How much does it cost to run a commercial refrigerator

Have you already purchased a commercial refrigerator, or are about to do so. Then have you considered the power consumption of a commercial refrigerator. The power consumption of a refrigerator has become one of the factors that must be considered when purchasing a refrigerator, and the long 24-hour start-up time makes electricity one of the costs of a refrigerator.

This article will share with you the power consumption and wattage of several common types of commercial refrigerators, as well as several small ways to reduce energy consumption and save energy.

Refrigerator electricity consumption

According to the U.S. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (, commercial refrigerators consume up to 17,000 kWh of electricity, while large commercial freezers consume 38,000 kWh.

These are staggering amounts of power consumption, and considering how much of this power consumption is tied to your costs, choosing the right size refrigerator for your needs is an indirect way to save money. (Check out this article to watch how to choose the right refrigerator for you)

Of course these figures, such as 17,000 and 38,000 are for those super large commercial refrigerators and freezers. Our everyday restaurant and small store refrigerators do not consume as much electricity.

How much does it cost to run a commercial refrigerator

Next, I will share the power consumption of display refrigerators, counter refrigerators, and back-of-house refrigerators, which are the most common models. (The data shared next are theoretical test data, actual use may have slight fluctuations)

Display refrigerator

Display refrigerator as the most common refrigerator, we can easily see in the store restaurant. Commercially available display refrigerators are generally divided into single-door refrigerators, double-door refrigerators and 3-door refrigerators.

Although it will be because of the direct cooling, air-cooled different and different compressor brand, power consumption will be some differences but up and down will not exceed 25w.

How much does it cost to run a commercial refrigerator

The power consumption of single door refrigerator is about 130w, double door refrigerator is about 245w, three door refrigerator is about 340w.

That is to say, single-door refrigerator, double-door refrigerator and three-door refrigerator power consumption of about 1138 kWh, 2146 kWh and 2978 kWh a year respectively.

Counter refrigerator

Counter refrigerator is generally used in the back kitchen, the surface is stainless steel material, below the storage of things above as a case of a dual-function refrigerator.

This kind of refrigerator is different from the display refrigerator, there are two types of refrigerator and freezer, for 1.2 meters and 1.5 meters counter refrigerator freezing about 20w per hour more than freezing. 1.8 meters or more about 50w per hour more.

How much does it cost to run a commercial refrigerator

To 1.5 meters long freezer counter refrigerator for example, about power for about 220w, that is to say, a year of power consumption of about 1927 kilowatt hours. Other freezer power consumption can be added on their own.

Kitchen refrigerator

The type of back kitchen refrigerator is also divided into refrigerated and frozen, but because the back kitchen refrigerator is larger, so generally freezing than refrigerated about 100w per hour more.

Here take the most common 4 door and 6 door refrigerator refrigeration as an example. Refrigeration can add 100w by itself. 4 door refrigerator refrigerator is about 260w, 6 door is about 350w. That is to say a year of electricity consumption of 2277 kWh and 3066 kWh respectively.

How to reduce the use of refrigerator power

After knowing the power consumption of several common types of commercial refrigerators, you may start to think about the energy consumption and the increase in cost. So what can you do to minimize your electricity consumption with normal use?

Fortunately, there are indeed ways to minimize consumption. For commercial refrigerators, the biggest source of power consumption is the start and operation of the compressor, so you can say that the compressor is the heart of the refrigerator, is the most core components of the refrigerator. So we will start from the compressor.

Regularly clean the compressor and coil of the refrigerator

Long time not clean up will lead to compressor, especially the coil of dust accumulation, which will largely affect the temperature conduction in the refrigerator system, thus affecting the refrigeration effect.

How much does it cost to run a commercial refrigerator

Once the refrigeration effect is not good, the temperature does not reach the standard, the compressor will start frequently, so the power consumption is increased. So to often clean up the dust of the refrigerator compressor and coil.

Note, do not randomly disassemble to clean the internal, to prevent improper operation cause damage to the refrigerator. Can every 1 year or 2 years to find professionals to help the overall cleanup of the refrigerator. Usually only need to clean the external surface and the surrounding environment can be.

Check the refrigerator door gasket and sealing place

In addition to too much dust will affect the refrigerator refrigeration effect, refrigerator door gasket and sealing place of bad is also lead to refrigeration effect drop significantly important reason.

The door gasket damage or seal is not tight, will lead to cold air from the refrigerator gap exposed. This will lead to the temperature imbalance inside the refrigerator, that is to say, it is difficult to reach the normal cooling temperature.

Under normal circumstances to reach the specified temperature after the compressor will temporarily stop running, but because of the cold air exposed to lead to the refrigerator internal temperature does not reach the standard, or just reach the standard for a few minutes the temperature rises.

How much does it cost to run a commercial refrigerator

So the compressor has to start running again. This also increases the compressor running time, thus increasing the power consumption.

So you should always check the refrigerator door gasket condition, if you find any cracks or deformation, wear and tear need to be replaced immediately. This can effectively help you save energy consumption.

Make sure there is enough space around the product to circulate airflow

Refrigerators of different volumes are designed to store different amounts of products. If too many products are stored, it will lead to the squeezing of products and thus affect the normal circulation of airflow inside the refrigerator.

Once the flow is not smooth, the cooling effect will become worse, the compressor will be more frequent start, so the power consumption is also increased. Even due to poor airflow, the food in the refrigerator will also reduce the length of storage, resulting in certain safety problems.

This is why it is said that it is important to buy a refrigerator that suits your needs. Too big refrigerator will cause extra power consumption, too small refrigerator will likewise produce extra power consumption due to lack of function.

So the refrigerator that suits you is always the most important.

Billboard reasonable use

The last point is contended for those that are in the foreground and the customers can see the display refrigerator. For the billboard displaying the refrigerator, we can only turn on the led light when we need to use it, and turn off its light when it is closed or at night (except for the 24-hour business point). Although the led lights do not produce too much power consumption, but 5, 6 years of waste, the accumulation is not a small cost.

How much does it cost to run a commercial refrigerator

Of course, this point can be implemented according to your specific situation. If you store for glass doors and windows. After the closure, outside pedestrians can still see your refrigerator through the window, so a little electricity can give your store to bring a small publicity effect. (Consider the local security situation)

But if you are completely closed doors and windows there is no need to open, even if the pedestrians can not see. Just increase consumption for nothing.


Whether you are ready to buy a refrigerator, or in the current refrigerator a lot of power consumption and trouble. I hope this article has been helpful to you.

Thank you for watching and have a great day.


How much power does a commercial refrigerator use?

According to, commercial refrigerators can use up to 17,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity, while commercial freezers can use up to 38,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity. To put those values into perspective, a typical U.S. house uses on average 10,399 kilowatt-hours per year.

How much does it cost per day to run a refrigerator?

How much does it cost to run a refrigerator in the US?.

Do refrigerators use a lot of electricity?

Unfortunately, refrigerators eat up a lot of electricity. In most homes, they're the biggest energy users after heating, cooling, and hot water systems.