How much is the mortgage on a 800 000 house

What's the monthly mortgage payment on a $800k house? Loan price for a $800,000 house with a 4.00% interest rate.

Monthly payment = $3,055

Total yearly payments = $36,665

Payments by Interest Rate

Interest RatePayment
3.500% $2,874
3.625% $2,919
3.750% $2,964
3.875% $3,010
4.000% $3,055
4.125% $3,102
4.250% $3,148
4.375% $3,195
4.500% $3,243

Payments by Amount Down

% DownAmountPayment
3.5% $28,000 $3,686
5.0% $40,000 $3,628
7.5% $60,000 $3,533
10% $80,000 $3,437
15% $120,000 $3,246
20% $160,000 $3,055
25% $200,000 $2,864
30% $240,000 $2,674
50% $400,000 $1,910

Payments by Loan Length

10 years $6,480
15 years $4,734
20 years $3,878
30 years $3,055
40 years $2,675
Interest only $2,133

Mortgage Tips

  • Credit score matters. Get a free copy of your credit report to make sure there are no errors which might negatively affect your credit score.
  • Shop around. Make sure to get multiple mortgage quotes. Over 30 years, a difference of 0.25% in APR might end up being over $10,000 in extra payments!
  • Bigger down payments are better. You can often qualify for a mortgage with as little as 3.5% down. But, unless your down payment is at least 20%, you will likely have to pay Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). This can add significant cost to the price of the mortgage.

Can I afford a $800,000 house?

Traditionally, the "28% rule" means a person should not spend more than 28% of their pre-tax income on total housing costs.

Let's assume that taxes and insurance are 2% of the house price annually. Here's how much you'd have to make to afford a house that costs $800,000 with a 4.00% loan:

% DownDown PaymentIncome Required
3.5% $28,000 $215,099
5.0% $40,000 $212,644
7.5% $60,000 $208,552
10% $80,000 $204,460
15% $120,000 $196,275
20% $160,000 $188,091
25% $200,000 $179,907
30% $240,000 $171,723
50% $400,000 $138,985

Average House Prices by State

What is the average price for a house or condo in each state of the U.S.?

Source: Zillow, March 2020

Alabama 46 $143,100
Alaska 13 $300,100
Arizona 18 $277,600
Arkansas 48 $130,900
California 2 $578,300
Colorado 5 $408,800
Connecticut 21 $259,900
Delaware 22 $257,500
Florida 24 $252,300
Georgia 31 $206,800
Hawaii 1 $642,500
Idaho 15 $298,300
Illinois 32 $204,800
Indiana 41 $158,700
Iowa 42 $154,700
Kansas 43 $153,900
Kentucky 45 $150,000

Louisiana 39 $170,400
Maine 25 $249,600
Maryland 10 $313,000
Massachusetts 3 $433,900
Michigan 38 $177,000
Minnesota 19 $263,700
Mississippi 49 $127,500
Missouri 40 $165,700
Montana 17 $288,900
Nebraska 37 $178,900
Nevada 11 $309,700
New Hampshire 14 $299,300
New Jersey 8 $342,500
New Mexico 28 $210,100
New York 9 $328,700
North Carolina 30 $208,000
North Dakota 26 $237,500

Ohio 44 $153,600
Oklahoma 47 $132,500
Oregon 6 $372,900
Pennsylvania 34 $198,400
Rhode Island 12 $308,700
South Carolina 36 $190,600
South Dakota 29 $209,700
Tennessee 35 $192,600
Texas 27 $211,200
Utah 7 $355,500
Vermont 20 $261,300
Virginia 16 $291,000
Washington 4 $428,900
West Virginia 50 $107,100
Wisconsin 33 $202,700
Wyoming 23 $256,100

What's the payment on 800000?

Monthly payments on an $800,000 mortgage At a 4% fixed interest rate, your monthly mortgage payment on a 30-year mortgage might total $3,819.32 a month, while a 15-year might cost $5,917.50 a month.

How do you calculate monthly mortgage payments?

M = P [ i(1 + i)^n ] / [ (1 + i)^n – 1]..
M = Total monthly payment..
P = The total amount of your loan..
I = Your interest rate, as a monthly percentage..
N = The total amount of months in your timeline for paying off your mortgage..