How much has carbon dioxide increased since the industrial revolution

The level of carbon dioxide in the world’s atmosphere is now more than 50% higher than during the pre-industrial era, further pushing the planet into conditions not experienced for millions of years, well before the emergence of humans, US government data shows.

The latest measurements showing the relentless upward march of CO2 follows scientists’ new warning that the world may still barrel into disastrous climate change even if planet-heating emissions are drastically cut, which governments are still failing to achieve.

“It’s depressing that we’ve lacked the collective will power to slow the relentless rise in CO2,” said Ralph Keeling, a geochemist who runs CO2 measurements for the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in Hawaii. “Fossil-fuel use may no longer be accelerating, but we are still racing at top speed towards a global catastrophe.”

In May, the Mauna Loa Observatory, perched high on the slopes of a volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island, measured a CO2 concentration of 421 parts per million, just the latest escalation in an inexorable rise in CO2 due to the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

Line chart showing the upward trend in CO2 emissions at the Mauna Loa observatory

Before the Industrial Revolution, the Earth’s CO2 levels were about 280ppm for almost 6,000 years, providing a stable basis for the advance of human civilization. Since then, however, humans have released about 1.5tn tons of CO2, enough to warm the planet for hundreds or thousands of years to come.

This huge leap in CO2 emissions, a heat-trapping gas that is the primary driver of global heating, has quickly pushed the world into conditions not seen in 4m years, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa), which also takes measurements at Mauna Loa.

“Carbon dioxide is at levels our species has never experienced before,” said Pieter Tans, senior scientist at Noaa’s global monitoring laboratory. “We have known about this for half a century, and have failed to do anything meaningful about it. What’s it going to take for us to wake up?”

The last time CO2 levels were this high was in an era before hominids walked upright, a time called the Pliocene, about 4.1m years ago, when concentrations reached around 400ppm. The world was then radically different from how we know it now, with forests in the Arctic and sea levels five to 25 meters higher than today, which would be enough to drown many of the world’s largest cities.

The epochal change in our atmosphere, due to the burning of coal, oil and gas to power our cars, trucks, houses and factories, has already caused severe heatwaves and worsening floods, droughts and storms. These impacts will become catastrophic should global heating advance further, beyond 1.5C above the pre-industrial era, scientists say.

This limit, which was agreed to by the world’s governments in the 2015 Paris climate pact, is now increasingly likely to be breached in the coming decades. A new research paper has found that the lingering effect of past emissions means there is a 42% chance the 1.5C limit will be passed even if emissions are halted immediately.

The new study, which looks at the ongoing impact of CO2 as well as methane, nitrogen oxide and aerosols, like sulfur or soot, found that there is a two-thirds chance of temporarily going above 1.5C if emissions cuts are left until 2029. Scientists have said global emissions must be slashed in half this decade, and zeroed out by 2050, if the world is to have a chance of avoiding dire climate consequences.

Despite this, emissions, which dipped during 2020 as Covid-related restrictions kicked in, surged again last year and show no sign of the steep drop needed to avoid severe impacts. “Our study found that in all cases, we are committed by past emissions to reaching peak temperatures about five to 10 years before we experience them,” said Kyle Armour, a climate scientist at the University of Washington and a report co-author.

Michelle Dvorack, a University of Washington doctoral student in oceanography, who led the research, published in Nature Climate Change, added: “Our findings make it all the more pressing that we need to rapidly reduce emissions.”

Bill Hare, chief executive of Climate Analytics, said that the world“appears to be sleepwalking to disaster. Governments appear to think taking more action is too hard.

“What will be more difficult is dealing with a three-degree world. Already this year we’ve seen horrific impacts, like the heatwave in India and Pakistan, and floods in the same region. This is just the beginning.”

The carbon dioxide emissions released by global fossil fuel combustion and industrial processes have seen a dramatic rise since the birth of the industrial revolution. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions began to rise more steeply from the 1950s, and by 2000 had reached 25.23 billion metric tons of CO2. Emissions soared 32 percent between 2000 and 2010, and in 2020 totaled 34.81 billion metric tons. That year the outbreak of COVID-19 caused emissions to plummet five percent.

What is carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is a colorless, naturally occurring gas that is released after people and animals inhale oxygen. It is a greenhouse gas, meaning it absorbs and releases thermal radiation which in turn creates the “greenhouse effect”. In addition to other greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide is also a major contributor to the ability of the Earth to maintain a habitable temperature. Without carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, Earth would be too cold to live on. However, while carbon dioxide alone is not a harmful gas, the abundance of it is what causes climate change. The increased use of electricity, transportation, and deforestation in human society have resulted in the increased emissions of carbon dioxide. This in turn has seen a rise in earth’s temperature.

Who are the largest emitters worldwide?

China is the most polluting country worldwide, having released 10.7 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2020. This was more than the combined CO2 emissions of the United States, India, Russia, and Japan. These five countries are the world's top polluters, and were responsible for 60 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions in 2020.

How much CO2 increased since 1750?

Since 1750, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen 46 percent.

How much did carbon dioxide levels increase?

Since the beginning of industrial times (in the 18th century), human activities have raised atmospheric CO2 by 50% – meaning the amount of CO2 is now 150% of its value in 1750. This is greater than what naturally happened at the end of the last ice age 20,000 years ago.

How did the Industrial Revolution change CO2 levels?

However, since the industrial revolution, humans have expelled copious amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This has triggered an unnatural warming that has seen the Earth's temperature rise dramatically over a short period of time.