How much is 31 weeks in months

Key Takeaways at 31 Weeks Pregnant

  • Things are feeling mighty crowded. You might be having trouble walking, talking or doing both at the same time. Baby is making it hard for you to feel like you can catch your breath.
  • Fundal height is probably somewhere around 30 centimeters—give or take. Suffice it to say, you may no longer be able to see your feet when you’re standing up straight.
  • If you’re expecting twins, your doctor may schedule a biophysical profile. This is a combo ultrasound and a non-stress test (NST). For the NST, you’ll have sensors put on your belly to detect and measure your contractions and baby or babies’ heart rates.

All five of baby’s senses are fully developed at 31 weeks pregnant. Baby is also getting smarter! In the meantime, you might actually feel a little absentminded. Some say that “pregnancy brain” isn’t a real thing, but can you honestly think of another time in your life when you’ve had as much on your mind as now? There’s ample reason to be so forgetful at week 31 of pregnancy.

Baby at Week 31

Your week 31 fetus is going through major brain and nerve development. Their eyes are developing too—the irises can now react to light! (A little light does shine into your 31 weeks pregnant belly at times!) In fact, all five of baby’s senses are in working order.

How big is baby at 31 weeks?

At 31 weeks pregnant, baby is as big as a bunch of asparagus. Baby is about 16.2 inches long and weighs about 3.3 pounds. Baby is getting so big, they’re probably crowding your lungs, which is why you might find yourself winded on a normal walk up the stairs.

What does baby look like at 31 weeks?

Baby looks a lot like how they’ll look when they’re born! Lanugo, that downy covering of hair all over the body that protects baby’s skin from the amniotic fluid, starts to disappear. Their big job now is to keep filling out and gain a little more weight—oh, that adorable, cuddly baby fat!

Is baby fully developed at 31 weeks?

All of your hard work—eating right, exercising and generally taking care of your health—is paying off. You’re 31 weeks pregnant, which means baby has done a lot of growing (and still has some to do!). You’re ready to meet them—and they’re almost ready to meet you!

31 weeks pregnant is how many months?

At 31 weeks pregnant, you’re approximately seven months pregnant, although pregnancy is generally tracked by week, not month.

31 week ultrasound

Women who have pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes or who are 31 weeks pregnant with twins may have a 31 weeks pregnant ultrasound to check in on baby (or babies). But if that’s not you, you’re off the hook this week.

We know, we know. You’re just dying to know what baby looks like inside your 31 weeks pregnant belly. Some curious parents-to-be choose to have a 3D/4D ultrasound done later in pregnancy—usually sometime between weeks 24 to 32. (So 31 weeks pregnant is the perfect time!)

In a 3D/4D ultrasound, you can see the entire surface of baby’s face in one picture. Yep, the picture is three dimensional. The fourth dimension is time—you get to see baby move on the screen in 3D. That means you may see your 31-week fetus blinking, thumb sucking and maybe even smiling or frowning, and you’ll get probably take home a video of it, too!

There are medical circumstances that could call for a 3D/4D ultrasound at 31 weeks pregnant. But if your doctor doesn’t order one, you have the option of having one done at an independent imaging center. In that case, the 3D/4D ultrasound is an elective procedure, so your insurance won’t cover it and you’ll have to pay out of pocket for it.

They’re pretty cool to see though, so if you want one and your doctor okays it, go for it! Aw, so cute!

3D Views: My Baby, My Body

See their progress for yourself with our 3D interactive tool.

Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 31

From week 31 of pregnancy on, you’re bound to feel a lot of the same symptoms you’ve already been experiencing. Some may get worse, and some may become bearable. Here are the most typical 31 weeks pregnant symptoms:

Shortness of breath

You might start to have more trouble getting around as you get heavier and shorter of breath. Remember not to push yourself too much. It’s good for you and baby to get some exercise, but definitely take breaks to rest as much as you need to.

Dry, brittle nails

Sure, you’re having extra fingernail and toenail growth, but that can make those nails feel dry and easily broken. Some moms-to-be have success with a moisturizing cuticle oil.

Braxton Hicks contractions

To ease the discomfort of Braxton Hicks, drink plenty of water and change positions often.

Leaky boobs

That yellow liquid is baby's first food, called colostrum, and your body is getting it ready for the big arrival. A little leakage at this point is totally normal.

Frequent urination

Your bladder is just as crowded as your lungs are. Not much you can do about it except mentally plan for more bathroom breaks in your daily routine.


Be sure to keep stretching to ease your aching back. Prenatal yoga poses can help!

Trouble sleeping

It’s no wonder you can’t sleep when your back hurts. Your belly is contracting, you can’t find a comfortable position and oh, you have to keep getting up to pee!

Product Recommendations for Your Third Trimester

Your Pregnant Belly at 31 Weeks

By 31 weeks pregnant you’ve probably gained about 21 to 27 pounds. If you’re 31 weeks pregnant with twins, it’s more like 27 to 42 pounds.

Your 31 weeks pregnant belly is getting in the way of everyday things like tying your shoes and sex. It’s even in the way of your usual swagger—have you started waddling yet?!

What position is baby in at 31 weeks?

Baby’s position at 31 weeks? Head down! At least they probably are. Your OB will check at your next appointment. With baby at 31 weeks, you’re both getting prepared for labor!

"It's always better to be prepared, especially if your labor starts sooner or lasts longer than you expected!… You'll want to pack a change of clothes for yourself and your baby, any toiletries you want, and labor support items like essential oils or a back massager. Many pregnant people also appreciate bringing a pillow from home for extra comfort. And don’t forget lip balm! This is so helpful for mouth-breathing during labor in dry hospital air." - Evette Hernandez, CNM, MSN, RN, a certified nurse midwife and clinical director of Quilted Health in Washington State

Tips for 31 Weeks Pregnant

The finish line is in sight. Here’s what you can do as you round the corner and head to claim your prize (baby!).

Invest in nursing pads

If your breasts are leaking colostrum, nursing pads will keep your bras from getting messy. You can use either disposable or reusable pads.

Try a simple stretch for back pain

There are a lot of great stretches to help ease those aches, but here’s one you can do anytime, anywhere: Rest your back against a wall, standing with feet under your shoulders. Tilt your lower back against the wall and leave it there for about five to 10 seconds, then release. Repeat up to 10 times if needed.

Start training for labor

The big day will be here before you know it, so start practicing the deep, patterned breaths that will help you stay relaxed during labor. You’ll be more prepared when it’s time to deliver baby, but for now, these cleansing inhales and exhales have the added benefit of helping with any shortness of breath.

Cut back on tea or coffee

You may love your cuppa, but it could be driving some of those extra trips to the bathroom. Drinks with caffeine, such as coffee or tea, can act as diuretics and cause you to urinate more often.

Pregnancy Checklist at 31 Weeks Pregnant

Reminders for the week:

  • Prep your pets for baby
  • Learn the signs of preterm labor
  • Order a baby keepsake book

Is 31 weeks considered 8 months pregnant?

31 weeks pregnant is how many months? At 31 weeks pregnant, you're approximately seven months pregnant, although pregnancy is generally tracked by week, not month.

What is 31 weeks in months of pregnancy?

31 Weeks Pregnant is How Many Months? If you're 31 weeks pregnant, then you're approximately 6 months and 3 weeks pregnant.

What position is the baby at 31 weeks?

31 weeks pregnant baby position Regarding orientation, your baby should now be vertical – head down and feet towards your chest cavity. If he was in breech position, he should flip down into the cephalic presentation by this week.

How many months is 31 weeks and 3 days pregnant?

31 weeks pregnant is how many months? If you're 31 weeks pregnant, you're in month 7 of your pregnancy.