Hammer black widow death blow for sale

Hello everyone,

I am currently looking to expand my bowling ball arsenal. I currently have e bowling balls: Black Widow legend, Black Widow Assassin, and a spare ball. I found a bowling ball called the Black Widow Death Blow, but it is considered a Overseas bowling ball and not available here in the United States . Are there any trustworthy websites I can use to order this bowling ball?? I understand the price will be a bit higher than most.

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level 1

You can try eBay. They can sometimes sell them and I believe there are a few Facebook groups just for selling overseas bowling balls

level 1

Look up overseas exclusives on Facebook he's a good ball dealer in Japan I won a ball he was raffeling and got it in like 2 weeks. I'm sure he could track that down for you and get it out to you.

level 1

+1 for overseas exclusives he got me my death blow about 2 months ago, his supplier only had 2 left at that point though


ブラックウイドー デスブロウ Hammer/BlackWidow Death Blow

  • 在庫切れ
  • 取り寄せ
  • 店頭受け取り可






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Hammer's Black Widow Nasty starts off with a High RG Widow Core shape designed to give the bowler more length with a violent response down lane. By combining a higher RG with a high differential, Hammer is creating a long and continuous ball motion in the product line. Hammer is also introducing its first ball with the new Cover-Puck technology core system. Cover-Puck cores use an offset coverstock puck to increase differential and create more angular ball motion down-lane. "The Cover-Puck system really gets this Widow moving in the backend, and this ball continues through the deck unlike any of our other Widows, said Bill O'Neill, Hammer PBA Champion and Pro Staffer. Hammer's new High RG Widow Core has also created a lower mass bias rating in this Widow, letting Hammer use the LMB stamp to indicate the position of the Low Mass Bias in this new Widow. Hammer's also cooked up a new coverstock called Violent Wheel Reactive, which utilizes that new core shape and creates a strong down-lane response. Just when you think she's given up, this Widow will keep wheeling back to the pocket. The Black Widow line was first released via the Internet in 2006 and was a huge hit with its lethal ability to perform like a high performance ball with the upper-mid price tag. This was the first ball that utilized Internet marketing to bring a ball to the bowler. Ebointe used the Internet to bring its hard hitting Hammer line to the world.


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