Is permanent life insurance the same as whole life insurance

There are two basic life insurance options: term and permanent. Term lasts for a specific, pre-set period. Permanent lasts your entire lifetime.

Depending on your needs, you may want the affordability of term life which is most often used for temporary, short-term needs like your mortgage. Or, you may prefer the lifelong protection and cash value that most permanent life insurance products offer.

Consider some of these key differences to decide which is right for you.

  1. Length of coverage. Our term life insurance provides coverage for 1-, 10-, 15-, 20-, 25- or 30-year terms, and it’s designed for flexibility. Permanent insurance, which includes whole life and universal life, is designed for lifelong financial protection, as long as the policy’s in force.
  2. Cost of premium. Initially, term life premiums are generally lower than permanent life. However, term life premiums typically increase upon each renewal, while permanent life premiums stay the same.*
  3. Cash value. With most types of permanent insurance, there is a savings component known as cash value; the longer you pay into your policy, the more its cash value grows. You can choose to cash in or borrow against your permanent life policy and use the funds as needed. Term insurance does not accumulate cash value because it doesn’t have a savings component.
  4. Convertible policies. If you have a term insurance policy, you can convert it to a permanent policy. Permanent policies are not convertible.
  5. Death benefits. All our life insurance products pay a death benefit upon the insured person’s death if the contract and term have not expired and are still in good standing.

Which is best for you?

If your main concern is affordability, term life insurance starts with the lowest monthly premium. Term Life 1 even offers a one-year, guaranteed-renewable term.

If you’re looking for the best overall solution for you and your family, the decision of term versus permanent doesn’t have to be an either/or situation. Often, the best choice is a combination of both types of insurance. The key is finding a solution that matches your duration and insurance needs.

If you have questions about life insurance, contact your local Financial Advisor. They’ll be happy to discuss your insurance needs and solutions. Have you considered finding your balance of life insurance and investments? Together they help provide complete financial security.

*Universal life premiums can change upon client request.

Whole life and universal life insurance have many similarities, and both are great options to help protect your family. The main difference is that whole life usually doesn’t change—many features are guaranteed for life—while universal life offers flexibility. 

What is the difference between whole life and universal life insurance?

You’re thinking about life insurance to protect your family. That’s great! The right policy can give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing your loved ones will be safe and able to maintain the life they are accustomed to should something happen to you.

We’ll be the first to admit that life insurance choices can be confusing. There are different terms and options and opinions. Don’t let that stop you. 

While there are dozens of names and ways to offer different life insurance policies, almost all fall into three basic categories:

  1. Term Life covers a set period of time 
  2. Whole Life offers guaranteed lifetime protection
  3. Universal Life offers a flexible long-term option

This article will cover the similarities and differences between whole life insurance and universal life insurance. 

Whole life is permanent, while Universal Life offers long-term protection.

With whole life, your premiums are fixed and guaranteed never to rise1. As long as you continue to pay them, you can count on the life insurance benefits being paid to your beneficiaries.  With universal life there are no fixed premiums and you have more flexibility on when you make payments. However, if the policy is not adequately funded, it could end. Additionally, the cost to keep the policy can go up significantly as you get older. Take that into account when you decide which is better for you.

Whole life insurance offers more stability.

Whole life has a guaranteed death benefit that will never decrease, as long as premiums are paid. Your family will always get the amount you set your policy for at minimum. There’s also the potential for dividends to increase the amount of coverage over time. Your premiums will also never change. For many, this reliability is the most important factor in their decision. 

Universal life insurance is more flexible.

Universal life offers more control, but it requires oversight and doesn’t have a guaranteed death benefit. You can adjust your policy, and even your premiums (within limits), as your life changes. Without adequately funding it, your policy can potentially end since the death benefit is not guaranteed, but universal life often gives you the most long-term protection for your dollar.

Both can build cash value. 

The cash value of a life insurance policy is an important way to save for the future, providing a safety net during life. You can borrow against the cash value of your policy to pay for unexpected expenses, allowing you to be better prepared for whatever lies ahead2. Whole life insurance offers guaranteed cash value build up over the life of the policy. Universal life insurance policies have the potential to accumulate cash value, but it can fluctuate over time based on how you fund the policy and other factors. 

Why choose whole life insurance?

Whole life insurance offers permanent, stable protection and access to cash value when you need it. It’s designed for someone who wants to “set it and forget it,” knowing their loved ones will be protected when they pass.

Premiums are guaranteed to never increase.

Once you customize your policy to the benefits and premiums that fit your situation, it’s set. You don’t have to do anything else, and you never have to worry about the cost increasing or the benefits changing.

Builds cash value.

With whole life, the cash value of your policy grows tax deferred. This valuable asset can be used whenever you need it, for whatever you choose. It can cover unexpected medical costs, provide additional income in retirement, or even be used for a grandchild’s college tuition. 

Has growth potential through dividends.

Dividends provide an opportunity for your policy to grow more over time. They can be used to pay premiums, add to the cash value, or even be taken as cash. Dividends are not guaranteed, but New York Life has paid them every year since 1854.

Related: Explore whole life insurance

Why choose universal life insurance?

Universal life insurance generally gives you the ability to fully customize your protection up-front and make adjustments down the road. It’s for those who want to be able to adapt their policy as life changes. 

Fits your needs now and in the future.

There are many ways to configure your universal life policy. You can design your coverage to last for as little as fifteen years, for your lifetime, or somewhere in between. You can adjust your premium payments as your income fluctuates and even increase or decrease your death benefit as your needs change over time. 

Lower premiums than permanent life insurance.

Universal life generally offers the most life insurance benefit for your dollar. This is mainly because the death benefit and cash value growth are not guaranteed, like they are on whole life. 

Related: Explore universal life insurance

Which is better, whole life or universal life?

That will depend on your circumstances and desires. If you’re still unsure which type of policy is best for you, it can help to speak with a financial services professional about the different ways insurance products and features can be combined. Our experienced agents can walk you through your options and help you build a strategy that is personalized to your family’s needs. 

What are the three types of permanent life insurance?

Whole or ordinary life. This is the most common type of permanent insurance policy. ... .
Universal or adjustable life. This type of policy offers you more flexibility than whole life insurance. ... .
Variable life. ... .
Variable-universal life..

What are the 4 types of permanent life insurance?

The four most common types of permanent, cash value life insurance are whole life, standard universal life insurance (UL), variable UL, and indexed UL. All these policies can provide life-long insurance protection and a tax-advantaged financial asset.

Is whole or permanent life insurance better?

If you only need life insurance for a relatively short period of time (such as only when you have minor children to raise), term may be better as the premiums are more affordable. If you need permanent coverage that lasts your entire life, whole life is likely preferred.

Is Whole Life Insurance permanent coverage?

Whole life insurance is a permanent life plan that provides coverage throughout your entire life. The premiums tend to cost more than a term plan would, but getting this insurance plan may be beneficial in the long run.


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