How to see facebook profile as someone else

Do you know you can view your profile as someone else? Viewing your profile as someone else allows you to see your profile as it is seen by other persons.

You might have made some settings add some information about you on your profile, but you are not sure yet how people might be seeing the information you updated.

Almost everyone making a post on Facebook has in one way or the other made advances to see how their Facebook friends view what they just posted.

Amongst these people, there are groups that would only wish it was possible, there is another group that would go through their friend’s account to view it and there is this last set that would make inquiries on how it can be done.

If you are reading this guide, it clearly indicates that you belong to this the last set I have fore-mentioned, and you are sure to get the answers you seek. You could also ensure to share this guide at the end of the day to help the other sets I have equally mentioned.

You should know that Facebook does not allow users to view a page as a specific individual, rather, a provision has been made where you can use “View as Public” to see how your page looks to the general public.

Also, you can NOT see or know how many views you have on your Facebook profile or who unliked an already liked post on your timeline. Rather, you can get to know what every other Facebook user is likely to see if they happen to visit your profile.

Keep reading as we will be guiding you through the process of viewing your profile as someone else.

read: How Can I See Hidden Friend List on Facebook – Facebook Friends List | Facebook Hidden Friends

Why Check Out Your Profile As Someone Else Might?

  1. Security Reasons –Ensure friends are seeing the right stuff, others are only seeing the allowed stuff, while the general public is not seeing too much and the user you have blocked is not seeing anything.
  2. Marketing –To the marketers and advertisers on Facebook, This is something you cannot do without because you need to see how people see your adverts, how admiring your posts are and so many other reasons regarding your brand.

Viewing Your Timeline (Profile) As Someone Else

We will show you two different ways to navigate to the “view as” feature in this section of the article.

  1. From your profile, click on your name in the upper left-hand corner of the Facebook page to go to your Facebook Timeline. Near the lower right-hand corner of your cover image, you will see a settings icon click on this icon and a drop-down selection will come up. In this dropdown menu, select “View As…”
  1. The second alternative to navigating to the “view as” feature on your Facebook account is from the upper right-hand corner of your Facebook page after you sign in, you will notice a little padlock icon just to the right of your name. Open up this dropdown. Then select “Who can see my stuff“, and then click “What do other people see on my timeline? View As…“
  1. The “View As…” bar now shows up near the top of your Facebook profile and indicates which privacy group (Public… Friends of friends… Friends… and so on) or individual you are currently viewing Facebook as. You can easily close it, once you are done, by clicking the X.

Things to Check When Viewing Your Facebook Profile As Someone Else

Well everyone knows what he/she would like to check before trying this out, but let us point out important things you need to check

  1. Try to check Your Timeline Yourself. Look at individual posts
  2. On the left sidebar on your timeline, look at different options such as “likes” and “places” etc.
  3. Tap on the About tab and look at your “city”, “home town”, “places” “photos”, “email address”, “phone number”, etc.
  4. Lastly, you can also check out the “Friends” and “more” tab but most of these items are accounted for in the left sidebar of the timeline at this time.

Update: Unfortunately, you will no longer be able to view your own profile as if you were someone else, using the button that conveniently gives you a glimpse of all your information on one page. Previously, this functionality was known as “View As.” In addition, Facebook users who performed the setup process themselves could also access this feature on their own profiles.

How To Secretly View Another Person’s Facebook Profile

using a Facebook Spy App

Other than looking at your own timeline, you may wish to check out the timelines of your friends. Nobody denies that Facebook users snoop on the profiles of their former and present friends to see what they’re up to now and later on. However, some people prefer not to do so using their genuine Facebook accounts. You can come across as a creeper or weirdo if you’re discovered. Using a Facebook spy app is the only surefire way to do this. Installing this application would allow you to spy on your friend’s social media activity without them knowing.

Change the “Private” settings to “Public”

To begin, go to the Privacy section of the Settings menu. If your profile isn’t already public, change all of the options under that option to Everyone or Public. After that, log out of Facebook. To find your Facebook profile, do a Google search for (your name + Facebook) and then click on the top result to get there. You should be able to view how your profile appears to your friends at this point.

The Secret “View As” Setting

The Facebook “View As” option on Facebook was not completely removed. Even though it’s not recommended, there is a backdoor way to use this feature. Follow the steps below to gain access to this:

  • Go to Timeline and Tagging in the Settings menu.
  • Scroll down to the “Review” section and the item “Review what other people see on your timeline.”
  • Next, select “View As” from the drop-down menu.

Create Another Facebook Account

You also can register a second Facebook account as a last desperate measure. All you have to do now is accept a friend request from your genuine Facebook account. You can also use a phoney account to see another person’s Facebook account if you want to spy on them.

I hope you enjoyed viewing your profile as others see it?


In today’s world, social media has grown so commonplace that it’s almost taken for granted. People share everything from big incidents to what they ate for breakfast. It’s crucial to monitor what you post, too, because you don’t want to reveal things to strange people who aren’t supposed to see them.

Do you have any more ideas about how to look at your profile as someone else? Leave a comment below

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Can you still view your profile as someone else?

Go to your Facebook page and click the three dots next to your cover photo. Select “View As” from the popup menu. You profile reloads to show you how it looks to the public—so, anyone who isn't your friend. For me, it's mainly my old profile pictures and cover photos.

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Log into your Facebook page and go to your profile. At the right corner of your cover photo, you should click on three dots next to “Activity Log.” From the pop-up menu, select “View As.”

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