How to report someone on facebook and get them deleted

Can a Facebook account be deleted by reporting?

Sometimes even one genuine report can make Facebook delete an account and that too within 24 hours. At other times, it may take a few more days and a series of reports. It will depend on the processing of the reports by Facebook.

How can I get someones FB deleted?

If you want to get someone's Facebook account shut down, you can report the account to Facebook. If you are the one who has reported the bullying, you may be entitled to have your account deleted. The person is the one who created a fake account, they will likely be removed from your friend's list.

What happens when you report someone's Facebook?

When something gets reported to Facebook, we'll review it and take action on anything we determine doesn't follow our Community Standards. Unless you're reporting an incident of intellectual property infringement, your report will be kept confidential and the account you reported won't see who reported them.

How long does it take for Facebook to remove a reported post?

Some cases take a shorter time than others. Therefore. Don't be surprised to encounter an abusive post that you reported still available on Facebook. Generally, your report can get reviewed within a few hours, and sometimes, it can take a whole day, two days, or in the worst case, a week.