How to add text to story on facebook

Did you know that in addition to sharing photos and videos to your Facebook Stories, you can also share text posts? Our guide will show you how this works.

Note: These screenshots were captured in the Facebook application on iOS.

Step 1: At the top of your Facebook News Feed, tap “Add” to begin creating a new Story post.


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Can you edit text on Facebook story after posting?

A Facebook story consists of story text, and may also include either one picture or one video file. You can only edit Facebook stories that are unapproved and unpublished.

What is a Facebook text story?

learn. Facebook Stories are short user-generated photo and video collections that can be viewed up to two times and disappear after 24 hours.

How do I add to my story on Facebook?

Updated mobile browser experience.
Tap Add to story at the top of your Feed..
Add your photo or video. Tap Camera to take a new photo or video, or choose a photo or video from your camera roll..
Below Your Story in the bottom left, tap to change the audience for your story (example: Public, Friends)..
Tap Share Now..

How do I put text under a picture on Facebook?

From your Facebook profile, click the "Photos" tab on the left column, then click to the image to which you want to add a caption. Click the "Edit" link under your name beneath the image, then type your caption. If the photo already has a caption, you can add, edit or delete it at this time, as well.


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