How to move photos to sd card galaxy s7

By performing few simple steps on your Samsung galaxy s7 mobile, you can move and transfer pictures and photos to SD card on galaxy s7 changing location of device storage, by default Samsung  galaxy is set to save your pictures to internal memory, you need to change these settings to move pictures to SD card on galaxy s7, lets see how to do that in simple steps:

Move Picture to SD  card on Galaxy S7 Mobile:

If you have already having picture on your mobile which you want to move to SD card or transfer them to inserted memory card slot then perform below steps.

Step 1: Go to APPS -> Select Settings.

Step 2: Scroll down and select Storage.

Step 3: In Device storage will prompt and you will see Internal storage and SD card storage and how much space your mobile device is used and how much is left.

Step 4: In Device manager -> Click on Internal Storage.

Step 5: Scroll down now and Click on Explore.

Step 6: Click on DCIM and Click on Camera.

Step 7: Select more on top right corner

Step 8: Click on EDIT.

Step 9: Select the pictures(photos) you want to move to your SD card (you can select all by selecting select all button on top.

Step 10: Once you select pictures which you want to move and Select MORE again.

Step 11: You can transfer your photos by 4 options prompted here 1) Move 2) Copy 3) Compress 4) Details. Select the option which you want to perform.

Note: Best option recommended is to copy first and then delete.

Step 12: Select copy and select SD card.

Step 13: Now here you can create new folder or  select DCIM for moving pictures in to this DCIM folder (as you wish).

Step 14: Select DCIM and click camera and click on DONE.

That’s it all your selected photos by you are now transferred and moved to SD card and for freeing up internal storage if you perform above steps by choosing option of copy, then you need to go to SD card and cross check your images are transferred and moved and  once transferred go ahead and deleted them from your internal storage to free-up space of your Samsung galaxy s7.

What is the default Storage location of Samsung Galaxy s7?

By default Samsung galaxy is set to internal storage

How to change Samsung galaxy default internal storage location?

Navigate to device storage and change default storage to SD card (if you SD  card inserted)

Unable to move Picture to SD card on Galaxy s7?

Check you SD is inserted correctly and sd card is having enough space, unmount and mount your sd card once you insert sd card and try again and make sure your sd is not corrupted or damaged, if damaged it you can’t move.

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on February 22, 2017, 12:18 PM PST

How to save Samsung Galaxy S7 photos to an SD card

Here's how to switch the default storage for photos on your Samsung Galaxy S7 to a microSD card.

How to move photos to sd card galaxy s7

While the Samsung Galaxy S6 was quite a hit when it launched in 2015, some die-hard fans noticed that it was missing a critical feature: Expandable storage.

Yep, Samsung dropped the microSD slot on the Galaxy S6, but it brought it back with the next year’s model, the Galaxy S7. Having the option to save files like photos to a microSD card makes it easier to keep the on-board storage freed up, and to transfer those files to other devices.

Fortunately, it’s a simple process to set your microSD card as the default storage option in your Galaxy S7. Here’s how.

SEE: Samsung Galaxy S7 review (CNET)

The first thing to note is the placement of the microSD card slot. It is located on top of the device, and can be opened by inserting a SIM card removal tool or an unfolded paper clip into the small hole located next to it. This slot also holds a SIM card for the device.

Once you have opened the slot and inserted the microSD card, make sure to properly close it so that it is sealed. You may get a popup that asks if you’d like to change the default storage option but, if you don’t, you can manually set the storage location.

To manually select the microSD, you’ll first want to go to your camera settings. You can do this by tapping on the camera icon and then tapping on the settings gear icon in the upper left hand portion of the camera screen.

Scroll down and towards the middle of the screen, you will see an option that says “Storage location.” However, this option will not be presented if a microSD card isn’t present, so make sure it is inserted correctly before heading into your camera settings.

How to move photos to sd card galaxy s7

Tap on “Storage location” and a mini-popup appear that gives the options “Phone” and “SD card.” If your phone is default storage to the device, then “Phone” will be highlighted in blue. To change it, simply tap on the “SD card” option and it will be changed.

How to move photos to sd card galaxy s7
How to move photos to sd card galaxy s7

Once you’ve tapped on “SD card” the mini-popup should close and SD card should be listed under “Storage location.” At this point, you have successfully changed the storage location for your photos, so you can exit the app and start taking pictures.

Also See

  • Samsung Galaxy Note7: What you need to know about the recall and exploding battery (TechRepublic)
  • Hands-on with Android 7 Nougat on the Samsung Galaxy S7: screenshot gallery (ZDNet)
  • Samsung announces AI assistant for Galaxy S8 smartphone (TechRepublic)
  • Samsung Galaxy S8 specs: Hello curved screen, AI assistant, and goodbye home button? (ZDNet)
  • The crazy 5 step process for returning a Samsung Galaxy Note7 (TechRepublic)

  • Mobility

How do you move things to a SD card on a Samsung S7?

Select the My Files app. Navigate to, then select and hold the desired file(s). Select the Menu icon, then select Copy. Select SD card.

How do I move my photos to SD card on Samsung Galaxy?

Android - Samsung.
From any Home screen, tap Apps..
Tap My Files..
Tap Device storage..
Navigate inside your device storage to the files you want to move to your external SD card..
Tap MORE, then tap Edit..
Place a check next to the files you wish to move..
Tap MORE, then tap Move..
Tap SD memory card..

How do I move videos to SD card on Galaxy S7?

Once you have an SD card installed in your device, freeing up space is easy. ... .
1 Open the My Files app. ... .
2 Tap on the category of file you want to move..
3 Tap the folder where the files you want to move are stored..
4 Tap the more options icon. ... .
5 Tap Edit..
6 Tap each file you want to move. ... .
7 Tap the Move icon..