How much fish oil should i take bodybuilding

Fish Oil Bodybuilding Recommended Dosage per day

Omega 3 Fish Oil gel caps

Fish Oil Bodybuilding Dosage*

Bodybuilding recommended dosage of Fish Oil is 300-600 mg EPA and 200-400 mg DHA per day, but varies depending on your goals.

Always check with a physician and follow label instructions on your particular product.

Fish Oil Omega 3 fatty acids bodybuilding benefits

  • Testosterone boosting
  • Muscle growth,
  • Fat loss,
  • Bone and joint support

Omega 3 fatty acids are the beneficial component of fish oil, especially EPA and DHA.


Fish oil also has many general health benefits including:

  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Reduction of risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Helps maintain healthy cholesterol
  • Supports immune system
  • Improves overall health and well being

Fish Oil Bodybuilding Rating:****

Fish oil is highly rated for bodybuilding due to it’s many benefits, including support of muscle growth. The pros of taking fish oil are so numerous that it should be a staple in any bodybuilders supplement plan.

Bodybuilder Working Out

Fish Oil Briefly Explained

Fish Oil contains the Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. EPA is short for eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA is short for docosahexaenoic acid. Good reasons to us the abbreviated names!

Read about Fish Oil at Wikipedia.

EPA and DHA are essential fatty acids, which means the body cannot produce these, so they are “essential” to your diet. Your body can produce, or “synthesize” most of the fats it needs from the foods you eat. there are 2 critical  fatty acids, linoleic and alpha-linolenic, that cannot be synthesized and must come from diet or supplementation.

Lineolic acid a key component of Omega 3 acids and alpha-linolenic acid is a component of Omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 3 can also come from ALA supplements or Alpha Lipoic acid.

These essential fatty acids must be included in a healthy person’s diet, as deficiencies can cause a long list of health issues.

See your doctor before using Fish Oil products.

Fish Oil can be a great benefit to bodybuilders as a general health, joint and testosterone support supplement. Try it and see if you see some better results from your hard training!

*Dosages are only general recommendations. Always check with your Physician and product label before taking any supplement or medication.

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Omega-3 (fish oil) benefits in bodybuilding and fitness [infographic]

Omega-3 (fish oil) benefits in bodybuilding and fitness [infographic]

What are the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids in bodybuilding and fitness? Why do so many athletes implement omega-3 in the diet? Check out studies, video’s and infographics below and get started with implementing fish oil in your diet.

It is known by many bodybuilders and athletes that omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) can help you gain muscle, lose belly fat and prevent injuries.

We will show you the Benefits of Omega-3 Fish oil in Bodybuilding, provide your related articles and show how easy it is to get enough Omega-3 fatty acids through your diet. Luckily, it’s very easy.

Omega-3 fish oil benefits in Muscle Gain

Studies have shown that when our body gets a sufficient amount of omega-3 fish oil, we can gain more muscle. Researchers theorize that this is the effect of nutrient partitioning. In other words; calories that might originally be stored as fat can be partitioned into muscle.

According to the formula for muscle growth is the rate of synthesis minus the rate of degradation. It just happens that the DHA and EPA in omega-3 fish oil increase synthesis and decrease degradation. Great, right? We are just getting started.

In one study carried out by Washington University, 9 healthy men and women took 4,000mg of Omega-3 fish oil for eight weeks. Omega-3 was shown to increase their muscle building response to both insulin and amino acids. Having a high amount of Omega-3 in the muscle seemed to prime it for protein synthesis, making it more able to build and maintain muscle.

Another study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, involved 60 healthy men and women aged between 60 and 85. They were randomly assigned to take either 4,000mg of Omega-3 fish oil per day or a placebo made of corn oil. After 6 months, those receiving the Omega-3 supplement had increased thigh muscle volume and handgrip strength.

[Video] How Omega 3 Helps Build Muscle: Increase Protein Synthesis by Thomas DeLauer

Video references:

1. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids augment the muscle protein anabolic response to hyperaminoacidemia-hyperinsulinemia in healthy young middle aged men and women. Source.

2. Dietary supplementation with a specific combination of high protein, leucine, and fish oil improves muscle function and daily activity in tumour-bearing cachectic mice. Source.

3. Effect of intravenous omega-5 and omega-3 fat emulsions on nitrogen retention and protein kinetics in burned rats. Source.

4. Dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplementation increases the rate of muscle protein synthesis in older adults: a randomized controlled trial. Source.

5. Enteral nutrition enriched with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) preserves lean body mass following esophageal cancer surgery: results of a double-blinded randomized controlled trial. Source.

6. The effects of ingestion of omega-3 fatty acids on perceived pain and external symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness in untrained men. Source. 

Omega-3 Fish Oil can help reduce belly fat

T-nation also wrote an article about the importance of omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) in bodybuilding and fitness. One study done by the Nutritional Physiology Research Group in Australia showed that the essential omega-3 fatty acids combined with exercise provides significantly greater fat loss benefits than exercise or using omega-3 fish oil alone. The best benefit is that fat loss occurs in the abdominal region. This has been tested on real people.

Omega-3 fatty acids can increase insulin sensitivity, which leads to less fat storage and more fat release. These are just a few examples of how omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) can help you lose fat. Check out the article on T-nation for the full view.

Bodybuilder Layne Norton (has a PHD in nutritional sciences) wrote an article on, he says: “EPA and DHA have been suggested to support insulin function and increase glucose and fatty acid uptake into muscle cells. This may help partition nutrients toward muscle and away from fat, improving overall body composition and providing more fuel to the muscle during workouts.”

Studies appear to support this. According to the Journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, healthy adults who took 3,000mg of fish oil per day for 12 weeks saw their metabolic rate increased by an average of 5.3%, meaning they burned more calories even when at rest.

Fish oil is good for your joints

There is one big obstacle bodybuilders and athletes are facing. Preventing injuries and keeping great overall health for the best performance. Besides the vast amount of benefits, omega-3 fish oil has proven to reduce the stiffness in your joints, improve your blood flow and enhance your recovery.

How to eat more Omega-3 fatty acids

Many major health organizations recommend eating fish at least twice a week. If you are serious about your training program it shouldn’t be too difficult to eat fish twice a week, since they are also high in protein and should already be on your list!

How to get enough Omega-3 Fatty acids in your diet as a Vegan

If you are a Vegan, it’s more difficult to get enough Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet because the highest volumes come from fatty fish. Here’s a list of vegan alternatives to get some Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, but if you would like to get the full benefits, you might want to consider supplementing. Luckily, there are also Vegan Omega-3 supplements.

Top Vegan Omega-3 fatty acids sources

1. Seaweed and algae

Seaweed and algae are important sources of omega-3 for people on a vegetarian or vegan diet, as they are one of the few plant groups that contain DHA and EPA.

2. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are an excellent plant-based source of ALA omega-3 fatty acids. They are also high in fiber and protein. Chia seeds contain 5.055 g of ALA per 1-oz serving.

3. Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds contain 2.605 g of ALA in every 3 tablespoons (tbsp).

They are also rich in many nutrients, including:

  • protein
  • magnesium
  • iron
  • zinc

4. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds contain 6.703 g of ALA per tbsp.

Flaxseeds are one of the most healthful seeds that people can eat. They are rich in many nutrients, including:

  • fiber
  • protein
  • magnesium
  • manganese

5. Fatty nuts

You can also add some fatty nuts, like Walnuts, to your diet to get more Omega-3 and protein. Be aware that nuts are also high in calories, so consume them with moderation.

Omega-3 fish oil benefits in Bodybuilding and Fitness [Infographic]


Any information provided by GlobalOwls, or representatives of, is for educational purposes and should not replace medical advice. We cannot diagnose or treat any medical condition. Always consult a doctor or other medical practitioner before implementing any changes. If you are on prescriptive medication you should check with your GP before commencing any supplement program as these may be contraindicated with some medications.

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Does fish oils help muscle growth?

Fish oil may also enhance the muscles' sensitivity to protein and resistance training. A 2017 study suggests that supplementing 4,200 mg of omega-3s containing 2,700 mg of EPA and 1,200 mg of EPA increased the synthesis of new muscle protein in older adults.

How often should a bodybuilder take fish oil?

You can take fish oil before or after a workout or anytime during the day. You can consume 2,000–3,000 mg per day of EPA and DHA and therefore the perfect fish oil bodybuilding dosage would be 1 or 2 capsules per day.

Is 1000mg fish oil enough per day?

To maintain a healthy heart, be sure you're getting enough EPA and DHA. Up to 1,000 mg of total EPA and DHA per day is recommended for people who have coronary heart disease and are at risk of having a heart attack ( 24 , 25 ).

Is 3000 mg of fish oil a day too much?

Even though the US government says 1.6 grams or 1600 mg of Omega-3 per day is adequate, they did not define what 'optimal' dosage might be. Based on the research, 2000 to 3000 mg of Omega-3 daily seems a reasonable goal. Good quality fish oil pills do not give you side effects.


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