How to switch to bike on uber eats

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If you are thinking about becoming an Uber Eats bicycle delivery person, this guide should be your first stop.

Getting started with Uber Eats isn’t just as simple as hopping on your bike and activating the app on your phone.

There is some groundwork to lay before you can perform your first delivery service.

Before you get started, you need to understand the basic Uber requirements as well as some of the pros and cons of Uber Eats and performing bicycle delivery.

This guide should be a big help.

Uber Bicycle Delivery Overview

If you’re looking to make some money and get a good workout while doing so, Uber Eats bicycle delivery might be a good fit for you.

Uber Eats food delivery can definitely help put a few dollars in your pocket, even if it’s not a full-time gig.

But it might not be lucrative enough to be more than a side hustle.

Uber Eats uses their app to assign delivery pickups and orders, so if there aren’t many orders in your area while you are working, there won’t be much of a chance to make money.

  • Related: How does Uber Eats work for customers?

Why Uber Eats Bicycle?

If you’re in decent shape and looking for some side hustles to earn extra money, this job might be a good fit.

You need to be able to be out biking quite a bit, especially if you are trying to do a large number of orders.

If you live in a very spread-out area, you might also struggle to get enough delivery requests and pickups.

It can also cost a few dollars to get appropriately outfitted for bike delivery, so you should think carefully about your investment.

Pros of Uber Bicycle Delivery

  • Flexible hours, only work when you want to
  • Bicycles are very affordable, even with some extra expenses for work and safety
  • Get paid to exercise

Cons of Uber Bicycle Delivery

  • Earning good money can be labor-intensive and elusive
  • Exposed to the elements
  • Demanding and competitive work environment
  • Starting out requires purchasing a delivery bag

Getting Started as a Bicycle Delivery Driver

Uber Eats Bicycle Requirements

You don’t need a particular type of bike to deliver with Uber Eats.

But, it should be sturdy and reliable, and you should have experience as a cyclist in the area.

Any time lost due to breakdowns will cut into your delivery availability.

So, think practically and ensure that your bike is well suited to riding in your area.

Perhaps most importantly, equip your bike with a basket or platform for carrying your deliveries safely.

Failure to do so will make for some very unbalanced and challenging riding.

Many Uber Eats bike delivery drivers do not like to deliver pizza because it is hard to balance a large box.

But with the proper setup, you shouldn’t have much to worry about.

Soup and other liquids may be an issue, as they are tipped easily and possibly spilled.

Things you need to get started

Aside from a bicycle, there are a few other things you need to get started.

Using the Uber Eats app is required for all delivery persons, so make sure it works on your mobile device.

And, since you need easy access to the app safely, a reliable cell phone mount with a battery backup or charging system is pretty much a must-have.

Uber Eats food delivery partners are all required to have and use an insulated bag.

For a bike delivery person, that will help you carry your orders safely out of the elements.

Uber doesn’t provide this equipment, but they have a third party that sells Uber-branded gear.

Since you will also be out riding on and along the roads, you should wear safety gear, including a helmet and high-visibility clothing.

You may also want to consider adding reflective tape and safety lighting at the front and rear of your bike.

Again, Uber doesn’t sell this gear directly.

The Application Process

The application process for Uber Eats is pretty straightforward.

First, ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements.

Some cities may have slightly different rules, but in general, to deliver for Uber Eats, you must be at least 18 years old and possess a US-issued driver’s license or non-driver state-issued identification card.

If you are eligible, sign up through the Uber Eats app.

Be sure to choose ‘Delivery by bicycle or foot’ when it asks for your transportation method.

Next, to confirm your eligibility to become a delivery person, you will have to upload your driver’s license or non-driver US state-issued identification card.

Scans are not allowed, so when you upload your photos, make sure that:

  • The document image is clear, and all text is legible
  • All four corners of the document are visible
  • The document is not expired (if it’s expiring soon, you may want to renew, so it doesn’t lapse during the application process)
  • Your document photo must be clearly visible. No blurriness or marring should obscure any part of the image. Your name must also match the name on your application profile.

Once you’ve gotten that done, Uber will perform a background check on you.

Most background checks reach completion within less than five days, and Uber will then receive a report.

Finally, Uber will review that report and determine if you are eligible to work on their platform.

Uber will inform you of their decision through the app at the appropriate time.

Tips for New Uber Eats Bicycle Drivers

To make the most out of your time as an Uber Eats bicycle delivery person, we have provided a few tips.

These recommendations are all drawn from people with experience in Uber Eats delivery by bicycle.

This way, you know they are solid tips and best practices you can use to make the most out of your work with Uber Eats.

1. Stay safe

Maintain your personal safety by following the rules of the road and utilizing safety equipment.

Uber Eats offers some safety tips for their bicycle riders. Make sure to carry a lock for your bike as well.

2. Multi-task

Consider utilizing other delivery platforms to maximize the profitability of your trips.

Uber welcomes delivery service cyclists from other delivery apps like Amazon, Postmates, and Grubhub.

This approach can help you minimize waits between pickups and also optimize your route.

3. Location

Consider the terrain and environment in which you will be riding.

If you’re riding in New York City, you are likely to rarely need a bike with gears.

But if you’re in the hills of San Francisco, a multi-speed bike might be more appropriate.

You should bring along appropriate clothes and other personal comfort items like water, a towel, and simple repair tools for your bicycle.

4. Safety first

Remain safety conscious.

Use the features of the app to keep friends and family informed of where you are, don’t be afraid to call the police for help, and take rests using the built-in features of the app.

Consider carrying something for self-defense.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Uber Eats allow bicycles?

Uber Eats allows bicycles for their deliveries because they are accessible, affordable, and in some cases better suited to their environment.

In busy urban areas, bikes allow for easier maneuverability in congested traffic.

And, as a bonus, bicycles are much more environmentally friendly than any type of car.

What is the speed limit for Uber Eats bicycles?

Uber Eats doesn’t have a transparent speed limit policy for bicycle deliveries.

But, there is widespread evidence that you will get a warning from Uber Eats if you are using an electronic bike, scooter, or another motorized vehicle while registered as a bicycle.

Uber Eats will track your speed with their app, and violating their rules by going faster than a bicycle can may result in your removal from the app.

Why does Uber Eats say “bicycle”?

Uber Eats says bicycle to make sure that all bicycle delivery persons are on an even playing field.

If someone uses a motorized vehicle, they can take advantage of faster travel and shorter delivery times to get more pickups and drop-offs (electric bicycles tend to have top speeds comparable to those of regular bicycles).

It’s also important for Uber Eats customers to know who is coming and whether they will be in a car or on a bike for safety purposes.

How do existing Uber Eats drivers change from a car to a bicycle?

For an existing Uber Eats driver to change from a car to an Uber Eats bicycle delivery person, they need to first make a change within the driver app.

Find the menu icon in the top left corner with three horizontal lines.

Select account, and then under your listed vehicles, you can select your work hub.

There should be an option to deliver with Uber Eats and enable deliveries.

If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to contact Uber for assistance.

But, the paperwork requirements for Uber Eats are generally less stringent than for regular Uber.

So, it shouldn’t be very hard.

Wrapping Up

This guide should have given you all the info you need to get started with Uber Eats.

It’s up to you to determine how much you want to work and how exactly you want to set up your bicycle and other equipment.

The Uber Eats app will do the rest of the work—except for the pedaling!


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