If i block someone on instagram will my likes disappear from their posts

  1. When you block a person on Instagram that person won’t be able to see your photos, the videos you share or any of your posts.

  2. When you block a person on Instagram, he won’t be able to reach your profile. If your account is set to private, the person won’t be able to locate you in search. If your account is public, the person will locate you but won’t be able to see your posts.

  3. When you block a person on Instagram, he doesn’t get notified but he might realize that you blocked them after noticing that he can’t reach your profile anymore.

  4. Even after you block a person that person can still mention you in comments. The mention however won’t show up in your activity.

  5. The blocked person will still be able to see the likes and comments you make on the profiles that person is following or the public profiles.

  6. When you block a person, their comments and likes will not get removed from your pictures. You can manually delete the comments if you want. (See What happens when you block someone on Facebook?)

  7. If you mistakenly like a picture of a person you blocked, the like will shortly disappear and the person won’t know that you liked the picture.

  8. Once you block a person, they will be removed from your followers list.

  • block someone on Instagram
  • Blocking Someone
  • get blocked on Instagram
  • Instagram
  • Social Networks

If i block someone on instagram will my likes disappear from their posts

Alex Williams is a PhD student in urban studies and planning. He is broadly interested in the historical geographies of capital, the geopolitical economy of urbanization, environmental and imperial history, critical urban theory, and spatial dialectics.

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It is your pass time and you are laying on your couch, familiarly scrolling through your Instagram feed. Suddenly you have a thought of checking out your ex Instagram profile. 

You try to be as careful as you can while scrolling, yet you still somehow accidentally like one of the photos. Now you are panicking and not sure what to do as you really don’t want them to find out. 

No worry, this error does commonly happen. Anyhow, it is still quite embarrassing when it is happening, especially when you don’t want that person – be it an ex, a crush or maybe an enemy, to know that you are checking on them. 

Before we get into details, you need to know that Instagram will send notifications to users whenever their post receives a like. This means the moment you double tap or click the heart on an Instagram post, as long as the push notifications is activated on their device, the user will surely get a notification. 

However, there are still some measures you can take to prevent the user from noticing your likes. Here we will clarify some questions and include the most common actions you can take to fix this error.

  • Like and remove the like on Instagram quickly
  • What happens when you accidentally like a photo on Instagram then block them immediately?
  • When You Block Someone On Instagram Do Your Likes Disappear?
  • If Someone Blocked You On Instagram Does It Block All Your Accounts?
  • How to avoid accidentally liking a photo on Instagram?
  • Final Thoughts

Like and remove the like on Instagram quickly

If you accidentally liked a photo and immediately un-like the post, what happens is that the user will receive a notification, but Instagram will remove the notification right away too. 

Considering the above situation, it takes a lot of luck to go unnoticed. It all comes down to whether the user is on their Instagram when the incident occurs. 

If at that precise moment when you like the post and the user is on their Instagram, there is a possibility that they have received the notification in a fraction of a second and notice you.  

On the other hand, if the user is not on Instagram when the incident happens, you might be lucky as there is a chance that you will go unnoticed. 

If i block someone on instagram will my likes disappear from their posts

What happens when you accidentally like a photo on Instagram then block them immediately?

If you accidentally liked a photo on Instagram then blocked the user immediately, the like will automatically be removed. 

Bear in mind that by blocking a person on Instagram, they won’t know if you’ve liked their photo, and certainly won’t receive any notification about your action. 

Basically, blocking someone is the easiest way to remove all the likes and comments you have made, even removing them from your followers list. However, if one day you decide to unblock them, it won’t restore back the previous likes and comments. 

Another alternative you can consider is to un-like the post you did earlier, and like a newly updated post. This way, the user will only receive an alert for the latest activity. Not only will you avoid the embarrassment of them knowing you are viewing their old posts, it also makes them think you are there for their recent posts.

However, such a trick has its limitations. You can only bluff your ways if you are a follower of the account, and they do have recent posts for you to like to cover up the embarrassment. 

Otherwise, you can only use another alternative, although it is not recommendable as it can be quite a nuisance for many. What you can do is to disable your Instagram account if you accidentally like the post of that unwanted person. 

By disabling your account, all the Instagram likes, comments, and notifications, together with your profile will be temporarily removed. The troublesome part is you can only disable your account by logging into Instagram web, which means a browser is needed for this alternative.

When You Block Someone On Instagram Do Your Likes Disappear?

No, when you block someone on Instagram YOUR likes and comments will still appear and are visible for the blocked account on posts shared by public accounts or other accounts they follow.

On the other side, any likes or comments the blocked account did previously in any of your posts will disappear, and “removing” the block won’t restore such likes.

Since you can block single accounts and also all the new accounts they create, the same conditions will apply to the new accounts by the blocked account.

It can get a little confusing but overall, Instagram blocked accounts usually won’t have a way to see any activity related to you unless it is in another public account or you both follow the same one.

If Someone Blocked You On Instagram Does It Block All Your Accounts?

Not necessarily, someone can block you on Instagram for a single account but if they wish to block your other accounts they will also have to add them to the block list.

One option is to also block all the new accounts you create, said accounts will be automatically blocked. But any previously created accounts have to be added one by one to the blocked list.

How to avoid accidentally liking a photo on Instagram?

In a nutshell, accidentally liked a photo of someone you want to hide from on Instagram is embarrassing, and it is a mistake which we are all exposed to. 

Nevertheless, there is a way to stop accidental likes on Instagram, which is by enabling airplane mode on your device. Yes, it might sound strange, but this method works like magic. What you can do is to wait a prudent amount of time for all the posts to load before scrolling through that person’s Instagram profile. 

If i block someone on instagram will my likes disappear from their posts

Even if you accidentally like or double-tap on the photo, it will have no effect as the airplane mode prevents your likes being alerted and you can un-like a post without any issue. Hence, you will no longer need to worry about the likes that you accidentally give away. 

Or you can always browse your Instagram account from your computer. This way, you can lower the risk of accidental likes by a lot compared to app browsing. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, when you accidentally liked a photo on Instagram then blocked them, the likes will be removed. There are also few other alternatives that can be used whenever such situations occur, although some are less ideal than the others. 

The best method to use if you are thinking of scrolling through the account of an ex, a crush or an enemy is to set your device to airplane mode. In this mode, you won’t need to worry about accidental likes as you can revert the mistakes right away without worrying the user will receive any notifications. 

Last but not least, you need to stop worrying about any accidental likes on Instagram. After all, it is a mistake that can be amended in a simple way, and just like you, it is a common incident that has happened to everyone.