Is it sunnah to buy new clothes for eid

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Do we have to wear new clothes for Eid? What if we cannot afford them?


Is it sunnah to buy new clothes for eid

Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah,

The sunna is to wear one’s best clothes on Eid. [Nasafi, Kanz al-Daqa’iq]

This is because of the many hadiths, related by Bukhari, Muslim, and others, stating that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) used to wear his best clothes on Eid.

If one can wear new clothes, without undue financial undertaking (such as that which results in the non-fulfillment of others’ rights, such as providing properly for those one must provide for now and in the immediate future or repaying debts that are due), then it is good (but not necessary) [Nawawi, Majmu` (5.13); al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya (1.149)]

Faraz Rabbani

قال الإمام النسفي رحمه الله في كنـز الدقائق:ويلبس أحسن ثيابه.

قال الإمام الزيلعي (رحمه الله تعالى) في تبيين الحقائق شرح كنـز الدقائق: (1/224) لما روي عن ابن عباس { أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يلبس في العيدين برد حبر }[متفقٌ عليه ، ]

قال شيخ الإسلام الإمام النووي (رحمه الله تعالى) في المجموع: (5/13) …واتفق الأصحاب مع الشافعي على استحباب لبس أحسن الثياب في العيد ودليله حديث ابن عمر قال ” { وجد عمر رضي الله عنه جبة من إستبرق تباع فقال : يا رسول الله ابتع هذه تجمل بها للعيد والوفود , فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : إنما هذه لباس من لا خلاق له } ” رواه البخاري ومسلم قال أصحابنا : وأفضل ألوان الثياب البياض , فعلى هذا إن استوى ثوبان في الحسن والنفاسة فالأبيض أفضل , فإن كان الأحسن غير أبيض فهو أفضل من الأبيض في هذا اليوم , ويستحب أن يتعمم , فإن لم يجد إلا ثوبا استحب أن يغسله للعيد والجمعة قال أصحابنا : ويستوي في استحباب تحسين الثياب والتنظيف والتطيب وإزالة الشعر والرائحة الكريهة الخارج إلى الصلاة والقاعد في بيته ; لأنه يوم زينة فاستووا فيه

في الفتاوى الهنديّة: (1/149) ( الباب السابع عشر في صلاة العيدين ) وهي واجبة وهو الأصح , هكذا في محيط السرخسي , ويستحب يوم الفطر للرجل الاغتسال والسواك ولبس أحسن ثيابه , كذا في القنية جديدا كان أو غسيلا , كذا في محيط السرخسي . ويستحب التختم والتطيب والتبكير وهو سرعة الانتباه والابتكار وهو المسارعة إلى المصلى وأداء صدقة الفطر قبل الصلاة وصلاة الغداة في مسجد حيه والخروج إلى المصلى ماشيا والرجوع في طريق آخر , كذا في القنية .

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All Praise to Allah

This glorious month of Ramadan will end soon but it will also provide spiritual memories for each of the Muslims fasting and worshipping Allah, Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. This month of Rahmah, of Magfirah and of ‘itqun minnar (month of mercy, month of forgiveness, month of freedom from the torment of Hell) ends with the arrival of the month of Shawwal (the first of Shawwal) which we call the Feast of Fithr. Eid al Fithr.

Eid al-Fithr is Allah’s gift to the Ummat (people) of Prophet Muhammad, Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. It is  not wrong if we greet it happily. As explained in a hadith narrated by Annas, radhiallahu ‘anhu:

“Prophet Muhammad came, and the people of Medina had two days that they used to celebrate in the period of Jahiliyyah. Then he said: ”I have come to you and you had two days which you used to celebrate in the period of Jahiliyyah. Indeed Allah has replaced it with two days for you better than that, they are the day of Nahr (Eid al-Adha) and the day of Fithr Eid al- Fitr)’. “

It is common practice for Muslims to buy new clothes for Eid, as it is a Sunnah to wear the best clothes we have, as Anas bin Malik, radhiallahu ‘anhu, said:

“The Prophet ordered us to wear a good dress for Eid, to use the best perfume we have, and to give charity with what we have as the most valuable.” (Reported by al-Hakim).

The Prophet Muhammad, Shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, was wearing beautiful clothes of Burdah robes made ​​in Yemen at every feast day (Clothing made ​​in Yemen was a standard of beauty and fashion at that time) at every feast. (Narrated by: Imam Shafi’i). Beautiful or good clothes in this case does not mean that they have to be newly purchased, but can already be in your possession and still excellent.

For most of us, shopping for Ramadan and Eid is a habit. Once these two occasions come upon us our minds become consumed, even if there are new clothes hanging in the closet. The common thought is: it’s Eid, therefore it is the time for a new shopping spree. Maybe it’s because for children wearing new clothes on Eid is so much fun and it makes them happy, so we are too, but we can use old clothes. When reusing old clothes that are in good condition we could save money for other purposes. Eid is all about love and joy, so personality is not solely reflected in the clothes we wear; it’s about the attitude we carry as well. So give our smiles, and spread the love we feel for each other even when wearing old clothes that look new.

Is it sunnah to buy new clothes for eid

These are some tips to make our old clothes look new when we wear them:

  • Making old clothes into new fashions can be a wonderful way to create a different look on the cheap. With some easy steps and a little imagination, you can step out in new styles in no time.
  • We can wear a lovely abaya ( long dress) during the morning and afternoon of Eid with different accessories. Change the accessories up for a daytime style, going for the smart/evening look.
  • The simple tactic of changing your hijab style can also completely recreate an outfit.
  • If you like wearing long skirts and blouses, adding lace along the edge of a plain skirt or top, or adding anything new to anything old, is usually a great idea.
  • Use your imagination: try wearing a blazer over the blouse and put a brooch to accentuate your outfit.  
  • Pick up fashionable costume jewelry that you can wear with most clothes in your closet. Pick a long silver necklace with an interesting design.
  • You can use scarves in nice ways that can make your old clothes look new.

Let’s just remind ourselves that Eid isn’t all about what we’re wearing. It’s a celebration at the end of Ramadhan; the first day of the month of Shawwal. Stay thankful for every blessing and for having been given the chance to recharge our faith, reminding ourselves of the importance of our relationship with Allah (SWT) to become stronger and better Muslims.

What did the Prophet wear on Eid?

Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, would wear a red-striped cloak on the day of Eid.

What should you wear on Eid?

One of the modest and traditional attires, Abayas and a headscarf is the choice of many women during Eid. The dress has a sophisticated design and serves the purpose of avoiding negative gazes. Abaya comes in various patterns and styles to match up with the latest trends.

Which Sunnah can we do on Eid?

What are the Sunnah acts? Take Ghusl (bath) before the Eid Salah (Eid prayer). Putting on Attar (perfume). Takbeer ul-Eid should be recited softly on Eid ul-Fitr.

Can we wear new clothes on bakrid?

Muslims all across the world celebrate Bakrid by sacrificing a male goat, as a symbol of Ibrahim's sacrifice. They feast on the meat and then distribute it to the needy. Devotees wear new clothes, offer Eid-Al-Adha prayers at the mosque and greet each other and exchange Bakrid wishes.