How many people watch my hero academia


Best anime of 2016

After exhausting all Naruto, one piece and bleach episodes, I was scrolling through similar anime when I stumbled on a 'certain my hero academia'

It sounded like another boring high school anime and the first 10 minutes of episode 1 did not look very convincing which prompted me to shut it off and keep searching for other shows. However, something kept gnawing away at my soul that wanted me to find out what happens next and 2 days later I continued to watch the first episode. By the time it ended episode 2 couldn't wait and subsequent episodes became too tantalizing I couldn't wait. This show starts slow but if you can just have a little patience and get to the 2nd or 3rd episode it just accelerates into a deluge of excitement.

Season 2 can't come early enough.

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Great blend of coming of age elements, humor and action

My Hero Academia (2016) is a series my daughter and I watch together on Hulu (we are through 4 seasons so far). The storyline follows a world full of people who are blessed with "quirks." Not everyone has them, but once you discover you have them you can apply to schools who help you hone them in and use them for good. One boy who was born without a quirk one day is a hero and saves a friend and is determined by a hero he should have powers. It's his lucky day that this hero has to will his quirk to someone else as part of his power and he wills it to the boy. The boy applies to the most prestigious hero academy and gets in. This series follows his journey in the school.

The storyline for this series is fairly clever, unique and well done. The characters are excellent and you find yourself excited to discover their powers and watch them evolve over time. There is a good blend of coming of age elements, humor and action in this series. The action sequences are excellent, unpredictable and unique in a lot of ways. As the seasons progress they also do a great job of establishing more characters and villains as the universe expands.

Overall the series is very well done and worth a viewing. I would score this a 9.5/10 and strongly recommend it.

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To me, it's a masterpiece

It was the time I was really depressed. I was scrolling through Netflix recommendations and I accidentally found this anime. Before this, I watched death note and one punch man but I didn't get connected that much to both of them. I just wanted to watch just one episode to know how it would look like and after episode one, I ended up watching the whole anime. Now I'm a big fan of this anime. This cured my depression and gave me the motivation to move forward. The main character Izuku Midoriya hit me very hard. Whenever I feel depressed or feel like I couldn't make it, I remember Izuku Midoriya then some kind of energy rushes through my body - I connected to that character that much. Thank you so much for giving us this anime. Thank you Midoriya 💚 Plus Ultra!!!

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This is what every shounen show should stride to be!!!

Before this aired everyone was talking about how great it was going to be, myself just looking at the key artwork & character designs I thought this was going to be so stupid. It looks 100% childish trash, I could not comprehend what people were seeing in it. The ONLY reason I decided to watch episode 1 was because of the massive hype, I'm SOOO happy I did. The first episode starts slow, there's no question but thats because this show knows pacing perfectly. Its not rushing into it at all, its setting itself up right because its quality in every aspect. This is going to be the next "Naruto" but unlike "Naruto" as of right now they're doing it 100% right, they're not cutting corners with animation or reusing the same things just constantly. The story is perfection, not to slow nor to fast, every episode feels like only 5minutes have gone by, it'll have you holding your breath in suspense & your heart beating in excitement. The animation is amazing, it puts Naruto & Bleach to shame in nearly every way. The artwork is beautiful, the character designs although my first impression was how childish it appeared it's actually quite older audience aimed. The music is amazing, the op & ed match the show perfectly and all the music during the show is right on. If your a shounen fan or a fan of "Naruto", "Bleach", or "Hunter x Hunter" you NEED to watch this. Its going to be better than Naruto & Bleach by a long shot.

5/5 Why? I went in wanting, PLANING to hate it. Turned out to be one of the best shounen shows I've ever seen(in every aspect). The story is so simple and so suspenseful, keeps you on the edge of your seat practically from go to the very end. Animation & artwork are amazing. The music matches great. I love everything about it, can't wait for the next season. If your a shounen fan you HAVE to watch this.

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Two words: enjoyment & amazing!

I won't go in to detail explaining why this anime is incredible. After seeing 'one punch man' i wanted to find a new fresh anime to watch. I was very skeptical on finding one that has the same quality as One Punch man... BUT damn was i wrong.. After watching episode 12 of Boku no hero academia i was Mind Blown... Seriously i even watched it a second time just to experience that final moment!

The way they use the soundtrack in each scene shows how incredibly talented and passionate the creators are. This is what i call Anime! Freakin unbelievable how they managed to create a fresh anime with so much originality and epicness 'again'. People you have to understand that it takes a genius mind to be able to create something this good... episode 12 just proved that!

All i can say is that this anime has the potential to go PLUS ULTRA and beyond!

Watch it and you won't regret it!


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plus ultra!!

I came upon my hero academia on a whim. I had seen user ratings that said it was the bomb but he story seemed very generic and unrealistic, In truth it is the opposite. This show is defiantly in my top ten anime and even show list. You don't have to like anime to watch this show at all. From the first five minutes you can tell this show has a buzz about it that makes you want to binge until you drop. The main character Izuku Midoriya is an 8th grader and then freshmen in high school. This show picks apart a generic genre of superhero TV and makes it an emotional roller-coaster that shows that everyone is fighting to be a hero in their own way but not all people have the opportunity... sometimes you have to make it. I fell in love with every single character and the villain was so intriguing I had to read the manga (Japanese comic style story.) Plus usually I worry about the appropriateness of the shows I watch and I am proud to say the violence wasn't over the top for the situation and it was perfect for anyone else over 12 so you don't have to worry about gross profanity or stuff like that. This show is fantastic in so many ways and I urge you to watch it and keep in mind season two comes out April 2017. (I apologize for the super biased review!)

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my hero academy is a masterpiece.

Well what can I say! This is one of the best anime series I have seen in many years. It is an absolute Masterpiece. The story is so simple and straight forward. It does take a time to build up the pace but saying that, this little beauty of an anime keeps you glued til the last episode and what a finale it is! I've watched this series at least 5 times more and I am eagerly waiting for season 2. Everyone was going crazy over "one punch man" but this anime blows it away easily. I've spoken to many anime fans and they have all said how excellent this show is. Believe me after you've watched it you will realize just what I'm taking about. I think the biggest tool this show has going for it is the soundtrack. How they the creators have used the music together with the story is sheer genius at work. This needs to be a long on going anime just like dragon ball z. 11/10 for sheer brilliance. My hero academy has the potential to be one of the greatest anime series ever.

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ITS SO GOOD. My favourite anime right now. The story is amazing but I find the fights just levels above it. Watching the fights is like watching a movie. It feels so dynamic and real. I can't express with words how amazing watching Deku All might and Endeavour fighting really is. PLUS ULTRAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

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I think it's a fun series

I have to disagree with the people who calls this fun anime series an "X-men rip-off": Outside a somewhat similar premise, everything else (Characters, themes, plot development, visual style and the overall message from both works) are completely different: While X-men is more an allegory against intolerance, My Hero Academia is more about perseverance and improving oneself despite hardship.

And both works are good, but in a completely different manner.

Also despite both shows having superheroes, the aesthetic and sensibilities from My Hero Academia are closer to shonen archetypes: If anything, this series is closer to Naruto than X-Men, but honestly I prefer I enjoyed this series more, despite the typical cliches from the genre, because I found it entertaining and well-animated. Hope the second season doesn't disappoint my expectations.

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The definition of Shonen.

My Hero Academia is the type of anime that excels in all the things a typical shonen should be. The characters are entertaining and have their own personalities, the action is amazing, it's funny and the powers are super interesting. That being said, it also suffers from your typical fan service, which is unfortunate and ultimately one of it's worse flaws.

At it's best My Hero Academia reminds you of the greatest anime you've watched before. There are a few animes you can see served as inspiration (or a little more than that) but most noticeably is Hunter x Hunter as well as some obvious nods at american comic books.

That being said it's still worth watching, its entertaining and the art as well as animation are incredibly solid. The villains are interesting and our main heroes are fun and exciting to watch specially when in intense situations (not as much in the school environment).

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Superheroes Ain't Dead Yet, And Hero Academia Proves That To Us All

(I will be referring to the show as HeroAca because I'm a lazy sucker and can't be bothered to right Hero Academia).

I'm assuming anyone who's come here has seen the first season, so I'll be referring to events that already happened in season 1. If you haven't seen the first season yet, go watch it (and as a heads up, season 2 gets roughly 7.469x better and no I did not calculate that and yes I'm pulling numbers out of nowhere).

Story - 8/10 The thing is, HeroAca has almost two stories going on at the same time. The overarching story of "random weak nerd gets special power and becomes a hero" which, as far as things go, is pretty cliché. Not bad, but really cliché. And then we have the more intricate story - the story of the people Deku meets and how they affect him or vice verse, and then we see just how vulnerable and imperfect this society is, and not even superpowers can stop all the problems. The show is very good at not only building its own, new version of our world, but then going ahead and facing the problems and real-world issues it suffers.

Characters - 10/10 HeroAca has a pretty big cast of characters, one that only grows in season 2. Despite this, the creator of the HeroAca manga that HeroAca is based of, Kori Horikoshi, has done an excellent job of never sidelining any characters and making them helpful whenever the story allows it. Now, Season 2 doesn't have time to give everyone the spotlight, but it certainly does to a good chunk of the cast. And while not everyone is getting developed as such, they are becoming more and more lashed out as characters and obtaining their own stand out personalities. And the characters that do get developed... oh god, they develop them right. Obviously not all characters have gotten fleshed out yet, but as a manga reader I know they all will so I'm giving out the 10 rating.

Sound - 9/10 There are a lot of OSTs that are absolutely amazing and serve as brilliant accompaniment to whatever scene they're in. Most of the soundtrack can be listened to on their own, without the context of the show, and still be epic. However some of the songs don't have much variety, which does knock it down a few points. Then we have the voice actors - something I forgot to mention in my Made In Abyss review - and oh boy the voice actors are amazing. While I personally prefer sub, as I think Deku's VA expresses much more emotion, the dub is extremely solid and one of the best in a while. It's also very good at not changing really important lines which is always appreciated.

Art - 9/10 The art for this show is pretty goddamn awesome. It's a pretty new art style while still maintaining that "Japan" feel. The animation and visuals are normally very fluid and everything looks much more polished than before. The show has also drifted away from the "tell before you show" aspect that was present in the first season, with the fights allowing you to try and figure out the strategy in your head before directly explaining it to you. And while the art is nothing revolutionary it certainly deserves a 9.

Overall - 9.5/10 Here in the West, where every third film is a comic book film and a lot of superheroes are becoming over saturated or boring, HeroAca is a breath of fresh air. Not only does it perfect and put a twist on common Superhero/Shounen tropes, it also manages its wide cast very well and tells a story that turns out to be very intricate. While I admit some characters haven't gotten their turn in the spotlight yet and the repercussions of a certain few events haven't been fully explored, the show is worth a watch for anyone who wants to watch a well written shounen or a new take on the superhero genre. Or someone like me who just really wants to see superpowered teenagers punch each other silly.

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Naruto Without it's Flaws

Title sums it up for me this show is quite literally the closest thing to masterpiece. Watch it.

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My favourite Anime of all time.

Say what you want about this anime's AWFUL community ,but lets not shy away from possibly one of the best anime of all time because of that. The animation is good, the fight scenes are good, the characters are creative, interesting, funny and all have their own well written backstories, so well written that I sometimes find it hard to know who I'm rooting for in Good vs Evil fights. This will always be my favorite anime, of all time.

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Basic Anime

This show is cute for kids but it's a far cry from any of the best fighting based anime. Deku, the main, is like a weeabo's wet dream come to life. Devoid of any personality or talent besides an off-putting desire to be the best hero in the world, he screams and whines his way through confrontation after confrontation. We're a far cry from Gon's naive hunt for his father, or even young Naruto coming to grips with a demon inside him. I'd rather watch obnoxious Natsu rant about dragons than listen to Deku chastise his classmates once more for not being line toeing goody-two-shoes.

The animation is fine, but the second series spends its entirety matching up the classmates at a "hero" school to beat the holy hell out of each other. While the world watches instead of the olympics? I don't buy it. Episode after episode devoted to pointless fights whose outcomes are obvious from who has had the most screentime yet. One episode is literally "can this girl run up and touch a guy?" It would be great if the two characters had anything to offer besides predictable plot points involving "my body actually isn't invincible" and "I must do my best because everyone else is." Such excitement is followed by another episode exactly the same except this time they throw in a domestic violence background to try and give more weight to one character's actions. Do these writers just cut pages out of other successful manga and paste them in? A monkey on an iPad with his fingers tapes together could make something more exciting. I can't help but compare this to Hunter x Hunter, wherein the main also had green hair and a desire to be the best. The differences end there, though. Gon, optimistic and dumb, was countered by his smart, pessimistic best friend, a hot-headed idealist and a cool yet barely holding it together non-binary, possibly autistic, spirit of vengeance. He learned and failed, and succeeded in small steps. A similar arc in which Gon travelled to fight the world's best was really an opportunity to open the world of HxH, expose the light to dark, and build a stronger relationship between the two young boys. In My Hero, Deku is a Mary Sue who leaps into any situation without thinking ("how dare bad guys be villainous!" you can almost hear him yell and wring his hands at the man who almost kills his favourite hero). But it's OK, because although he has zero talent, his 2D friends will save him, and take more interest in his snivelling face than their own futures. Yay, teamwork! Japanese cuckolds rejoice!

I'd not recommend it. It's basic, it's simple, but above all else, it's not fun.

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Awesome Anime

I only started to watch this anime because of good reviews i saw on the net, and being naruto fan i never thought this anime could get any better than naruto,the initial intention was to only watch 2 episodes and before you know it i was already finishing episode 8!! The anime starts with a good phase and a solid background story of the character, after that it takes off and every end of an episode will make you want to watch the next right away. Good story with a nice blend of action & comedy involving the character.

Definitely will recommend to all the action and fast paced anime lovers out there.

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Blown !!

I was looking for a decent anime one with a few episodes and one day on trending list I saw this. Fortunately, I started watching it and soon I was hooked. This show has it all; a brilliant storyline; awesome soundtrack and a pretty cool bunch of characters. When I first read about I didn't think it'll be that good as the storyline appeared to be a little childish but I was wrong. This show is nothing like what I thought it'd be. Some of the moments were pretty amazing the likes of which I only saw in some popular animes like Naruto, AOT. So I'll suggest that you should just give it a try you won't regret it.


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My hero Academia

Warning: Spoilers

I only followed the first two seasons and they were good. The fighting scenes were wonderful, especially Midoriya Vs Todoroki fighting. It was a great fight. I did not like the design of most of the anime characters and most of the supernatural abilities are very bad. The story was very simple. The best character in the anime for me is Bakugou , a fun anime that I recommend watching

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Boring anime.

It is the worst anime I ever watched and I can't believe how it got 8.5/10.In this anime the main character is always shown as a weakling and he gets bullied by everyone.

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Seems to be an anime seiries about shining light on people on the spectrum, but that's just my opinion/interpretation of it

I have not been aware of this show's existence until only 2 months ago where I saw it being showcased at my local Supanova in Australia which is a general game/comic book/ pop culture fandom convention. I saw a couple of people there cosplaying as Izuku Midoria with his iconic green hair. I was intrigued about this strange new anime show that I did hear some famous YouTubers talking about, so I bought a couple of the manga books and started watching the anime.

The very first that clicked into my head when a began to understand the show's premise that it's about a school where the characters go to discover and further master their hidden "quirks" or "powers" where they train to become heroes. The more I read and got into the story, the more I started to realise that this show might have a deeper meaning than I previously thought. ASD was literally the first thing that came to mind when I started to understand the characters and the way they were created and constructed, something about the way it's made which is especially shown in the humor and design of the manga series is that it's a positive and uplifting (though violent) teen-young adult orientated show shining light for people with Autism/Aspergers or anywhere on the ASD spectrum.

As a person on the spectrum I could really relate to just how clearly how not all but a majority of the characters seemed to hold characteristics of people on the spectrum, closely relating these "quirks" that these characters have to real like special interests and obsessions that many Autistic people naturally have and develop, usually from early childhood. I also like how characters have more than one quirk and are flexible aswell, they are not singular, fixed or set in stone which was something that I could also really relate to and I think they nailed the natural behaviour of how an Autistic mind works without putting any shame or stigma on it, even if the creators of this show did it indirectly or completely by accident. And it's beautiful

I have always had obsessions a child, mainly with elevators, trains, planes, machines like DVD and VHS players which eventually branched out into theme parks, air travel and general science. I have grown as an adult now how to curb these obsessions which to flow and change overtime unfixedly for me but never truly disappear or go away.

Right off the bat I seemed to identify Izuku as Autistic or at least Asperger's by his characteristics and mannerisms. He just felt like that type of character to me. I have only watched 10 episodes so that might change later for me, but I have personally witnessed very few fictional character that fit and mirror the characteristics of Asperger's so well and I thought he did characterise you young man who is confident and masculine while also being slightly withdrawn, shy and socially awkward. Just like a majority of young men on the spectrum at that age

This could all just be my personal rambling though and I have only dipped my toe into what this show has to offer, but that was my first impression of My Hero Academia and I am very happy that a show structured like this exists with so many entertaining characters, it's does fell like Overwatch at times with just how many unique and creative characters they can cram into it without it ever feeling like bloated unnecessary filler. It is very difficult to do that creatively, which I why Overwatch, being a video game is the only other direct reference I can currently comparing it to.

I do feel like at this point is time that entertainment is changing, learning from certain strides of origionality from previous shows and fandoms (as well as their mistakes) and further improving for the greater good of our real world society which is currently growing and changing socially right now in a very positive way due to the worlds reaction to COVID-19.

This show symbolises empowerment and diversity as well as freedom of expression of self to me, it's a sign that society in the not too distant future is going to change for the better and slowly transform into that "one world society" that some people throw around, breaking down all barriers of race, ethnicity and ultimately, neurodiversity between Autistics and Non-Autistics bringing these two neurotribes together in a way that hasn't really been established before. It is true that Autistic people's brains develop differently to a Non-Autistic and further research into the condition is going to give more insight into exactly why that is the case. But anyway I'm going on a massive tangent here.

Give this series a try even if you're not into anime like I once was, you have nothing to lose :)

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My fav <3

Warning: Spoilers

I love All the characters and the animation is fire and I loveee Deku and u MUST watch it, it's funny with actions and emotions and hotness.

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Its better than the beginning

The beginning of season 5 had me feeling like this wasnt gonna be my favorite season. But the last few episodes of the season were legit my favorite. I really liked that they went in depth with Shigaraki cause I didnt expect it at all. My heros villains have always been kinda one note but with this latest arc theyre now the thing that makes me excited af for next season.

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funny, bright and heroic anime

The anime "My Hero Academia" tells about a world in which almost everyone has some kind of special ability, it is called a "quirk". There is also an academy that teaches people how to become a hero.

Our main character, unfortunately, did not get his quirk, but this does not prevent him from believing that he will someday become a hero, the one he admires all his life. He will reveal the secret of his idol's super ability. Well, what else will you find out by watching this funny comedy.

This anime has a peculiar, funny drawing, which is also pleasing to the eye and does not cause any disgust. It looks easy and the series are literally swallowed one after another.

Summing up, I can say with confidence that this comedy will not make you bored and will not let you realize the loss of your precious time.

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One of the best super hero Stories ever made

When I first watched this in late 2016, I thought It was okay and I didn't think it was going to be that special, but like 10 episodes in I couldn't stop watching. I had a hard time waiting for season 2 and when it dropped I was nervous to see if it could hold up to the masterpiece that was the first season. And when I watched I was so happy. The second season was as good, if not better than the first one. And the third season kept surprising me too. It was so cool to see everything from Dekus perspective, that he had no super powers but everyone else did. And then all might helped him. It was so good. So to all of you anime fans that loves shounen classics such as Naruto, Dragon ball and one piece, please do yourself a favor and watch this masterpiece. Cause I really think that this is up there with Death note and Full metal alchemist brotherhood as one of the best anime of all time.

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How popular is My Hero Academia in the US?

Parrot Analytics has found that the audience demand for My Hero Academia is 41.8 times the demand of the average TV series in the United States in the last 30 days. 0.2% of all shows in this market have this level of demand.

Is My Hero Academia one of the most popular anime?

My Hero Academia did all the right things at just the right time (even working in a school-life style of storytelling), making it one of the most popular anime in recent memory. After all, it's one of a handful of anime shows known by the general pop culture community instead of only being nestled in the anime niche.

Is hero academia popular?

Well, one thing I know for sure is that My Hero Academia is really popular in the anime community. It's one of the most talked about anime that's currently airing (alongside Attack on Titan and Steins Gate 0 of course).

Do people still watch My Hero Academia?

My Hero Academia is one of the most popular and celebrated anime in the modern generation of anime viewers.


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