How long is strep throat contagious after antibiotics

You want to go out and about in Hixson and the surrounding area, but you’ve heard that strep throat is going around. Should you be concerned?

If you’ll be coming in close contact with someone who has the condition, the answer is yes. Strep throat is very contagious. Let’s take a look at the condition and what you need to know.

Is Strep Throat Contagious?

Strep throat is a highly contagious bacterial infection. Strep bacteria is spread through airborne droplets when someone sneezes or coughs—and through shared drinks or food.

That’s why it’s so important to seek medical attention as soon as symptoms of strep throat appear. Once a person is diagnosed and begins antibiotic treatment, he or she will no longer be contagious after 24 hours.

Symptoms of Strep Throat

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Pain with swallowing
  • Nausea
  • Red, swollen tonsils
  • Red spots on roof of mouth
  • Sore throat
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Vomiting

Can You Prevent Strep Throat?

What if you’re not the one with strep throat—your family member is?There are steps you can take to limit your chances of developing strep throat.

Prevent Strep Throat

  • Limit contact with anyone who has strep throat, particularly within the first 24 hours of antibiotic therapy.
  • Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough.
  • Disinfect commonly touched surfaces of your home, including door knobs and light switches.
  • Do not share food or drink with others.
  • Wash your hands frequently and use alcohol-based hand sanitizer is soap isn’t available.

Do you think you might have strep throat? The team at AFC Urgent Care Hixson can get you diagnosed and set up with a treatment plan to get you back to feeling your best!

When a person is "infectious", it means they're able to pass their infection on to others. 

You're usually no longer infectious 24 hours after starting a course of antibiotics, but this time period can sometimes vary.

For example, the antibiotics may take longer to work if your body takes longer to absorb them, or if you're taking other medicine that interacts with the antibiotics.

Medical advice

Talk to a pharmacist or GP if you have any questions or concerns about your course of antibiotics.

It's important to finish your course of antibiotics, even if you're no longer infectious and feeling better. Not finishing the course may result in the infection returning.

Further information

  • Can I drink alcohol while taking antibiotics?
  • Can I take paracetamol if I'm on antibiotics?
  • What if I miss a dose of antibiotics?
  • Medicines information

Page last reviewed: 25 June 2020
Next review due: 25 June 2023

Strep throat is a common bacterial infection that causes a severe sore throat.

It gets its name because the disease is caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes, also called group A streptococcus.

Cases of strep throat come on suddenly, and can be really unpleasant—so it’s natural to wonder how long it will last.

There’s not one single answer: Every person’s recovery depends on many factors, including age, other health conditions, and how quickly you get treated.

In this article, I’ll answer your questions about how long strep throat lasts, and how its symptoms and causes differ from other sore throats. I’ll also explain how strep throat is treated, and when you should talk to your doctor.

How Long Does Strep Throat Last?

Strep throat typically comes on suddenly.

If you notice a severe sore throat and a fever, call your doctor or provider as quickly as possible.

Antibiotics work best if started within 48 hours, though should never be started before you have a formal diagnosis of strep. 

Strep does go away on its own within about 7-10 days, and symptoms typically are worse within the first 2-3 days and then begin to improve.

Is strep throat contagious?

Yes. Strep throat is medically known as streptococcal pharyngitis, and is highly contagious.

It is spread by sharing food or utensils with a person who is sick with strep throat.

It may also be passed along from droplets that come from coughing, sneezing, or saliva.

Surface contamination is possible, too, if you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

How long is strep throat contagious?

If you become infected with strep, you may not become sick for 2-5 days.

This is called the incubation period.

During this time, you can be contagious with strep throat even before you show symptoms.

You are considered contagious with strep throat until you have been without a fever for at least 24 hours and are starting to feel better, or until you have been taking antibiotics for a full day.

Recovery period

Strep symptoms often begin to improve by about day 3-4 of illness, or 3 days after starting antibiotics. 

If you find your symptoms are worsening after 3 days, or not improving at all after 7-10 days, speak with your healthcare provider.

Antibiotics for strep throat are usually prescribed for 10 days.

Most people find that by the end of 10, they feel completely better with no lingering symptoms.

Even if you feel better sooner, it’s important to take all of the medication your doctor has prescribed, unless they tell you to stop.

Stopping medication too soon can cause the infection to come back, and may make the medication ineffective against future infections. 

Symptoms of Strep Throat

The most common symptoms of strep throat are:

  • Severe sore throat that comes on quickly
  • Fever of at least 101ºF
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Tiny red spots on the roof of the mouth or back of the throat
  • Red, swollen tonsils with white patches or pus on them
  • Headache
  • Body aches
  • Tender, swollen lymph nodes
  • Stomach ache or nausea, especially in children

Strep Throat vs. Sore Throat

There are many causes of sore throat, and most are viruses. 

Strep throat tends to come on more quickly and often at the same time as a fever.

Milder sore throat, sore throat that comes on gradually, or a sore throat along with cough, hoarseness, or runny nose, are much more likely to be caused by a viral illness than by strep.

Your doctor will do a rapid strep test to determine if you may have strep throat.

Since most sore throats are caused by viruses, it is important to only take antibiotics if you have a positive strep result. 

If the test is negative or not conclusive, a throat culture can be done to check for the bacteria that causes strep throat.

Strep throat is most common in children between the ages of 5 and 15, but anyone can get it.

Sore throats caused by viruses or other causes can also occur at any age.

A sudden onset of sore throat should be evaluated at any age, but especially in children.

Strep throat is very unlikely in children under 3 so the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend testing for or treating strep at that age. 

Treatments for Strep Throat

Strep throat is a bacterial infection that is typically treated with antibiotics to prevent complications..

The three most common antibiotics prescribed for strep throat are:

  • Penicillin: Dosages range from 250 mg twice daily to 500 mg twice daily, depending on age. The typical course of penicillin for strep throat is 10 days.
  • Amoxicillin: Doses for children are based on their body weight, and may be prescribed 2-3 times per day. The standard adult dose of amoxicillin for strep throat is 500mg twice a day for 10 days, or 1,000mg extended release once a day for 10 days. 
  • Cephalexin: For individuals allergic to penicillin, cephalexin may be used. The dose is based on body weight for children, and may be divided 2-4 times per day.  The standard adult dose is 500mg twice a day for 10 days.

While there are concerns over antibiotic resistance, the CDC notes that there has never been a report of penicillin resistance from group A strep.

You can also treat pain and discomfort from strep throat with over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol).

Gargles, warm tea, and throat lozenges may also ease sore throat pain.

When to See a Doctor 

If you develop a sudden sore throat and are concerned for strep, you should speak with a healthcare provider. 

While strep throat can go away on its own in many cases, antibiotic treatment can help symptoms go away about one day more quickly, and may slightly decrease sore throat pain after about 3 days of use. 

Antibiotics may also help prevent more serious complications from developing.

If you have a sore throat and develop difficulty swallowing, speaking, or breathing, you should seek emergency medical care.

How K Health Can Help

Did you know you can get affordable virtual primary care with K Health?

Check your symptoms, explore conditions and treatments, and if needed, text with a healthcare provider in minutes. 

K Health’s AI-powered app is HIPAA compliant and is based on 20 years of clinical data.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does strep throat last untreated?

Strep throat goes away on its own within 10 days in over 85% of cases. However, antibiotic treatment is recommended to prevent a serious complication called rheumatic fever, or spread of the infection, and may help symptoms go away about one day more quickly.

Why is my strep throat not going away?

Even on antibiotics, it can take 7-10 days for the sore throat associated with strep to go away, though you should start to see some improvement 3-4 days into your illness. You should speak with a provider if your symptoms are worsening after 3-4 days, you have fever over 101 for longer than 3 days, or you start to develop worsening pain, difficulty swallowing, or difficulty moving your neck- those can be signs of a serious complication.

How long are you contagious with strep throat?

You are contagious with strep throat for 2-5 days after contracting it, or until you have been fever-free for at least 24 hours. You are also no longer considered to be contagious after you have been taking an antibiotic for at least 24 hours.

K Health articles are all written and reviewed by MDs, PhDs, NPs, or PharmDs and are for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute and should not be relied on for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

When are you no longer contagious with strep throat?

People with strep throat should stay home from work, school, or daycare until they no longer have a fever and have taken antibiotics for at least 12 hours. This will help prevent spreading the bacteria to others.

How long after starting antibiotics are you no longer contagious with strep throat Reddit?

Another tip to remember is this: strep throat is very contagious, so make sure your child stays home from school or other responsibilities after a strep diagnosis. After 24 hours of antibiotics, the infection will no longer be contagious.

How long after strep antibiotics can you kiss?

You can pass strep throat to others until you've been taking antibiotics for 1 to 3 days. If you have strep throat, stay home until your fever is gone and you've been taking antibiotics for at least 24 hours. Avoid kissing people or sharing eating utensils when you have strep throat.