How many lemons a day for weight loss

Introducing the 30 day Lemon Water Detox Challenge – The easiest detox you’ll ever do.

Early in my nutrition and training career, I learned that lemon water is one of the best drinks for weight loss and health.  That very same day I bought a big bag of lemons and have been drinking lemon water ever since.

Lemon water not only quenches thirst better than any other beverage, but it also nourishes the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements, that are essential for health and metabolic function.

This is why celebrities drink it daily to help them look and feel their best…

That’s also why I recommend it to my clients, mention it in my programs, and talk about it on social media.

Because when something SO easy works SO well, you can’t stop talking about it…

The Lemon Water Detox

I created my lemon water challenge to help my clients get the most benefits quickly.

That’s why I’m challenging you to start drinking lemon water daily, too.

Those who’ve followed my challenge have reported noticeable results including:

  • Reduced bloating
  • Reduced inflammation, aches, and pains
  • Saw brighter, clearer skin
  • Better mood
  • Saw digestive issues improve
  • Didn’t feel as sore after exercise

I find that when people know how they’ll benefit, it makes it easier for them to stick with it.

So before I get into the Challenge details, I’ll explain how lemon water is going to help you lose weight and feel great.

How Lemon Water Helps you Detox, Get Fit, and Healthy

Here are 6 ways lemon water can help weight loss and health.

Lemon Water Helps Detox the Liver

The liver metabolizes fat and carbs and helps remove toxins from the body.  But your liver can’t burn fat and carbs effectively when it’s overly loaded with toxins.   The liver uses enzymes to help it break down toxic substances to eliminate them.

The liver produces more enzymes from lemon water than from any other food.  Lemon juice can help stimulate the liver to release toxins, making it easier to metabolize fat and carbs.  For more tips on how to detox your liver, check out this article I wrote for Consumer Health Digest.

Lemon Water Helps you Hydrate Better

Lemons contain a good amount of electrolytes such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium.  By adding lemon to the water you drink during and after your workouts, you’ll hydrate better, plus you’ll get a nutritional boost of essential nutrients.


Lemon Water helps Stop Sugar Cravings

One of the best ways to kill a sugar craving is to counteract it with a sour taste.  Lemon juice is borderline intolerably sour on its own.  Diluting it in water makes an unsweetened “lemonade” that can help reduce sugar cravings quickly.  Learn more about how to stop sugar and carb cravings here.

Lemon Water Can Boost Energy

Lemon with water can be considered the best natural energy booster. When we wake up in the morning, our bodily tissues are dehydrated and are in need of water to push out toxins and rejuvenate the cells.   That’s why it’s a key ingredient in my Natural Energy Drink recipe.

Lemon Water Helps you Recover Faster After Exercise

Water is alkalizing and can help dilute uric acid, the built-up acid that can cause joint pain.  It also helps dilute the lactic acid in your muscles post-workout, so you can recover faster after exercise.  Lemon water can also help reduce inflammation and give you relief from aches and pains.

Lemon Water Helps you Digest Better

Water alone can help relieve constipation.  But lemon juice contains citric acid.  This acid interacts with other digestive enzymes and acids within your digestive system, which can help improve digestion and regulate bowel movements.  With all of that waste flowing you faster, you’ll be able to absorb nutrients better, too.

Ready to soak up these amazing benefits and show your liver some love?

30 Day Lemon Water Detox Challenge Instructions

  • Drink at least one glass of lemon water every day, for 30 days.  Bonus points if you drink more than 1 glass.  Double bonus points if you drink nothing but lemon water for the full 30 days.
  • Add 2 teaspoons to 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice into 8 oz of water.  Tip:  Half a fresh lemon at home, then quarter the halves, to get your lemon wedges.  1 to 2 wedges will do for each glass of water.
  • I recommend using filtered water.  Temperature doesn’t matter.  Bonus if you drink lemon water made with room temperature water first thing in the morning, 30 minutes before you eat or drink anything.
  • TIP::  It’s easy to rock the lemon water challenge at restaurants!  Ask for extra lemon and squeeze the wedges into your water.

Are you going to rock this challenge?  Leave me a comment and let me know.

Share the Lemon Water Challenge with others so they can to do it with you, too.

If you’ve done this challenge, please inspire others by sharing your results in the comments.

Big Love

Your Coach and Biggest Cheerleader


**Originally posted December 7th, 2017**



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Christina is a certified Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, and Fitness & Health Coach. After healing multiple health issues, getting off 7 meds, & losing 40 pounds – and keeping it off for 10+ years, Christina teaches others how to get Happy, Healthy, & Fit quickly without any bullshit.  She’ll show you how to slim down, tone up, and feel fantastic naturally with the most delicious food and least intense workouts possible.

How many lemons should you drink a day to lose weight?

In order to lose weight, you can consume 2 glasses of warm lemon water, i.e. once in the morning and once in the evening. You can also add a bit of honey to make it taste better. Also, keep in mind that if you want to lose weight, you need to work out to burn fat.

How much weight can I lose by drinking lemon water?

Lemon water does contain some additional nutrients from the lemon juice, such as vitamin C and antioxidants, but these are unlikely to have any effect on your weight. Additionally, the alkalizing effect of lemon juice has no clear effects on weight.

Is 2 lemons a day too much?

According to Bengaluru-based nutritionist Dr Anju Sood and consultant nutritionist Dr Rupali Datta, having the juice of 2 lemons per day is enough to keep you hydrated in the summers, and it is perfectly healthy to drink lemon water every day.

Does lemon burn belly fat?

Lemons are known to help you lose weight; thanks to the presence of vitamin C and antioxidants that promote good digestion. Lemons also have diuretic properties, which help in detoxifying the body, thereby helping burning fat. According to experts, this magic potion can boost the body's metabolism to a great extent.

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