How to upload photos to xbox one from iphone

then you want to go to open

once you go to open you want to go to

settings and you want to check these

these will not be checked

they are already checked for me but they

won't be checked for you they're going

to be white make sure you got that red

check mark in both of them

all right after you check them uh

close it because if you don't close it

it won't work so make sure you close it

all right you don't gotta close that too

but i just closed it all right now

you want to go back into the app all

right make sure

again they got the check marks missing

they got the check marks we're good to


all right you don't gotta touch nothing

that's you don't gotta touch your phone


don't chuck don't don't don't uncheck

nothing leave it it's good

once you did that you're good we don't

gotta touch the phone again all right

now what you want to do is go over to

your xbox and you want to type in media

player it should already be downloaded

on your xbox if it's not

i i think you could download it but it

should already be downloaded

all right my bad i already have my eyes

open so i'm reopening it for you guys

so boom this should come something like

this should come up

eventually it might take a little second

it might take like 10 seconds 20 seconds

30 seconds

wait i promise you it's going to come up

if you make sure you keep this app

open it won't come up if the app is open

all right

so make sure this app is open on your

phone all right

then what you want to do is go over to

uh the right one whichever one is all

the way to the right

that's the one you want to go to there's

gonna be a couple of them for some

reason go to the one on the right

always well never mind

not always go to the one go ahead try

opening all of them in whichever one


you see how fast it loads up like you

see how if i click this is taking this

long to load up

but when i click this one is instant try

all of them it's going to load up

whichever one is the right one

loads up real fast so you don't you

don't got to be sitting there waiting if

you're taking a little while to load up

try the other one all right now go over

to photos

go over to albums and then this is all

your pictures

this is all of them right here i'm gonna

go to recently edit because i'm looking

for a picture i recently added

boom and as you guys can see the picture

that's my home screen right now

and the thing i'm about to make my home

screen now i'm gonna show y'all what

happens if you make something like this

your home screen

so this is cool and all and to make it

your home screen you press the pause


and then this comes up and you press set

as background but the problem with this

is it when you do this

um well this is actually fine

this is actually fine let me show y'all

let me show you a better example

if you i already showed you guys what

they do basically i just want to show

you how it's going to look you should do

it the wrong way

all of these might actually be fine

though i'm not sure

anyway [ __ ] you i don't feel like it's

not working well all right let's go to

this one so look

as you see how this is a a a

a rectangle photo so if you make this

your home screen

it's going to look like this it's going

it's going to zoom it it's going to

expand it

so that's why i try to find a picture

that's like

um that's just that's a rectangle

back the other way you feel me or just

collage a bunch of pictures like i did

here all i did was collage a bunch of

mega nostalgian pictures and now i just

set his background

boom simple you feel me you see how easy

it is

make sure you keep this app open though

it won't work unless you keep this app

open now once that once you do it you

don't want to keep the app open you can

close it

you can turn your phone off you can do

whatever you want but

for for you to actually go into your

your picture your photo gallery

you need it open that's the only reason

you need to open after you choose a

picture like now you can close it all


so don't worry about you know i mean

some [ __ ] all right you good to go

and this is pretty much it

it's not really to say other than uh

there's nothing else really to say yeah

i mean that's

it if i helped you leave a like

subscribe and comment

if you need more help comment below um i

don't know how i can help you i really

just say re-watch the video a couple


maybe slow it down because i just showed


everything step by step but i'ma hide

you guys the next one if i helped you

though definitely

like and let me know in the comment

section below if i helped you out

don't forget to subscribe too i'm out

peace game

How do I upload pictures to my Xbox One?

Go to Profile & system, select your profile, then select My profile. Select Customize profile > Change gamerpic. Select Upload a customized image and choose one to use from your connected device. Note Your image must be at least 1080 x 1080 pixels.

Can you transfer files from iPhone to Xbox?

In short you can't. The Xbox One hard drive can not receive files from other devices. If you have video's or music you want the console to play, you'll need to transfer the file/s to a USB Flash drive first and then insert this into your console.

How do I transfer videos from my iPhone to my Xbox One?

How to mirror your iPhone to Xbox One.
Open control center. On iPhone X, you can access this by swiping down from the upper right corner of your screen. ... .
Tap the AirPlay icon. It should have a sub-label called "Screen Mirroring" ..
Select your Xbox One from the list..