How do i cite a ted talk in apa


Posted by: Jenny Zurawell
December 21, 2010 at 2:04 pm EST

To cite a TED Talk, TED recommends using APA Style for video Weblog posts:

Author. (Year, Month Date). Title [Video file]. Retrieved from URL

For example:
Sandberg, S. (2010, December 21). Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders [Video file]. Retrieved from //

Last Updated on: 29th August 2022, 08:24 am

TED talks are usually presented by experts or professionals in a certain field or arena. However, they are not as reliable as a scholarly source, such as a peer-reviewed article.

This does not mean that the information in the presentations is incorrect. Many of the presentations have been published in various formats, including peer-reviewed journals. Also, TED talk speakers are strictly vetted and scrutinized before they are accepted to make a presentation. However, to be safe, before using TED talks as a source, consult with your professor. 

In this article, we’ll cover how to cite a TED talk in APA style.

First, let’s go over the directions for the most common need: citing a TED talk from the TED website.

How to Cite a TED Talk From the TED Website

You can obtain all of the TED talks from the TED website: // The guidelines for how to cite a TED talk on its website are similar to those for citing a video. 

In-text citation

(Wallace-Wells, 2019)


A new politics is needed to address the pressing issues in today’s society (Wallace-Wells, 2019)


When citing a quotation, provide the time stamp for when the relevant information appears in the video. 


Wallace-Wells (2019) stated that to enact change, “we need a new politics, a way of overcoming all those human obstacles — our culture, our economics, our status quo bias” (Wallace-Wells, 2019, 08:53)

In the Reference list

The guidelines for how to cite a TED talk from the TED website in the reference list include providing the name of the speaker, the date of the talk (year, month, and day), the title (in sentence case and italics), and the type of format. You will also write the source of the talk, which is TED Conferences, followed by the URL. If either the month or day is not provided, write only the year. The name of the month should not be abbreviated. 


Wallace-Wells, D. (2019, September 21). How we could change the planet’s climate future. [Video]. TED Conferences. //

How to Cite a TED Talk From YouTube

In-text citation

The in-text citations for paraphrases are basically written the same as those above. The exception is that in place of the presenter’s name, provide the publisher, such as TED or TEDx, as shown below. 


(TED, 2012)


For quotations, you can provide the presenter’s name in the narrative; however, do not provide it in the citation. 


Matthieu Ricard, Buddhist monk, photographer and author, asserted that, “Mind training is based on the idea that two opposite mental factors cannot happen at the same time” (TED, 2012, 12:04).

Reference list

To cite a TED talk from YouTube in the reference list, provide the owner or publisher, which is TED, the date (Year, Month, and Day), the presenter’s name: title, the publisher, which is YouTube, the format of the talk, and the URL. 


TED. (2012, March 26). Matthieu Ricard: The habits of happiness. [Video]. YouTube. //

Citing Two or More TED Talks From the Same Year

If you have two or more TED talks from the same year, you’ll need to differentiate between them in your in-text citations and the reference list.

In the Reference List

List the talks alphabetically by title and add a lowercase letter at the end of the year to distinguish them from each other.  


TED. (2012a, March 2). Susan Cain: The power of introverts. (Video]. YouTube. //

TED. (2012b, March 26). Matthieu Ricard: The habits of happiness. [Video]. YouTube. //

In-text citation

For the in-text citation, put the year and alphabet of the relevant source. 


(TED, 2012a)

Citing a dissertation is relatively simple. As long as you adhere to the rules above, you should have no problem generating the correct citations.

Note: You can find more information about how to cite a TED talk in sections 9.8 and 10.12 of APA 7th edition.

How to Cite a TED Talk in APA Style: Final Thoughts

Citing a TED talk is fairly simple. As long as your Chair is okay with you including it (since peer-reviewed, scholarly sources are preferred), you shouldn’t have any problems if you follow our guidelines above.

If you need of assistance with APA style or any other aspect of your dissertation, feel free to take a look at our Dissertation Editing or Dissertation Coaching services.

How do you cite TED talks in APA 7?

In text citations: TED Talk from YouTube (TED, 2019). NB: When the speaker is not listed as the author, integrate their name into the narrative if desired: Shane explained that the artificial intelligence technically “did what they asked it to do—they just accidentally asked it to do the wrong thing” (TED, 2019, 8:51).

How do you cite a TED Talk in text citation?

To cite a TED Talk from the TED website in MLA, list the name of the speaker, the talk title, the site name TED, the month and year, and the URL. In an in-text citation, you can use a timestamp to highlight a specific quote where necessary. Speaker last name, First name. “Talk Title.” TED, Month Year, URL.

How do you APA reference a TED YouTube Video?

When the Ted Talk is on YouTube, list the owner of the YouTube account (here, Ted) as the author to aid in retrieval. Provide as specific a date as possible. Include the description “[Video]” in square brackets after the title of the talk. Credit YouTube as the publisher of the Ted Talk and then provide the URL.

How do you cite a talk in APA?

For an audio recording of a speech found online, list the speaker, the date when the speech took place, the title in italics, “Speech audio recording” in square brackets, the website, and the URL. You can use a timestamp to specify a location in the in-text citation.


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