trust him again, he's going to pull a fast one on me. FWIW I had an ex who was doing exactly what I was suspicious of him doing, and I questioned my gut and trusted him and got burned very badly. So now, I wonder if I am overly paranoid or if I am overlooking suspicious things?

tl;dr boyfriends Location Not Available is making me paranoid af