How to stop a subscription on google play

If you've subscribed to a Bumble subscription through Google Play and want to cancel, follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Play store
  2. Go to "Account" under the Play store menu
  3. Tap on "Subscriptions" and you will see your active app subscriptions.
  4. Tap on your Bumble subscription and then click "Cancel"

New update: All in-app payments for Bumble subscriptions and/or other Premium features on Android must be made via Google Play. If you prefer to use a different payment method without adding it to your Google Play account, you can still make that purchase by accessing your Bumble account via the web instead of the app.

Nowadays, it's not hard to find people with multiple subscription services. In fact, with all the gaming, music, TV, and film streaming content out there — not to mention health and food apps — it's almost impossible not to be signed up for some form of monthly paid service. 

If you signed up for any of those services using an Android app, there's a good chance that they're billed through your Google Play account. And if that's the case, you'll need to go through Google Play to modify or cancel them.

Luckily it doesn't take long to cancel any of your Android subscriptions through the Google Play Store. Here's how to do it.

How to cancel subscriptions on an Android

1. Open the Google Play Store app and tap your profile icon in the top-right corner.

2. In the Google menu that opens, tap Payments & subscriptions.

The Google menu in an Android phone's Google Play Store app. The "Payments & subscriptions" option is highlighted.

Head to your Google account's "Payments & subscriptions" page.Google; William Antonelli/Insider

3. Tap Subscriptions, then find and select the membership that you want to cancel.

4. Once its settings page opens, tap Cancel subscription. Some apps might then ask you to perform a few more steps, so be sure to read any pop-ups that appear.

After you cancel a subscription, you should still have access to all of its content until the end of this billing month.

If you're trying to cancel a subscription but it doesn't appear in this menu, that means that you didn't sign up through Google Play. Check out the app or company's website, or try to contact them directly. They probably have an independent method for canceling accounts.

Melanie Weir contributed to a previous version of this article.

William Antonelli

Tech Reporter for Insider Reviews

William Antonelli (he/she/they) is a writer, editor, and organizer based in New York City. As a founding member of the Reference team, he helped grow Tech Reference (now part of Insider Reviews) from humble beginnings into a juggernaut that attracts over 20 million visits a month. Outside of Insider, his writing has appeared in publications like Polygon, The Outline, Kotaku, and more. He's also a go-to source for tech analysis on channels like Newsy, Cheddar, and NewsNation.

Google Play Store subscriptions have become a lot more common in recent years, with many applications offering free trials. But if you are no longer using your subscription or weren’t impressed by what it had to offer, you can cancel any time. Not sure how to do that through the app itself? You can head to the Google Play Store instead. Here is how to cancel a Google Play Store subscription.

Here: Learn how to use the Google Play Store with this complete guide


You can cancel a Google Play Store subscription within the Google Play app. Tap on your profile icon and go to Payments & subscriptions > Subscriptions. Select the subscription you want to cancel and tap Cancel subscription. Follow instructions to confirm the action.


Editor’s note: All instructions in this guide were put together using a Google Pixel 4a with 5G running Android 12. Some steps might differ depending on your device and software version.

How to find your Google Play Store subscriptions

First things first, you need to actually find your subscriptions. This is especially helpful if you’re a bit subscription-happy and don’t remember which apps you’ve subscribed to.

Find your Google Play Store subscriptions:

  1. Launch the Google Play Store.
  2. Tap on your profile icon.
  3. Select Payments & subscriptions.
  4. Go into Subscriptions.
  5. You’ll be able to see both your Active and Expired subscriptions here.

How to pause a Google Play Store subscription

The first thing you need to know is that canceling is not the only available option. If you are short on cash, in some cases, you can pause payment for a month and continue your subscription on the next. Only some apps offer this, but it’s worth checking if they do.

Pausing a Google Play Store subscription:

  1. Launch the Google Play Store.
  2. Tap on your profile icon.
  3. Select Payments & subscriptions.
  4. Go into Subscriptions.
  5. Select the subscription you want to pause.
  6. Tap Manage.
  7. If the app offers this option, you will see Pause payments. Select this option.
  8. You will be able to select the time period you’d like to pause for. All that’s left to do after is tap Confirm.

Not satisfied with what your subscription had to offer? Then it’s time to cancel.

Cancel your Google Play Store subscription:

  1. Launch the Google Play Store.
  2. Tap on your profile icon.
  3. Select Payments & subscriptions.
  4. Go into Subscriptions.
  5. Find the subscription you want to cancel and select it.
  6. Tap Cancel subscription and follow the on-screen instructions.
  7. You may be asked to select a reason for the cancellation. Choose one from the options and tap Continue, followed by Cancel subscription.

Don’t worry about wasting part of your subscription — you will still be able to use the app for the period you’ve already paid for or for the remainder of your free trial. The same applies to yearly subscriptions. If you signed up in June 2021, for example, and canceled shortly after, you will still be able to use the application until June 2022. It will not be automatically renewed after that.

What about refunds? Subscription refunds are a bit more complicated than app purchase refunds. Generally, you should be able to get a refund within 48 hours of subscribing. However, you will only receive money for the month you canceled. You might also need to contact the app developer directly, depending on the subscription service.

How to restart a Google Play Store subscription

Sometimes you may need to pause or cancel subscriptions because they’re not convenient or you’re too busy to take advantage of them. The good news is that restarting them is possible. So, if you’ve recently bought a new Fitbit and want to restart your Fitbit Premium subscription, for example, here is how to do that.

Restart a Google Play Store subscription:

  • Launch the Google Play Store.
  • Tap on your profile icon.
  • Select Payments & subscriptions.
  • Go into Subscriptions.
  • If you recently canceled a subscription or paused it, it will appear on the list. Select it.
  • Select Resubscribe and follow instructions. Your subscription will be reactivated immediately.

Can I keep using my Google Play Store subscriptions after canceling them?

Yes. You’ll have access to your subscription for the duration of your current payment period. Of course, the only exception is when you request a refund.

How long do I have to request a refund?

If applicable, as per the terms you agreed to upon signing up, you will be able to get a refund if you request it within 48 hours.

Can I request a Play Store subscription refund after 48 hours?

Sometimes. It will be up to the developer to approve it.

Can I update my payment method on a Google Play Store subscription?

Yes. You can update your Play Store subscription from the Subscriptions section. Tap on the subscription and select Manage > Update.

What happens if I cancel Google PlayPass?

All in-app purchases, paid apps, and subscriptions will be removed if you cancel PlayPass. Additionally, you’ll start seeing ads in apps in which ads are removed for PlayPass subscribers.

How do I stop an unwanted subscription?

Cancel the subscriptions by emailing the service providers. If this proves elusive then go through your bank statements going back for 12 months. Look out for regular subscriptions that you forgot or are fraudulent. Cancel them via corresponding websites or by emailing the respective companies.