How do i remove videos from youtube

YouTube is a great way to share information about your business and services with a huge network of users, but sometimes you will encounter videos you find objectionable or possibly detrimental to your company. While you can’t directly remove videos others have uploaded, there is a reporting system in place to have YouTube review and remove content if it violates the Terms of Service or the law.

Wave the Flag

  1. Under each video on YouTube is a toolbar with buttons that perform different actions, with a Flag icon appearing on the far right. This is the flagging tool which allows you to report a video to YouTube staff for review. Click the button and provide details as to why the video should be removed. If the video violates YouTube’s Community Guidelines it will be removed; but if there is no violation, the video will not be removed no matter how often it is flagged.

Additional Reporting Options

  1. If you’d like to have a video removed for copyright or trademark violations, defamation or other legal reasons, you can submit a claim via YouTube’s legal web forms (link in Resources). Select the appropriate type of legal complaint and fill out the form accordingly. Do not use the legal complaint forms for non-legal issues and do not abuse the legal complaint forms, as it can result in your YouTube account being terminated.

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This wikiHow teaches you how to delete a video that you uploaded to your YouTube channel from YouTube. You can do this on both mobile and desktop platforms. Keep in mind that you cannot delete another user's YouTube videos without direct access to their account.

  1. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Open YouTube. Tap the YouTube app icon, which resembles the YouTube logo. If you're already signed into YouTube, doing so will open your YouTube feed.

    • If you aren't logged in, tap , tap SIGN IN, enter your email address and password, and tap SIGN IN again.

  2. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Tap Library. It's the folder-shaped icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen. A menu will appear.


  3. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Tap My videos. You'll see this option near the top of the menu.

  4. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Find a video to delete. Since videos in your library are arranged in chronological order, you may need to scroll down to find the video you want to delete.

  5. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Tap . It's on the far-right side of the screen, directly across from the video that you want to remove. Doing so prompts a menu to appear.

  6. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Tap Delete. This option is in the middle of the menu.

  7. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Tap OK when prompted. Doing so will delete the video from your YouTube channel.

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  1. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Open YouTube. Go to in your browser. This will open your YouTube home page if you're logged into YouTube.

    • If you aren't logged into YouTube, first click SIGN IN in the top-right corner of the page, then enter your account details before continuing.

  2. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Click your profile icon. It's in the top-right corner of the YouTube page. A drop-down menu will appear.

  3. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Click Creator Studio. This option is in the drop-down menu. Clicking it opens your channel's Creator Studio, which allows you to manage your videos.

  4. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Click the VIDEO MANAGER tab. It's a tab in the left-hand column of options. Clicking this tab will prompt a couple of options to appear below it.

  5. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Click Videos. This option is below the VIDEO MANAGER tab's heading on the left side of the page. Doing so brings up a list of your currently uploaded videos.

  6. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Select a video. Find a video that you want to delete. Videos on the Video Manager page are arranged in chronological order, so you may have to scroll down to find the one that you want to delete.

  7. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Click . It's below the video, just right of the Edit button. A drop-down menu will appear.

  8. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Click Delete. This option is at the bottom of the drop-down menu.

  9. How do i remove videos from youtube


    Click Delete when prompted. Doing so will delete the video from your YouTube channel.

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    Would a video be deleted forever with no trace of it?

    How do i remove videos from youtube

    GalaxyGirl Gamming

    Community Answer

    Yes, once you delete a video it can’t be undone. In order to get it back you would have to upload it again.

  • Question

    How do I delete disgusting videos uploaded by someone under my name?

    How do i remove videos from youtube

    If you don't have access to the account, you can't. Report it to YouTube and explain the situation.

  • Question

    How do I delete my videos from YouTube?

    How do i remove videos from youtube

    Go to Video Manager and find the video. Use the deletion process there. If you can't delete it, make it an unlisted or private video.

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  • Although deleting the video is instantaneous, it may take a few days for your video's thumbnail to disappear from Google searches.

    As a small thank you, we’d like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full price—wine, food delivery, clothing and more. Enjoy!

  • If you prefer to hide the video rather than deleting it, you can click Edit below the video, click the Public box, and select Unlisted or Private.

    As a small thank you, we’d like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full price—wine, food delivery, clothing and more. Enjoy!

Thanks for submitting a tip for review!


  • If you no longer have access to the account on which you need to delete a video, you'll either need to reset your YouTube password or contact YouTube directly.

    As a small thank you, we’d like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full price—wine, food delivery, clothing and more. Enjoy!


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How do I get rid of unwanted videos on my YouTube homepage?

You can remove recommended videos by selecting “Not interested” on your homepage, or from your Home and Watch Next pages on mobile:.
Go to the recommended video you'd like to remove..
Press and hold the select button on your remote..
Select Not interested..
Select Tell us why to share why you'd like the video removed..

How do you delete a YouTube video in 2022?

Mobile Devices (iOS and Android).
Step 1: Click on the icon for your account in the upper right-hand corner. ... .
Step 2: Click on your channel. ... .
Step 3: Click on “Videos.” Then select the video you want and click the three dots beside it. ... .
Step 4: Click delete. ... .
Step 5: Click delete again..

How do I delete videos from my YouTube playlist?

To remove a specific video from a playlist, follow these steps:.
Open the YouTube Studio app ..
From the bottom menu, tap Content ..
Select the video you want to remove from a playlist..
Tap Edit ..
Tap the playlist and uncheck the box next to the playlist name..
Tap Done..
Tap Save..