How to write a professional reference letter for a friend

Writing a Strong Reference Letter for a Friend (with Samples)Use these sample reference letters for a friend as templates for your formal reference letter.Last updated on June 29th, 2022

Need to write a reference letter for a friend? Here are some of the best reference letter samples you can use. When writing a reference letter for a friend, it helps to have a clear understanding of what a letter of reference is, how it should be constructed and what should be included. 

It should be constructed in a way that is professional and serious, meaning grammar and spelling count. Any obvious errors will diminish the intended impact of your reference letter.

Reference Letter for a Friend Samples

  • Reference Letter for a Friend for Court​
  • ​Reference Letter for a Friend for a Job
  • Reference Letter for a Friend for Adoption
  • Reference Letter for a Friend for Expungement​​

​Before writing a letter of reference, have an idea of who will be reading it. A letter of reference should support the points your friend already included on their application and accompanying cover letter. You should also know the exact purpose of the letter.

Preparing to Write a Letter of Reference
Ideally, you should know the candidate (the person you are writing the letter of reference for) fairly well to write an effective letter of reference. You certainly don't want to lie or fudge the truth.

​Speak about what you know of the person. If, for instance, you're not really sure of their financial status, focus on other positive aspects of their character.

​Reference Letter for a Friend for a Job Sample
A reference letter for a friend for a job is a letter that attests to a person's personality and character. While an employer's reference letter would be about a person's work ethic, years of employment, and whether or not they would be rehired, a personal reference is exactly that - it's personal.

For this reason, it's typically written by someone that knows the person the letter is about very well. Most people ask a relative or close friend, but sometimes co-workers and neighbors may also be asked, as are teachers.

​Reference Letter for a Friend for a Job Sample

​Author’s Name
Author’s Address
City, State, Zip Code
Email: [email protected]


RE: Character Reference for [Name of Friend]

To Whom It May Concern,

I have known [Name of Friend] for 15 years. We worked together for six years at [Name of Company] before he left to return to school to earn a master's degree in business. We also became friends outside of work on a casual level.

During the time I have known [Name of Friend], he has been honest and trustworthy. He is always willing to go above and beyond what is expected of him. He is respectful of his superiors and gets along well with his co-workers.

I recall several occasions when [Name of Friend] would stay late to complete a project that had a deadline. During the time we worked together, he was often given additional responsibilities and assumed a leadership role while encouraging others on his team.

If any additional information is required concerning my association with [Name of Friend], please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Signature of Author
Printed name of Author

​Reference Letter for a Friend for Court Sample
When a person is facing a court appearance, they want all the help they can get. Their lawyer will usually request certain people who know the defendant well to write a character reference letter that will help their client’s case.

The most common reasons for character references in court are to mitigate sentencing for a crime and for gaining child custody. In some cases, a lawyer may request a negative character reference in order to increase the defendant’s sentence or to block the possibility of one parent gaining child custody.

When writing a character letter for court, the author must remember that the letter is addressed to the presiding officer of the court, and whatever is said must be true.

The author must be ready to depose before the court as a character witness. It is always a good idea for the author of the letter to consult with the defendant’s lawyer about the content of the letter.

While it shouldn’t have legal jargon, it should cover the relevant points. The lawyer can give the author the relevant points about the case, so they don’t claim the defendant didn’t do the crime if he or she has already pleaded guilty.

For court purposes, character references are usually the most successful for first offences or if the defendant is not guilty. The letter need not be written by a very important person in society, but can be written by a friend, wife, colleague, neighbor or a child.

​The important aspect of the letter is to provide positive information so that the defendant is not only judged on the basis of his or her crime.

Some of the details that need to be included in the letter are:

• The author’s name
• The author’s relationship with the defendant
• The length of time the author has known the defendant
• The author’s knowledge of the defendant’s character
• Some positive attributes of the defendant’s character

Reference Letter for a Friend for Court Sample
Official Letterhead If Possible

Author’s Name
Author’s Address
City, State, Zip Code
Email: [email protected]


The Honorable Judge FIRST NAME LAST NAME
Address of Judge
City, State, Zip Code
Note: Presiding Judge or Magistrate’s Name given by the defendant’s lawyer

RE: Character Reference for [Name of Friend]

Your Honor,

The aim of this letter is to present the good character of [Name of Friend]. We have worked together for the past 5 years as nurses in the [Name of Hospital].

​I can confirm that she is careful, considerate, efficient and dedicated to the well-being of others. She has received several honors for her dedication to her work including Nurse of the Year for three consecutive years.

She is well-regarded among all the staff at the hospital as a person of high integrity and honesty. We have been together in several emergency situations, and she has always conducted herself with common sense and compassion. 

I am aware that she has pleaded guilty to DUI. However, I wish to express that she is not a habitual drinker, and this unfortunate situation was most probably one-of-a-kind. She has expressed to me many times that she is extremely sensitive to her transgression and is sorry for it. 

I hope this letter will give you an idea of her good character and help her get a second chance to prove this was an unusual occurrence. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.


Signature of Author
Printed name of Author

​Reference Letter for a Friend for Adoption Sample
Below is a sample reference for a friend for adoption letter. It should be written in formal business letter format and address to the proper person. It is the writers responsibility to find out to whom the letter should be addressed. It may be the judge who oversees the case.

​If so, the judge should be addresses as Judge LAST NAME. The letter should be professionally written with correct grammar and spelling. If it is sloppy, it will not be taken seriously. It is recommended to have a knowledgeable person check the letter for mistakes.

​Reference Letter for a Friend for Adoption Sample
Author’s Name
Author’s Address
City, State, Zip Code
Email: [email protected]


The Honorable Judge FIRST NAME LAST NAME
Address of Judge
City, State, Zip Code

RE: Character Reference for [Name of Friend]

To Whom It May Concern,

An adoption is a serious and person commitment that will extend for the rest of a child’s life. As a friend and co-worker of [Name of Friend], I can think of no better person to be a mom. [Name of Friend] has always been very nurturing, even as a child. Her dollies were the best dressed and cutest on the block.

I always knew that one day she would make the greatest mother and having the chance to fulfill her dreams with make both her and her husband whole.

Nurturing comes very naturally to [Name of Friend], as she cares and respects all life. While she tends to be more of a coddler, her husband Jeff is the perfect balance to her. He tends to have a firm handle on discipline and to know how to handle even the most difficult child.

​He has been over the bus ministry at our local church for the past 10 years. He has controlled children from all walks of life and though he has a stern exterior, I have often seen him throw his arms around them and hug them too. Together I think they would make the perfect parents for any child.

To conclude, if you are considering them for adoption, you should have no worries. They are upstanding citizens both in our community and in our inner circle. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me at 555-980-4567. I can also be reached by email at [email protected] 


Author’s Name

Reference Letter for a Friend for Expungement Sample
Expunging a criminal conviction usually requires, as part of the petition, character references to tout the applicant's good behavior and reputation.

​Normally, these references cannot be a spouse, parent, son or daughter, or other relative of the petitioner. Instead, those seeking expungements may find a former co-worker, friend, teammate, clergy member of the petitioner's church or house of worship, a teacher or even a former employer.

The character reference either takes the form of an affidavit or a Letter of Reference for Expungement. In the writing, the person providing the reference states that he or she knows the petitioner, the relationship or how the petitioner is know, that the petitioner is of good behavior and has a good reputation in the community. Additionally, the letter may include facts about the petitioner.
The reference letter should avoid criticizing the judicial system or the judge and avoid questioning the conviction.

Reference Letter for a Friend for Expungement Sample
[Name of Person Writing Letter]
[Phone Number]

[Date of Letter]

The Honorable [First, Last Name]
Judge of [Circuit, District or other Court Name]
[Address of Judge]

RE: [Name of Defendant] – Expungement of Misdemeanor Larceny Charge

My name is _______________. I am over the age of 18 years old. I am not related by birth or marriage to the petitioner.

I have known the petitioner since __________ The petitioner attends [church or synagogue or mosque] at ____________. He volunteers at the local soup kitchen twice a week and has done so for three months. During the little league baseball season, the petitioner helped me coach the team. The parents and I have appreciated his work. I also see the petitioner help people in need. 

I have not seen the petitioner use illicit drugs, become intoxicated, or engage in dangerous or improper behavior. To my knowledge, the petitioner has not engaged in criminal activity.

I am familiar with his general behavior, character and reputation. The petitioner exhibits and otherwise is of good behavior and character in the community. He has a good reputation in the community. I do not consider him to be a threat to the community in which the petitioner.

I offer this letter in support of the petition to expunge the petitioner’s conviction for ________________.

Respectfully Submitted,

[Signature of Person Writing Letter]
[Name of Person Writing Letter]

By Andre Bradley

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How do you describe a friend as a professional reference?

Asking a Friend to Be a Reference First, be sure to ask if they feel comfortable being a professional reference, and if so, let them know that you're using them as one. Second, take the time to share the job description with them, and suggest some relevant skills they should mention that tie into the position.

How do you write a professional reference for someone?

Here are five elements all personal reference letters should include:.
Start by explaining your relationship to the candidate. ... .
Include long you've known the candidate. ... .
Add positive personal qualities with specific examples. ... .
Close with a statement of recommendation. ... .
Offer your contact information..

How do I write a letter of recommendation for a friend and coworker?

A good recommendation letter includes three main points: your relationship with the person you're recommending, observations and evaluations of their work, and why they are qualified for the position. Establish how you worked together and for how long in a sentence or two.

Can a friend write a professional reference?

Those providing the reference should know you well and be able to give examples that back up statements about your character. While friends and family are acceptable referees, it is better for you to select someone who is not immediate family as their opinion may be construed as being biased.