How to watch peoples instagram stories without them knowing

How to watch peoples instagram stories without them knowing

Representational image. Reuters

Instagram Stories are one of the most popular ways right now to update the world about what’s going on in your life. Be it a short trip to the mountains, or a wedding you attended recently, most of us cannot stop ourselves from posting these tidbits from our daily lives. On the flip side, we cannot stop ourselves from scrolling through the Instagram Stories of people we are following either. But often, you might not wish to draw attention to the fact that you’ve viewed someone’s Instagram Stories. While Instagram does not reveal to others if you have viewed their posts, Stories are a different thing. The photo and video sharing app does inform users about the number of people who have viewed a story.

But what if you want to view someone’s IG Stories without letting anyone know, there are a few tricks you can use. Here’s how to access Instagram Stories while keeping others unaware:

  • Instead of selecting the IG Story you want to actually see, choose the one that is next in line and pause it.
  • Then, tap and drag the paused story to the left slowly. This gives you a glimpse at the desired story.
  • You can peek at the Instagram Story you want while remaining in the middle of both Stories.
  • Be careful that you don’t swipe too quickly as you will be counted among the Story viewers then.

There are also some other ways to view the IG Stories without alerting anyone. One is by installing a specific extension. Here are the steps:

  • Download and install the Chrome extension “Chrome IG Story”.
  • Open Instagram on Chrome and log in.
  • With the help of the extension, you can check all the Instagram Stories you want without being counted as a viewer.

Another method is using airplane mode:

  • First, open the Instagram app on your phone.
  • The IG Stories will load in a few moments.
  • Go to the Settings option and turn on airplane mode.
  • Reopen Instagram to see the Story you wanted to check out.

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If you watch someone’s Instagram Stories, your name will appear among the list of people who have viewed it. But sometimes, you might want to view stories anonymously for whatever reason. Fortunately, there are some secret hacks you can try for this depending on whether the person’s profile if private or public. Here’s how to view Instagram Stories without them knowing on your iPhone.

  • How to View Private Instagram Stories Without Them Knowing
  • How to View Public Instagram Stories Anonymously

Note: This method only works if you follow the person.

Step #1. Open the Instagram app on your iPhone.

How to watch peoples instagram stories without them knowing

Step #2. On top, you will see all the stories. (See the image below and then read this step till the end before implementing).

How to watch peoples instagram stories without them knowing

In the picture, there are two stories: one is from the person whose story you want to see without letting them know. The second story is from some other person whose story happens to be the next in order.

So tap on the story of another person. Now immediately touch on the left side of the screen. You will see that the time bar on top stops moving.

How to watch peoples instagram stories without them knowing

Step #3. Now, without releasing your touch from the screen, very slowly start moving your finger towards the right side. You will now begin seeing that person’s story.

Do not release your touch. After you have seen almost whole of their story, swipe your finger to the left and leave the touch when you are on the other person’s story.

How to watch peoples instagram stories without them knowing

What we did above is, basically, taking a peek at the story. You cannot see the full hundred percent area of the story, but you get a pretty relevant look.

When you go out of stories altogether, you will see that the ring is still colorful around that person’s profile picture, which further confirms that you are yet to see their story officially.

How to watch peoples instagram stories without them knowing

How to view public Instagram stories anonymously

If you want to look at the story of a person whose Instagram account is public, follow the steps below.

Step #1. See and take note of that account’s username. (Touch and hold on the person’s story thumbnail. A pop-up from the bottom of the screen will appear. Here you can see the full username. You may also tap on View Profile to see the full username).

How to watch peoples instagram stories without them knowing

Step #2. Go to in your browser (on phone or computer) and type the account’s username there and then tap on search.

How to watch peoples instagram stories without them knowing

Step #3. Scroll down (past Highlights etc.). You will see the account’s Instagram story. Below the story, there is also a Save button to download it. If the story has a video, you will also see a Play/Pause button. In case there are multiple stories, you will see all of them listed there.

How to watch peoples instagram stories without them knowing

This method is handy if you want to see the story of an account that has blocked you (as long as the account is public).

Wrapping up…

So this is how you can see stories of private as well as public Instagram accounts without the person knowing. Now, these were straightforward methods. But if you would like to take things on the crazier level, another way is to make a “Finsta,” which stands for Fake Instagram Account.

Another equally crazy way is to see the story like you usually do and then immediately block that person. Do not unblock the person for the next 24 hours (the time duration a story stays visible). Also, if by chance the story you saw is saved as a highlight, then it can stay online for one year. So if you unblock that account for the next year, they will know that you saw their story! I told you in the beginning that this is a crazy method!

You may also try using apps like Story Saver for Android. On iOS, such apps are usually removed as soon as they gain some popularity.

You would like to read these posts as well:

  • Instagram Notifications Not Working on iPhone?
  • Unsend an Instagram Message on iPhone and Android
  • How to Post Live Photos on Instagram and Facebook from iPhone
  • How to turn on post and story notifications on Instagram for iPhone

Suraj is a digital marketing expert on the iGB's team. He contributes to the social media section along with tips and tricks for iPhone, Apple Watch. Apart from blogging, he likes to work out as much as he can in his gym and love to listening to retro music.