Is a general studies degree worth it reddit

I keep hearing people say I'll never get a job or that its worse than an associates. I have been kind of aimlessly going through college on the Army's money and have an assortment of business credits. my advisor suggested just doing it and being done. It would be a General Studies Degree with a concentration in Business.

I am either wanting to go into UX design after getting a bootcamp under my belt. The other option is becoming a surveyor. Just kind of ready to be done with college and start working I'm 30 and just getting depressed not having a strong purpose. However, I don't want to get laughed at by employers or filtered out due to my degree.

What have you been doing since May 2017?

I think the first thing you need to do is set yourself up and work on your application materials to be in the best position possible to be able to get a job in the first place. Are you applying? If so, how many jobs have you applied to? Are you open to relocating? Are you working with recruiters or temp agencies/job placement centers? Are you using your network? Have you spoken to your school's career center? Have you gotten your resume reviewed by them and also r/resumes?

I would look for jobs that will accept any degree. I believe one option here is teaching English online or abroad. With a general studies degree (which unfortunately doesn't really prepare you for a defined career path), and two years out of college, you can't really be in a position to be picky, although I think you should still think about your career goals. You may not be doing what you want to be doing in this first job, but eventually, you can get there.

You can also try developing a skill set on your own time, without going back to formal education. For example you could try to teach yourself coding or do some freelance work or something. In time you may also be able to complete a certificate or something else as someone else mentioned to simply prove that you can do whatever job you'd be training for.

Is a general studies degree worth it reddit

I left school about 7 years ago. I decided to finish what I started and my school offers bachelor of general studies degree with several concentrations to choose from, like psychology, sociology and criminal justice. The program is obviously designed for students like myself, non-traditional, for someone maybe with a full-time job. The program is very flexible, a lot of online courses to take instead of on campus. Like I said before, I'm not 18 anymore and really like to find a career at this point of my life. I just don't feel like going back and waste my time and money if I can't find decent jobs with bgs with concentration. Would it look less attractive if I had bgs with sociology concentration versus B.S or B.A in sociology?

I just found out that Americans don't chose their major/qualification from the first year of university. Where I'm from we pick our major before we start and the modules and classes are laid out from there. There is some choice later on but the same degree is still obtained.

I would feel hard done by if I had to pay for classes that were not related to my qualification.

Edit: I think I should have said, Americans don't 'have' to choose their major. A lot of answers are getting hung up on that part. My main question is whether the general studies are a waste.

Edit 2: TIL 'well-rounded' is buzz word in American higher education.

To make a long story short, I've been on and off with college for the last 7 years. The sob story is my parents and I had no money to pay for college so I had to work full-time from the age of 18 to afford college. Fast forward 7 years, I have now worked for 3 Fortune 100 companies with great success and have landed at a major retailer that I love working for (think of your favorite red retailer with a dog as the mascot). The last 3 corps (including this one) have hired me without a Bachelors Degree into jobs that require the degree as a qualification for the job. I learn quickly, work really hard and have proved that I don't need a degree to perform well. With that being said, I have been tossing the idea around that I should finish my degree. I prioritized my career for the last 7 years and have put college on the back burner.

Here is where I'm stuck, I have 9 classes remaining to finish a Bachelors in General Studies or 17 classes remaining to finish a Bachelors in Business Administration. I have an Associates in Chemistry and wanted to be a chemist but the business world got ahold of me. That being said, my degree is a little all over the place but has a strong focus in Bio/Chem.

What I want to know is, will a Bachelors degree in GS actually affect me negatively or should I just go for it since I'm so close to the finish line? I've been reading a few threads here and everyone seems to say to stay away from this degree but I feel like my situation is different (cliché I know). My current employer did require this degree but I got past it since I have so much experience. I know I can keep getting promoted without a degree but want to be able to keep my options open in case I ever want to relocate.

What should I do?

How good is a general studies degree?

A general studies degree is suitable for a variety of careers, especially since the skills learned are applicable to tasks found in many workplaces. If you're unsure about which path to choose, a degree in general studies is worth considering. General studies degrees may be more common than you think.

What is the easiest degree to get?

The 16 Easiest College Majors – 2023 Rankings.
Criminal Justice..
Religious Studies..
Social Work..

What can I do with a Bachelor of Science general degree?

The top occupations for general science graduates are family and general practitioners, registered nurses, dentists, medical scientists, and computer and information systems managers (source: EMSI).

Why do we study general studies?

General Studies allows you to explore multiple areas of interest and prepares you for a variety of different job opportunities through specializations and minors. By earning a degree in general studies, you can apply your learning right away to your career or transition into a new field.