Housing for sex offenders in virginia

Virginia Sex Offender Resources

The links below are to websites that offer information related to Virginia sex offense laws, statistics and other related topics. All website listed below provided information only for the state of Virginia. The resources below are listed in no particular order. If you know of any other resources that should be added to the Virginia sex offender resource list, please contact us and let us know.

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State Register, Laws & Information

  • Virginia Public Sex Offender Registry – This is the Virginia State Police official Sex Offender Registry database. It can be used to view information about a Sexual Offender.
  • Virginia Megan’s Law – Information about Virginia’s law in the State of Virginia in more layman’s terms then many sites. This page is provided by The KLAAS Kids Foundation.
  • Assessing Risk Among Sex Offenders in Virginia – In 1999, the Virginia General Assembly requested the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission to develop a sex offender risk assessment instrument, based on the risk of re-offense, for integration into the state’s sentencing guidelines system. The report was published in 2001. (This is a .pdf file)
  • Sexual Offending – A report written by the Virginia Commission on Youth about Juvenile sex offenders. It was published in 2007. (This is a .pdf file)

Support & Counseling

  • The Institute for Family Centered Services – IFCS has earned the reputation for successfully serving families with the most challenging and difficult circumstances, utilizing powerful and rigorous interventions via intensive in home services to maximize community safety. They offer a treatment program for adult sex offenders and sex offender assessment. Please visit their site to find a location nearest to you.
  • Shanandoah Valley Sex Offender Treatment Program – SVSOTP is a community-based outpatient treatment program for sex offenders, founded in 1985 by a group of area therapists with training and special interest in sex offender treatment. They are located in Harrisonburg, VA.
  • Salveo Consulting – Salveo Consulting also provides services for individuals involved with the criminal justice systems, both juveniles and adults, perpetrators and victims. They are located in Manassas, VA.

Other Resources

  • Offender Aid and Restoration of Arlington County, Inc – OAR is the leading provider of offender services in Arlington County and the Cities of Alexandria and Falls Church Virginia as well as Washington DC. Offender Aid and Restoration offers: Jail-based educational, therapeutic and career development programs; Supervised community service; Professional re-entry services; Employment counseling; A talented corps of community volunteers.
  • Stop the Senate – Site to find out whom your state senator is and ways to contact him/her.
  • Stop the House of Representatives– Site to find out whom your state House of Representative is and ways to contact him/her.
  • Stop the Governor – Site to find out whom your state’s governor is and how to contact him/her.

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Veteran Sex Offender Access to Housing and Services after Release from Incarceration: Obstacles and Best Practices

Molly Simmons, Bo Kim, Justeen Hyde, Tiffany Lemon, Kirsten Resnick & D. Keith McInne

Within the population of Veterans who are incarcerated, registered sex offenders are both a particularly vulnerable group and a substantial sub-population. Nationally 35% of Veterans in prison are incarcerated for a sex offense, compared to 23% of non-Veterans. Sex offenders have an additional disadvantage, beyond a criminal record, of the immense social stigma which leads to extensive residency restrictions. Individuals convicted of a sex crime have an increased likelihood of experiencing homelessness and emotional and financial hardship. This not only negatively impacts them but also constitutes a public health risk as it increases the chance that these reentry Veterans will commit another sex crime.

Despite the high level of need and the positive impact successful reintegration can have both for the Veteran and for public safety, there is a dearth of literature on Veterans who are sex offenders leaving incarceration and the barriers they face to housing and reintegration into the community. The study presented in this research brief contributes to filling this gap by exploring the following research questions: (1) What are the most significant barriers to housing, employment and health care that are specific to this population of reentry Veterans? (2) What are some of facilitators that contribute to successful reentry among Veterans who are sex offenders?

Read the full brief below.

Where can sex offenders live in Virginia?

A VA State Police Sex Offender Has To Live With Restrictions.
Certain offenders cannot live within 500 feet of a school, daycare center, public park, or another such place where minors gather..
High-risk offenders may also be banned from loitering within 100 feet of the above places..

Can a sex offender live with family in Virginia?

About Virginia's VA Code 63.2-1727 VA Code 63.2-1727 prohibits sex offenders and convicted child abusers from living or working in family day homes.

What rules do sex offenders have to follow in Virginia?

Under this act, anyone convicted on or after July 1, 1994, of crimes listed in the Act is required to register with the Virginia State Police, which maintains the registry. Upon release from prison, the individuals must also register with a law enforcement agency in the city or county in which they live.

What is the horizon Programme for sex offenders?

Horizon is based upon criminogenic needs and the recognition that sex offenders and non-sex offenders are similar and therefore addresses poor problem solving skills, poor self-regulation and relationship problems.


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