Jobs working with animals no experience needed near me

Are you interested in working with animals? Ready to get out from behind a typical desk job and head outdoors to study wildlife, take samples, or rescue injured animals? Jobs involving animals aren’t limited to veterinary clinics or zoos. You may find yourself diving into the depths of the ocean or traversing forests to enforce regulations.

Careers Working With Animals

There are many careers involving animals for pets and wildlife lovers. When deciding how to work with animals, many often look to veterinary careers. While there are many veterinary specializations and career options, there are also several other types of animal-related jobs to consider – like marine careers.

Perhaps you’re passionate about wildlife rehabilitation or instead, you may be looking for one of the numerous unusual animal jobs such as a snake venom milker. We’ve compiled an animal careers list describing the many types of animal jobs out there to inspire you.

Careers in Animal Rescue

Those with a passion for wildlife conservation may find their calling in animal rescue. Animal rescue jobs are so much more than caring for injured and orphaned animals. While ensuring these animals are rehabilitated, planning is also necessary for their eventual release back into the wild. Other animal rescue career opportunities are available for overseeing education and volunteer programs.

While a college degree isn’t required to work in animal rescue, it is encouraged. Not only can a degree open many doors career-wise, but it may also be necessary for some higher-level roles in medicine and research. Animal rescue workers must be willing to work in a variety of environments. Time will be spent outdoors when on a rescue and when it comes time for release in the wild. Therapy, surgeries, and other procedures will be completed in an animal center.

Recommended Degree Program: B.S. in Animal Health and Behavior

  • Marine Rescue Officer
  • Wildlife Rehabilitator
  • Animal Shelter Technician
  • Animal Shelter Managers
  • Animal Health Inspector

Veterinary Careers

There are many different areas a veterinarian may specialize in. For example, a wildlife veterinarian will work with a variety of wildlife, including exotic species. On the other hand, a small animal veterinarian is most likely to work with domesticated cats, dogs, and birds. A career as a veterinarian requires a considerable amount of education. Vets must have a four-year degree, continue on to complete a doctorate program, and finally, pass a state exam to become licensed.

Other veterinarian careers to consider that require fewer years of college are veterinary technicians and veterinary assistants. Both are key roles in caring for and treating animals with responsibilities from assisting with exams, filling prescriptions, and updating records. Communication, compassion, and critical thinking are essential skills and traits to be successful in a veterinary career.

Recommended Degree Program: B.S. in Animal Health & Behavior

  • Veterinarian (Read more below)
  • Veterinary Technician
  • Veterinary Technician
  • Veterinary Assistant
  • Animal Nutritionist
  • Veterinary Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
  • Equine Dental Technician

Jobs Working With Wild Animals

Working with wild animals is certainly not for the faint at heart. These individuals must have a true passion for animals and wildlife preservation. While some wildlife workers may specialize in one or two types of animals, others may work with a variety of wildlife, from snakes to tigers. Due to the nature of work, these individuals must be highly detailed, excellent communicators, and must be in good physical condition.

Jobs in wildlife may require that work be completed in a variety of environments. Some days may be spent outdoors, others in a conservation habitat, and some days office or lab work may be necessary. Wildlife careers aren’t solely for those wanting to work directly with animals. There are many administrative career options as well such as project planning and managing educational programs.

Recommended Degree Program: B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology

  • Zoologist (Read more below)
  • Park Ranger
  • Wildlife Conservationist 
  • Conservation Officer (Read more below)
  • Conservation Biologist (Read more below)
  • Wildlife Biologist (Read more below)
  • Farm Manager
  • Livestock Manager

Jobs Working With Aquatic Animals

Do you enjoy being in or near the water? If so, aquatic animal-related jobs may be a great fit for you. These workers may find themselves by the ocean, at an aquarium, marine park, or even on dry land. Some aquatic jobs may require scuba diving deep into the ocean or a tank at an aquarium, but not all aquatic careers require that you get wet.

To be successful in working with aquatic animals, one must be curious-minded and observant. After all, you want to know where a whale, shark, or dolphin might be while swimming in their tank.

There are many careers an aquatic animal worker may pursue. Marine mammal trainers will often work with dolphins and whales at parks and zoos. Aquarists may be responsible for a variety of fish at aquariums. Those who prefer to keep their feet dry may opt to work at a museum. These workers typically have a bachelor’s degree at minimum in addition to other certifications such as scuba diving and CPR.

Recommended Degree Program: B.S. in Marine Biology

  • Aquarist
  • Marine Biologist
  • Marine Mammal Trainer

Jobs Working With Dogs

For all you dog lovers, there are many potential careers working with dogs. These types of jobs require a high level of energy and plenty of patience. Dogs love activity and some have a hard time holding still. Physical strength is a must as well in case you have to carry a dog or are out for a walk with a leash-puller.

A college degree isn’t typically required to work with canines, but it is helpful. In a degree program, you’ll acquire and build many useful skills such as animal behavior, training, and how to treat illnesses and injuries – and may advance into advanced roles faster.

There are many ways to find careers with dogs. Dog walkers and sitters may find postings on job boards or in apps geared toward pet care. Groomers can find jobs at pet stores or might even consider starting their own business. Police dog handlers usually have a degree in criminal justice and begin with years of training in the field as an officer.

Recommended Degree Program: B.S. in Animal Health & Behavior

  • Dog Walker
  • Groomer
  • K9 Unit Officer/Trainer

Unusual Animal Jobs

Perhaps you’re looking for a more unique role. There are many jobs for animal lovers that are little-known, yet make a big difference. What are some of these unusual jobs with animals?

A relocation worker will move animals from overcrowded or kill shelters to other no-kill facilities. For those looking for something on the wild side, consider becoming a snake venom milker. These workers extract venom from snakes to make anti-venom to treat snake bites in both humans and other animals.

Even with the best handlers, animals can be unpredictable. Having careful attention to detail is a must when working with any animal, wild or domesticated. Workers in even the most unusual types of jobs must have a passion for animal welfare. Whether a college degree is required is dependent on the job. However, completing a degree program will enhance your skills and can help you develop your career.

Recommended Degree Program: B.S. in Wildlife Biology

  • Snake Venom Milker
  • Relocation Worker
  • Animal Scientist

High Paying Animal Jobs

When considering a career path, salary often becomes a factor. Many jobs with animals that pay well are geared toward research, science, and conservation. Money may not be as much as a priority to some, but living expenses don’t go away. You can certainly earn a decent salary while following your passion for working with animals. Take a look at this animal science careers list and salaries to get a better idea of job outlook and pay.

  • Wildlife Biologist
  • Veterinarian
  • Animal Nutritionist
  • Animal Care Specialist
  • Wildlife Conservationist
  • Zoologist
  • Conservation Officer
  • Conservation Biologist

Wildlife Biologist

Wildlife biologists spend much of their time out in the field, making it a great occupation for those with a love for the outdoors and travel. During these travels, biologists study animals, their habits and behaviors like how they interact with humans and other animals. Much of their field research involves conducting experiments to make these discoveries.

Wildlife biologists can be found in the office or lab on occasion, studying specimens, or creating reports. Most wildlife biologist jobs require a bachelor’s degree at a minimum with some employers preferring a graduate degree and even a Ph.D. for higher-level research and lab work.

  • Average Salary (2021): $64,650 
  • Currently Employed in the U.S (2020): 18,500
  • Recommended Degree Program: B.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Biology


A veterinarian is one of the highest-paying animal careers. There are many different types of veterinary jobs. Mixed practice veterinarians work with both small and large animals, domestic or exotic. Others may specialize in working with companion animals such as dogs and cats.

Some veterinarians may opt to work in research, studying diseases and other illnesses to find medicine and cures. Many of the highest-paying veterinary jobs are in research. Below is a partial list of veterinary careers:

  • Small Animal Veterinarian
  • Veterinary Surgeon
  • Veterinary Pathologist
  • Zoo Veterinarian

What does it take to become a veterinarian? After completing a bachelor’s program, the next step is to earn a postdoctoral degree. It doesn’t end there; veterinarians must also pass an exam to become licensed in order to practice in their state. Although it takes several years to become one, a veterinary career is one of many rewarding and impactful animal care jobs.

  • Average Salary (2021): $100,370 
  • Currently Employed in the U.S (2020): 86,800
  • Recommended Degree Program: B.S. Animal Health & Behavior

Animal Nutritionist

If you want to care for animals while helping them be happy and safe, then you should consider becoming an animal nutritionist. Their main duties are to create diets and lifestyle plans for animals to keep them healthy. Since every animal has a different diet and lifestyle, creativity and passion to work with animals are a must to be in this role.

It is usually required to have a minimum of a bachelor degree with a heavy emphasis in animal science. Volunteering at animal shelters or getting a part time job at a veterinary office can help prepare one for this role. While this role is often in the field assessing living conditions, there can also be office work where tests and analysis are performed on computers to support diet or lifestyle recommendations.

  • Average Salary (2020)$80,390
  • Currently Employed in the U.S (2020): 37,400
  • Projected Demand (2020-30): 9%
  • Recommended Degree ProgramB.S. Animal Health & Behavior

Animal Care Specialist

An animal care specialist is very hands-on with their job. They specialize in training and attending to animals. The job can be in a variety of places, ranging from zoos to kennels. Entry-level jobs in general animal care only require a high school diploma, but to become a specialist and make it a successful career, a bachelor’s degree is usually required.

  • Average Salary (2020)$28,600
  • Currently Employed in the U.S (2020): 332,700
  • Projected Demand (2020-30): 33%
  • Recommended Degree ProgramBS in Animal Science

Wildlife Conservationist

Wildlife and natural environments need to be protected. Wildlife conservationists go out in the field to study and mitigate the human impact in the wild. Common tasks are sampling and testing soil and water for contamination or pollution and educating the public on conservation.

You can be the next Steve Irwin or Jane Goodall. This career requires a bachelors degree focusing on zoology or wildlife biology. You can be working for federal agencies or local officials at places like parks, zoos, or in nature.

  • Average Salary (2021)$68,230
  • Currently Employed in the U.S (2021): 22,550
  • Projected Demand (2020-30): 5%
  • Recommended Degree ProgramBS in Wildlife Conservation


Zoology is another one of the many careers with animals that have a variety of specialties. With each specialty comes varying responsibilities. Some zoologistsmay focus on how global changes are impacting wildlife. Others may focus on the diet and migration of a species. By studying the habits of wildlife, zoologists have an important and influential role in the conservation of wildlife, particularly with animals nearing extinction.

Most entry-level animal jobs in zoology require a college degree. Many zoologists opt to take a program specific to zoology while others may choose a broader program of study such as biology. Post-college, zoologists may find themselves working with animals at a zoo or out studying wildlife in their natural habitats. Others may prefer working in a museum or educational facility with students and the public.

  • Median Salary (2021): $64,650
  • Currently Employed in the U.S (2020): 18,500
  • Projected Demand (2020-30): 5%
  • Recommended Degree Program: B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology

Conservation Officer

A conservation officer plays an important role in protecting wildlife habitats. Although a conservation officermay occasionally come in contact with animals to relocate them or assist with an injury, they typically don’t work directly with animals. These officers instead ensure that laws are followed by visitors to parks and forests. One example of this is a game warden enforcing hunting and fishing regulations.

A love of the outdoors and criminal justice is a must to be successful as a conservation officer. Having a four-year degree in a related field along with criminal justice training is useful. New officers can gain experience through internship and volunteer programs.

  • Average Salary (2021): $63,750
  • Currently Employed in the U.S (2020): 39,000
  • Projected Demand (2020-30): 7% (as fast as average)
  • Recommended Degree Program: B.S. in Conservation Law Enforcement

Conservation Biologist

The curious and scientifically-minded may thrive in a career as a conservation biologist. These biologists serve as advocates for endangered species, habitat loss, and the impact of global changes. Through research and science, biologists strive to protect wildlife, their habitats, and the planet as a whole.

The completion of a bachelor’s program is beneficial for a successful career as a conservation biologist. Through such programs, you’ll develop valuable research and analysis skills. Several years of work experience is required for most jobs. Many aspiring biologists gain experience through internship and volunteer opportunities. After completing their degree program, conservation biologists most often will find work at government agencies and non-profit organizations.

  • Average Salary (2021): $63,750
  • Currently Employed in the U.S (2020): 39,000
  • Projected Demand (2020-30): 7% (as fast as average)
  • Recommended Degree Program: B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology

Next Steps…

Are you still thinking ‘I want to work with animals’? Not only are there many careers with animals that pay well, but they also create a positive impact. You can go home at the end of the day satisfied knowing that your work is making a difference.

These degrees can help you get started on your path to working with animals:

  • Animal Health and Behavior Bachelor of Science
  • Captive Wildlife Care Bachelor of Science
  • Animal Science Bachelor of Science
  • Animal Science and Behavior Master of Professional Science
  • Wildlife Conservation Bachelor of Science
  • Wildlife and Fisheries Biology Bachelor of Science
  • Marine Biology and Sustainable Aquaculture Bachelor of Science

How can you get started in animal-related jobs? Get in touch with Unity College to discuss how our degree programs can accelerate your career. Explore our careers and outcomesto learn more about career paths working with animals. Or, bros more jobs that make the world a better place.

Can I work with animals with no qualifications?

You could become anything from a Zookeeper to a Dog Groomer, Veterinary Support Assistant or a Canine Trainer. The beauty of animal careers is that so many of these roles are accessible without higher level studies, like a degree. Not needing a degree means a career change becomes a more viable option.

How do I get started working with animals?

How to Gain Experience Working With Animals.
Work at a Veterinary Clinic..
Volunteer at a Shelter or Rescue..
Start a Pet Sitting Service..
Choose an Animal Related Degree Program..
Participate in College Work Study Programs..
Volunteer at a Zoo or Wildlife Rehabilitation Facility..
Work at a Farm or Stable..

What job should I get if I want to work with animals?

Check out these options:.
Zoo Veterinarian. If you agree with Simon and Garfunkel's "At the Zoo," you'll love this highly specialized career. ... .
Veterinary Technologist/Technician. ... .
Veterinary Assistant. ... .
Zoologist. ... .
Animal Trainer. ... .
Seeing-Eye Dog Trainer. ... .
Pet Adoption Counselor. ... .
Dog Walker/Pet Sitter..

How do I start an animal career without a degree?

People interested in a wildlife career can find interesting and fulfilling jobs working with wild animals, even if they don't have a college degree..
Wildlife control technician. ... .
Zookeeper. ... .
Veterinary assistant. ... .
Park ranger. ... .
Wildland firefighter. ... .
Naturalist. ... .
Wildlife photographer..


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