How much does planned parenthood cost for birth control

Use the chart below to determine where you fall on the sliding scale based on your family size and monthly household income. In the left column, find the number of people that live in the household with you, including adults and children. Then move across the chart to find the correct total monthly household income. This should include income earned by a spouse or partner with whom you live. Round to the nearest dollar. Note which group this puts you in and then move to the next chart below.

Monthly Income Per Family Size

Number of people in household

Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

Group E


$0 —

$430 —

$859 —

$1,289 —



$0 —

$581 —

$1,162 —

$1,742 —



$0 —

$733 —

$1,465 —

$2,197 —



$0 —

$834 —

$1,767 —

$2,651 —



$0 —

$1,035 —

$2,070 —

$3,131 —



$0 —

$1,187 —

$2,373 —

$3,559 —



$0 —

$1,338 —

$2,675 —

$4,013 —



$0 —

$1,489 —

$2,978 —

$4,466 —


 * For family units with more than 8 members, add $757.00 for each additional member’s monthly income.

Now that you know which group you’re in, select the service from the left side of the chart and match the price to your group. This is a list of our most popular services and are only for patients not using insurance or state-funded program to pay for services. Don’t see the service you’re looking for or have a question? Please call (714) 922-4100 in Orange County or (909) 890-5511 in San Bernardino County. Remember, no one will be turned away due to inability to pay. 

PPOSBC Bundled Services Cash Prices


Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

Group E

Medication Abortion (abortion pill)






In-center abortion 1st trimester






In-center abortion 2nd trimester






IUD insertion






IUD removal






IUD insertion/removal same day






Implant insertion






Implant removal






Implant insertion/removal same day






Depo shot (birth control shot) – 1 shot






Emergency Contraception- 1 pill






Gardasil (HPV vaccine)- price per shot, 3 total needed  






Flu vaccine- 1 shot






STI testing with medication












Ectopic pregnancy (Early Pregnancy Loss)






Pregnancy Bridge- 1 visit






Well-person visit (annual exam)






Infection check












Office visit (birth control, pregnancy test, STI test, counseling, follow-ups)






Drive-Thru visit (birth control, pregnancy test, STI test, counseling, follow-up) No labs included






Add-On Services 
* These are added prices if you decide to include something in addition to the services you were scheduled for. 


Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

Group E

Birth control pills (any)






Birth control patches (3)






Condom- Female or Male












Emergency Contraception






Gardasil (1 shot)












Nexplanon (birth control implant)






NuvaRing (Ring)






Effective Sept 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. 
All fees are subject to change without written notice. Please call to verify fees.

Fees quoted are based on a discounted cash fee for cash patients not having insurance.
Costs include lab fees, but not medication.

Does not include all services or all add-on prices. For more information, call (714)922-4100 or (909) 890-5511.

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Please enter your age and the first day of your last period for more accurate abortion options. Your information is private and anonymous.

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Or call 1-800-230-7526