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First off, I gave it 4 stars because compared to the other movies, it was closest to the book, even if they did do some stupid changes to it. Plus, I love Harry Potter, and am a HUGE fan of all books and movies. However, the reasons below are why it did not get 5 stars.


I have to agree, that there were many things about this movie that was really, really disappointing. The scenes left out, most disappointing, can we get a movie that at least sticks to the books entirely? The scenes added...burning the Burrow down, honestly, what the hell was the person who thought that up smoking? It leaves so many open questions as to how well they are going to do the next two movies.

The pensive/Dumbledore's lessons were not given enough time. In the seventh book, the pensive plays an important role in how Harry comes to realize Severus Snape was really on his side, and truly had cared for his mother, which plays a role in the final fight against Voldemort. Not to mention, showing Harry the reasons why Dumbledore did what he did.

Burning down of the Burrow means that they are either NOT going to show the scene where they get Harry from the Dursley's to the Burrow, or they are going to change it. Plus, they will either change or leave out the wedding, which means they will need to change how they show that the ministry has fallen. In turn, that means changing most of the facts from the movie, including how the death eaters catch Harry, Ron and Hermione, since saying "Lord Voldemort" made the enchantments break due to the death eaters in the ministry making it so. Not to mention Rufus Scrimgeour (minister of magic) dying and to Harry's surprise, protecting him and not revealing his whereabouts. How in the world are they going to have anything at the Burrow with it burnt down? And if they are going to have the Burrow in the next movie, it means an unnecessary scene of explaining how the damn thing is still there, which they will HAVE to do since putting that scene in. It was entirely unnecessary to have the Burrow burn down, even if they did have the death eaters show up there.... Oh, and at the wedding is when we are first introduced to the deathly hallows, the sign on Xenophilius Lovegood's robes, and Viktor Krum introducing the first of the backround that they find out about it. It does play a role as well in their 'quest' in the 7th movie.

Okay, enough on that scene, what about adding the beginning in like that...he was supposed to be waiting for Professor Dumbledore at the Dursleys..Dumbledore had much, and I mean much to say to the Dursleys, including reprimanding them for not treating Harry as he had asked them to. Plus, he tells Harry of him owning Grimwald place and Kreacher. Hmm, doesn't a big chunk of the 7th book take place at Grimwald palace..I see more unnecessary scenes added in the 7th movie.

Scrimgeour not in the movie at all..not even mentioned...what about when they give Harry, Hermione and Ron the inheritance??? Are they really adding a scene to explain who he freaking is??? Seems like they will be adding a lot more to the 7th to explain things they messed up in the first 6. (Meeting of the muggle minister isn't as important, but I would have liked to see it closer to the books. For some reason, when they make movies, they think completely changing it will make it better, and it never is...when will they learn...)

"Tonks rescuing Harry from the train? Nope, now it's Luna, looking for Wrackspurts, and removing Harry's invisibility cloak with her wand. (As A Deathly Hallow, it should be immune to summoning and/or levitation charms.)" I quote this because I totally agree, again, mistakes made that true fans are noticing, and it does nothing but discredit the makers of the movies as being egotistical and arrogant enough to think we would like their version so much better when it leaves so many holes.....

Harry and Ginny's first kiss was pathetic and should have been done the way the book shows since Ginny IS Ron's sister, and the consent from Ron, being Harry's best friend, was important. Plus, they left out Harry breaking up with Ginny at the end and that was definitely important. Again, egotistical directors, screen writers, etc...

The Gaunt house memories and Voldemort's reason for the locket becoming a Horcrux are gone....as well as the memories of Helga Hufflepuff's cup and Voldemort asking Dumbledore for a teaching position....

Snape's "Defense Against the Dark Arts" lessons...ummm hasn't it been a point in all the other movies that he's wanted this position, and then they don't show it when he has it...IDIOTS!!!

Harry finds Mundungus Fletcher stealing property from grimwald place, and it's important for the next movie because he steals the locket. And they must track it down, which leads us back to Umbridge having Moody's eye on her door and the locket. She also attends Dumbledore's funeral, which they left out. Which would have included Scrimgeor talking to Harry about him helping the ministry. Which they didn't show at all in the movie, and which is very, very important!

Harry finding out that Snape was the one that betrayed his parents to Voldemort by telling him the prophecy was extremely huge... and they don't mention it. In fact, Snape's role is very, very small compared to what his role in the book was. He should have had a little more limelight as trying to help Draco, and Harry and Snape issues and finally Dumbledore and Snape's plans and issues...nothing....

Harry being stupified by Dumbledore in the end to protect him was key as 1)that's why he was disarmed and 2)come on, Harry just sit by and watch them kill Dumbledore...that wasn't believable at all....

The death eaters fighting those at Hogwarts...not one scene....


HOWEVER!! As far as comparing to the other movies, it is closest to the book, I must say than the others, just wish some KEY things would not have been skipped or changed.