How to get white rings out of wood

I’m sure all of us, at some point, have put a glass of cold water right on top of a nice piece of wooden furniture. You know what happens then? You end up with a water mark like that.

Now, that can cause quite a panic if you have a nice piece of furniture. A d I’ve seen a lot of people try different home-spun ways of getting rid of that, including mayonnaise or even peanut butter; but I’ve got a way that really works very, very well.

Basically, you take a simple cloth, like this, place it over it. Then take kind of a medium warm iron, place it right over it, just for a minute. Take it off. Let it breathe a little bit, because you don’t want to put too much intense heat on it where it will affect the actual finish on it.

You got to be patient or you’ll end up really having a problem with the furniture finish. After you continue this a little bit, you’ll notice when you peel this off, it kind of has a little bit of a matte finish, which is fine. That will pretty much go away once it starts cooling down.

Then, you can just rub it. Rub the rest of that out. Then, you want to finish everything up with a good quality furniture polish to make everything look consistent.

But, in the future, instead of having to go through all that, why don’t you try one of those. That makes life a lot easier.

  • TAGS
  • clean water mark
  • clean water stain
  • DIY
  • furniture
  • hard water stain
  • Home Improvement
  • home maintenance
  • home repair
  • home repairs
  • how to get a water stain out of wood
  • how to remove dark water stains from wood
  • how to remove old water stains from wood
  • how to remove stains from wood furniture
  • how to remove water stains from wood table top
  • how to remove white spots from wood table top
  • How to Remove White Water Marks from Furniture
  • how to remove white water stains from wood
  • remove stain
  • remove water mark
  • water based stain
  • water mark
  • water stain
  • white water mark

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How to get white rings out of wood


Backed by his 40-year remodeling career, Danny served as the home improvement expert for CBS’s The Early Show and The Weather Channel for more than a decade. His extensive hands-on experience and understanding of the industry make him the go-to source for all things having to do with the home – from advice on simple repairs, to complete remodels, to helping homeowners prepare their homes for extreme weather and seasons.

No matter how careful you are with coasters, water stains on wood furniture are bound to happen. But don't panic, you can (probably) remove the stains with items you already have laying around your house. Here's what you need to know:

White Water Stains vs. Dark Water Stains

Take a look at the water ring. What color is it? If it's light that's a good sign: White water stains are much easier to remove, because the water has most likely only seeped into the wax or finish (in other words, the wood itself is safe).

Darker stains mean the water has penetrated several layers and has reached the wood. Removing these stains is a much tougher job. Instead of tackling it yourself and risking permanent damage, you may want to contact a professional for help.

How to get white rings out of wood
How to get white rings out of wood

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How to Remove White Water Stains at Home


Yes, mayo! Blot the stain with a paper towel as soon as you notice it, then slather a generous layer of mayonnaise over the area with a rubber spatula. Let it sit for a few hours (or, better yet, overnight) and then wipe it off — hopefully, the stain has magically disappeared.

This works well because mayonnaise is, at its core, just a tasty combination of lemon juice, oil, eggs, and vinegar. The fat and acids work together to draw out the water while giving the wood a boost of gentle, oily nourishment.

How to Make Homemade Mayonnaise

Vaseline (Petroleum Jelly)

Petroleum jelly can gently penetrate the wood's surface without damaging it, much like it does your skin.

Blot the stain, then use a dry sponge or towel to apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly. Let it stand overnight and wipe away in the morning. The jelly should've penetrated the surface and replaced the trapped water with oil. If you still see the stain, repeat the process.


Try gently rubbing some white, non-gel toothpaste onto the stain with a dry rag or sponge. Be extra careful not to scrub too hard, as you don't want to damage the wood. After about a minute of (gently!) rubbing in a circular motion in the same direction as the grain, the stain should start to lift. Wipe the excess toothpaste away with a clean rag. You may want to apply some furniture polish to give the area some shine.

Steel Wool

Steel wool is effective at removing many kinds of stains, but you want to tread lightly when it comes to wood. Opt for the finest grade variety available so that you don't permanently damage your furniture. Gently rub mineral oil into the stain using the steel wool, moving in the direction of the grain.

Vinegar and Olive Oil

You can whip up a makeshift furniture polish with pantry staples you probably have on hand. Mix equal parts olive oil and white vinegar. Using a dry rag or sponge, rub the oil-vinegar mixture into the stain, moving in the direction of the grain. Wipe the excess away with a clean cloth.

How do you get white heat rings off wood?

In a bowl, combine one part toothpaste with two parts baking soda to create a thick paste. Apply some of the mixture to the white heat mark on your wood table and allow it to sit for a minute or two before wiping it from the surface. You may need to do this a few times in order for the stain to fully disappear.

What causes white rings on wood?

White rings and marks on furniture are caused by water or water vapor coming into prolonged contact with the finish. Dark (brown or black) marks are the result of water penetrating the finish and staining the wood below.

How do you get ring stains out of wood?

Combine Vinegar and Olive Oil for a DIY Wood-Stain Remover In a small bowl, mix equal parts vinegar and olive oil. Apply the mixture to the water stain using a cloth. Wipe in the direction of the wood grain until the stain is gone. The vinegar will help remove the stain while the olive oil acts as a furniture polish.

Can you remove white water stains from wood?

Using Mild Abrasives (Toothpaste/Baking soda/salt) Buff out water stains on wood with a mild abrasive. Using a non-gel (plain white) toothpaste, baking soda paste or salt paste (adding a few drops of water to form the pastes), gently rub the mixture into the stain. Be sure to go along the grain of the wood.