Izuku has a fire and ice quirk fanfiction

"It's the arm-wrestling match to decide the third match! Both boys are putting there all into this, but it seems the size difference is going to decide this one!" Present Mic announces.

"Kaminari Wins" Midnight shouts as Mineta is sent flying with Kaminari's decisive attack. "He advances to the next round."

"It was inevitable." Kirishima says, sitting with the rest of the class.

"Both Kaminari and I have had embarrassing first rounds, if I'm not careful it may become a series." Iida says.

"I'm sure it will be fine." Kirishima says.

"Yes, hopefully Kaminari has learned his lesson." Shoji adds.

"He won't." Jiro says, "But it can't be worse that arm-wrestling someone half your size. They made Mineta a stool!"

"Mineta did the best he could. It's not manly to insult him." Kirishima says.

"It's time for the first match of the second round! And it's a big one!" Present Mic announces, "Mr Glacier himself! Shoto Todoroki vs. The boy that's been finishing first all day! Izuku Midoriya!"

"So you stand before me." Todoroki says.

"Todoroki..." Izuku replies.

Earlier, Izuku had just left his friends in the waiting room and was headed for his match.

"Oh, there you are." Says a massive man wreathed in flame.

"Endeavor." Izuku says, stopping.

"I watched your fight. You have a decent quirk, you move fast and are strong. If we talk power alone, you are up there with most pros, perhaps even All Might."

"What do you mean? I haven't used my quirk yet today." Izuku replies semi-honestly.

"Oh? That makes this even more interesting." Endeavor says, "It is my Shoto's duty to surpass All Might. His match with you will be a very educational experience for him, and a test of sorts. Be sure to give him your all."

"It's too late for him to surpass All Might, as it is too late for anyone of my generation. All Might has been the top hero since before we were born. Most hero's his age already retired, he probably will soon. Your plan to have your son surpass him was a lost cause from the start."

Endeavor stares at Izuku as if his presence alone would dampen the insult, but before he could put another word in Izuku continued. "I'll teach him alright... I'll show Todoroki that he can be his own hero, not a frozen clone of you."

With that Izuku walked away quickly leaving Endeavor fuming.

'It's finally to show the world my quirk, I won't be able to hold back here' Izuku thought, staring Todoroki down.

"Now, Start!" Present Mic shouts.

Instantly Todoroki creates a massive mountain of ice seemingly freezing Izuku in place.

"So, why haven't you used your quirk yet Izuku." Tsu says as he sits with his friends in the waiting room. "It would have been easier to win."

"You were being all tactical right Izuku." Ochako says.

"Not really no..." Izuku replies.

"Wait, you are still nervous about showing the public, right?" Momo says.

"Didn't you use it at the USJ though?" Ochako says.

"That's different, even back in middle school when I saved Bakugo from a slime villain..." Izuku began, "When people are in trouble I my inhibitions are gone, my entire consciousness just focuses on saving them, embarrassment and common sense leave me."

"I'll leave that common sense comment for later, but you shouldn't let other people stop you from doing your best." Tsu says.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter what others said about your quirk in the past. We all think it's awesome so just do it!" Ochako says, jumping up and down on her cushion.

"I'm sure the public will think your quirk is excellent." Momo encourages.

"Well, it's almost time to go, I feel more confident now, thanks everyone." Izuku says, leaving the room.

"You can do it!" Ochako yells after him.

"Shall we wait in the hall or sit with the class?" Momo asks.

"The class, I want to be as far from that Ice as I can." Tsu says.

"Is that the match?" Present Mic yells.

"Midoriya is immobilized! To..." Midnight begins.

"Wait." Aizawa says, "look at the ice."

Sure enough cracks were forming all over the ice. With a loud crash the ice explodes outward.

"OH YEAH!" a man sized jug of juice yells, flexing off the remaining ice.


"Where did the Kool Aid guy come from?"

"And we finally see his quirk!" Present Mic yells.

"I thought you asked me what it was." Aizawa says.

"I was asking for the audience! Did you think I would forget this king of property damage!" Present Mic responds.

Realizing this was Izuku's quirk, the crowd cheered louder than before.

"He was holding back this entire time?" a pro questions.

"There might be a drawback to that form, let's watch closely." Another replies.

"HaHaHaHaHa!" Izuku laughs, slapping away Todoroki's next ice wave. "You will have to up your game to fight me now."

Izuku leaps high over the next wave.

"Cannon Ball!" Izuku shouts, pulling himself into a ball and smashing into the ground where Todoroki had stood moments before, crushing the ice Todoroki had used to escape and causing a blast of air that nearly forced him off the stage.

"Ice waves aren't working, and it looks like you're getting colder." Izuku taunts

Todoroki launches himself into close quarters, trying to freeze Isuku at close range, but every time his ice began creeping up a limb, Izuku would flex it off.

"You're not fast enough to out maneuver me up close, and you ice can't stop me." Izuku says as the melee continues

Todoroki pulls back to rethink his attack, his right side nearly frozen over.

'I'll beat him with this last attack.' Todoroki thinks, but before he could launch it he had to dodge a block of ice thrown by Izuku.

"You were thinking about self-destructing to beat me? Weren't you? I can see it on your face." Izuku accuses, "you can't beat me without giving it your all. It's an insult to your peers to not do your best while they do."

"Did he just create ice?" Jiro asks.

"He figured it out!?" Momo says excitedly.

"Figure what out?" Shoji asks.

"He learned he could give out cups of juice in his normal form, so we hypothesized he could do the inverse as well." Momo explained.

"That doesn't explain the ice though." Toru says.

"He took some at the start!" Jiro shouts.

"After that rush of attacks, it seems our fighters are rethinking their plans!" Present Mic announces as Izuku and Todoroki had stopped fighting for some time now.

'It's now or never Todoroki, can you step away from your father?' Izuku thought as he waited for Todoroki to make a move.

Suddenly steam began rising off Todoroki before he burst into flame, melting all remaining ice in the stadium.

"To help your enemy; who's the careless one here?" Todoroki says, "I'll show everyone I'm giving it my all!"

"Helping my enemy? No! I'm helping my classmate!" Izuku shouts, happy that Todoroki had made the right choice.

"Smiling in this situation, you really think you can win." Todoroki says.

"Give it everything you've got! I'm ending this in one punch!" Izuku yells, preparing a 100% smash.

Power radiates off both students as they prepare their attacks, Todoroki's ice and fire flowing like water, not even Endeavor's attempted encouragement was heard as they cast their ultimate attacks.

"Midnight!" Cementoss yells, creating barriers between the two as Midnight tries to send her sleeping gas, but it's repelled by the pressure of the coming attacks.

'Midoriya, thanks.'

'Finally, 100% smash!'

Cementoss' walls stood no chance as Todoroki's Flashfreeze Heatwave and Izuku's Smash crashed into each other, sending debris across the stadium as members of the audience struggled to stay in their seats.

Heroes patrolling outside could feel the blast under their feet as a column of steam reached far above the stadium.

"I can't see a thing. Is the match over?" Present Mic says.

As the steam clears, the crowd sees Todoroki cradled in a hand of ice, barely staying in the ring, while Izuku is standing on the other edge of the ring, ankle deep in concrete and missing his right arm.

"Uh, can either of you continue?" Midnight asks

Izuku responds with a thumbs up while Todoroki falls out of his ice cradle, unconscious.

"Todoroki is unconscious! Midoriya wins!" Midnight announces, as Izuku returns to his normal form, raising his right fist to show the crowd he was fine.

AN: that's the climax of the tournament, I'm really glad Izuku's heroic form is back... tried to add more character development, but in the end this is a short comedic story, so I can't really add several thousand words to explain every change in personality...

For reviews, I'll start by saying Kirishima vs. Tsu came down to a coin toss for me. They don't have any scenes fighting each other for reference and they are both strong, could have gone either way. I can explain Kirishima winning because he is more combat oriented to Tsu's rescue goals. Second, I don't like Bakugo, and I don't like writing him, so once I found a way to beat him, I did; I don't have any real experience in a fight, so I can't say adrenaline would stop someone from feeling a hit to the balls, but I doubt Bakugo was that high on adrenaline. He was fighting logically not desperately...