Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing

Although the terms ultrasound and sonogram are commonly used as interchangeable, they do not mean the same thing! This is a common misconception, but comes with a very simple explanation.

A medical ultrasound is the actual procedure of sending high frequency sound waves into the body to create diagnostic images of human anatomy. A sonogram is the image that is produced from the ultrasound. To illustrate, an ultrasound is like a camera, and a sonogram is like a photograph.

Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing

Most ultrasound sonograms are stored digitally and can be sent to healthcare providers electronically; however, there are still some cases where a sonogram is printed out for the patients. The most common example of this would be a printed fetal sonogram for prospective parents to keep for their memories.

Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing

Ultrasounds can be performed on the entire body to assess the structure and function of organs and vessels. This means there can be sonograms of the liver, heart, gallbladder, pancreas, and the kidneys; but those images aren’t typically as exciting as a developing fetus and are not printed. These images will be stored electronically and in a safe manner.

Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing

The next time your doctor orders you an ultrasound or you hear the term sonogram used in conversation, you’ll know the difference!

To learn more about ultrasounds and sonograms, contact

A sonogram is the image generated during ultrasonography, which is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses ultrasound to visualize anything inside the body. Ultrasound is sound with a frequency above the range audible to humans, about 20 kHz. In common parlance, both words are used to refer to the ultrasonography procedure.

Comparison chart

Sonogram versus Ultrasound comparison chart
Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing
DefinitionThe image produced by ultrasonography High frequency sound. Used in ultrasonography to produce an image.
UsesHelps physicians observe growth of a fetus, calculate age and due date and see presence of multiple fetuses. Also used to diagnose pelvic bleeding or locate cancerous cells. Used to produce sonograms. Can also be used to ensure uniformity of liquids and to determine the depth of water.

What is Ultrasound and Sonogram?

Ultrasound is high frequency sound, inaudible to humans (approx. 20kHz).

Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing

When ultrasound waves are sent into the human body some of them bounce back when they hit tissues of differing density. The time it takes the reflected ultrasound waves to return to the machine is translated into an image of the internal organ, or of the fetus. This image is called an sonogram.


Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing

Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing

A sonogram of a fetus

A sonogram is used by physicians to observe the growth of a fetus, to calculate their age and due date, and to see the presence of multiple fetuses. It is also used to diagnose internal problems such as pelvic bleeding, and to locate cancerous cells.

Ultrasound is used to produce a sonogram. It is also used in industry to measure the purity or uniformity of liquid, to measure the depth of water, and to search for underwater objects such as submarines. Whales and dolphins use ultrasound to communicate.

Uses of Ultrasound in Animal Kingdom

Basically humans are sight-centric species — i.e., we experience world mainly through the sense of sight. However some animals use ultrasound or sonar waves to sense their environment.

  • Whales and Dolphins: Use ultrasonic sounds to capture their prey.
  • Bats: As bats can detect frequencies between 100-200 kHz, they use the ultrasound technique to find their food.
  • Insects: Many insects, like tiger moths, beetles, etc. have good ultrasonic hearing. They use this technique to escape being caught by bats.
  • Dogs: Dogs can hear frequency in range 18-22kHz.
  • Fishes: Several fishes like ray-finned fish can hear ultrasonic sounds.
  • Frogs: Certain frogs like Amolops tormotus use ultrasound to communicate with other frogs.
  • Grasshoppers and Mice: Grasshoppers and mice use ultrasound in making mating calls.

Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing

Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing

Ultrasonography being performed to check the fetal movement

Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing

Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing

Whales use ultrasonic sounds in their navigational system to capture prey

Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing

Is a sonogram and an ultrasound the same thing

Urinary bladder (black butterfly-like shape) and hyperplastic prostate (BPH) visualized by Medical ultrasonography technique


  • Wikipedia: Medical ultrasonography
  • Wikipedia: Ultrasound

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"Sonogram vs Ultrasound." Diffen LLC, n.d. Web. 23 Oct 2022. < >

Which is better ultrasound or sonogram?

Although the terms ultrasound and sonogram are technically different, they are used interchangeably and reference the same exam.

What does a sonogram check for?

Ultrasound is used for many reasons, including to: View the uterus and ovaries during pregnancy and monitor the developing baby's health. Diagnose gallbladder disease. Evaluate blood flow.

What are the 3 types of ultrasounds?

Types of Ultrasound.
Endoscopic ultrasound..
Doppler ultrasound..
Color Doppler..
Duplex ultrasound..
Triplex ultrasound (color-flow imaging).
Transvaginal ultrasound..

Is there another name for ultrasound?

Also known as ultrasonography or sonography, ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves that are translated into images. Most people are familiar with using ultrasound for prenatal care and to observe the fetus as it develops.