How do i advertise a garage sale on facebook marketplace

Going to have a garage sale this weekend. I want to post it on FB Marketplace. They have a category for it (Classified > Garage Sale). I can see garage sales listed. But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to post my own garage sale there. I've listed and sold dozens of items on FB marketplace. Is there some sort of gating preventing me from listing a garage sale? Am I blind and just don't see the category? I've googled and searched the FB Help center, but haven't found any information on not being able to post a garage sale. Thanks in advance.

Edit: Just had my wife try on her FB account and the Garage Sale category is right there in plain view...but my account does not give that category option. Weird. They're both personal accounts, not business pages. I can't think of any reason they'd be different. Anyway, my problem is solved for the moment, but if anyone has any idea why MY account can't post to the garage sale category I'd love to hear it. Thanks.

If you’re looking to get rid of some old stuff and make a little extra cash, you might want to consider having a garage sale. And what better way to advertise your garage sale than on Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace is a great way to get rid of unwanted household items and make some extra money.

With billions of active users, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find some buyers.

In this article, we are going to discuss how to post a garage sale on the Facebook marketplace.

  • Why Facebook Marketplace
    • How To Advertise a Garage Sale On Facebook (3 Ways)
    • Using Facebook Marketplace
    • Creating a Facebook Event
    • Advertising With a Status Update
  • Some Other Ways To Advertise Your Garage/Yard Sale
  • Few Tips For Listing Garage Sale On Facebook Marketplace
  • Final Thoughts

There are a number of reasons why you should advertise your garage sale on Facebook Marketplace. First, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms with billions of active users. This means that there is a large potential customer base for your garage sale.

It allows potential customers to easily search for garage sales in their area using keywords.

And finally, it is easy and free to post your garage sale ads on the Facebook marketplace, even if you are a beginner you can easily post your garage sale on Facebook.

Also Read: How To Find Garage Sales Near You (9 Best Apps & Websites)

How To Advertise a Garage Sale On Facebook (3 Ways)

There are a few different ways you can go about advertising your garage sale on Facebook.

Here I am going to tell you the 3 most common ways how to post a yard sale on Facebook.

Using Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is a great way to sell items you no longer need. Here are some easy steps to follow in order to post your garage sale on Facebook Marketplace:

1. Login to your Facebook account.
2. On the left-hand side of the screen, select “Marketplace”. 

3. Click on the “Create a New Listing” option present under selling tab.

4 Now choose listing type as “Item For Sale”

5. Enter a title for your garage sale (ex: Smith Family Garage Sale).

6. Set the item price to $0 or $1, this will allow your garage sale to come first in the search if people sort them using price.

7. Choose a category for your sale (ex. Garage Sale)

8. Add a description of what you are selling and include any relevant details such as types of items, their condition, timings for the garage sale, etc.

9. Add all the relevant photos of your Garage sale items to attract more buyers.

Also Read: What Not To Sell at Garage Sales (10 Items To avoid!)

Creating a Facebook Event

1. Log into Facebook and select “Events” from the left-hand menu.

2. Click “Create New Event” and select the Even type as “In Person”.

3. Now enter the Event Name, Start Date and Time and set the privacy to Public and click on Next.

4. Now enter the location and description of the garage sale, in the description you can give information about the type of items you are selling in your garage sale.

5. Finally upload a cover pic for your garage sale and publish it.

Congratulations, your Garage sale event is now public but you are not done yet.

Even though it is live, nobody is going to visit your garage sale, you need to share your event with your friends and family.

Click on “Share” button to share your garage sale event with everyone on your friend list and ask them to share with their friends too.

You can also click on the “Promote Event” button from the top of the page and pay a small fee to Facebook to advertise your event to the relevant audience.

Also Read: How To Have a Successful Garage Sale!! (13 Tips For Beginners)

Advertising With a Status Update

If you’re having a garage sale and want to let your Facebook friends know, you can do so by posting a simple status update. Just include the date, time, and location of your sale, as well as any special instructions (e.g., if it’s a multi-family sale).

You may also want to include a photo or two in your status update, to give people an idea of what they can expect to find at your sale. And be sure to let people know if you’re selling something specific that they might be interested in.

Finally, don’t forget to tag any friends or family members who might be interested in your garage sale. By doing so, their friends will see your post and may even come out to support your sale!

Posting a status update is very simple just login to your Facebook account and click on the bar that says “What’s on your mind……” and add your relevant info.

Some Other Ways To Advertise Your Garage/Yard Sale

There are a few ways to advertise your garage sale without using Facebook Marketplace.

One way is to post flyers around your neighborhood or local businesses.

Another way is to list your garage sale on websites or apps like Craigslist or Letgo.

You can also put up signs in your yard or on busy streets.

Finally, you can tell all your friends and family about your garage sale and ask them to spread the word.

Also Read: How To Price Garage Sale Items (6 Best Ways!!)

Few Tips For Listing Garage Sale On Facebook Marketplace

When listing a garage sale on Facebook Marketplace, there are a few things to keep in mind in order to make the most of the platform.

First, be sure to take clear and well-lit photos of the items you are selling. This will help potential buyers get a sense of what they would be purchasing.

Secondly, provide accurate and detailed descriptions of the items. Be sure to include information about any specific types of items that you are selling like video games.

Thirdly, add your location properly in the listing and put a big Yard sale sign in your yard or garden so that people can easily find you.

Lastly, be quick to respond to the questions that people may ask about items on Facebook.

Final Thoughts

Using Facebook Marketplace to post a garage sale is a great way to reach a large audience with little effort.

It is important to include key information in your garage sale listing, such as date, timings, locations, etc to ensure that potential customers can easily find and attend the sale and do not forget to add a small description about the types of items you are selling to attract more buyers.

Also, be sure to take clear pictures of the items and respond quickly to all the messages. With a little effort, you can declutter your home and earn some extra cash.

What is best way to advertise garage sale?

Post your garage sale details in your neighborhood's Facebook group, or, if a group like that doesn't exist, make a personal post and share it with your network. Maybe ask a few friends to share the post, too. You can also add a post to Nextdoor and Craigslist. These are great (and free!)

How do I advertise my garage sale online?

Where to post garage sale ads online. Today, there many free online resources available to advertise your garage sale. Sites like, and—and their mobile apps—enable garage sale enthusiasts to browse sale listings and even map out a route of their favorites.

How do I advertise an estate sale on Facebook?

Create a Facebook Marketplace listing titled “estate sale.” List your items in a bulleted list in the description and update the description when items sell.

How does Facebook yard sale work?

To post items to the yard sale: Every member can immediately post items for sale, by adding a photo and description, just like you would in a regular social Facebook post. Interested parties can comment, or send the seller a private message. My new yard sale is already going strong!

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