Mid back pain radiating to ribs left side

Back pain is common: 80% of adults will experience it in their lifetime. Usually, people think of all-over back pain, but one-sided back pain is also a thing. And it can be an annoying thing.

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When to worry about back pain that’s only on the left or right side

“Unless you experienced an obvious cause, like a fall, you probably aren’t dealing with a fracture that requires special care,” says spine specialist Russell DeMicco, DO. “Rarely do you need to worry just because your pain is only on the left side or right side of the back.”

The exceptions are:

  • Age: An older adult may experience a minor injury that results in a more serious condition — either because they have low bone density, or they developed arthritis that causes pain.
  • Athleticism: Athletes may experience greater musculoskeletal wear and tear than the general population. They’re often more vulnerable to fractures, herniated disks or arthritis.

Spontaneous one-sided back pain can occur for a variety of reasons, but it’s usually related to the soft-tissue (muscle, ligament, joint). The back muscles run up and down the left side and the right side — they don’t cross the midline (spine). So if you irritate a muscle on the left side of your back, you would likely only have pain in that region.

“Someone who is experiencing tissue-related pain will feel an aching soreness and stiffness,” says Dr. DeMicco. “Often, the area will be tender to the touch and have restricted range of motion because of the discomfort they feel.”

Causes of tissue-related discomfort include:

  • Sound sleeping: If you have a night with limited movement, you might find that the muscles on just one side of the back tense up, causing pain.
  • Sitting at the computer: If you’re in the zone at work and forget to move around, you could end up feeling it on just one side of your back.
  • Travel: Being stuck in a seated position for an extended period can cause muscle tightness. Dr. DeMicco recommends taking frequent breaks if you travel by car or walking around the airplane cabin whenever possible.

Usually, muscle-related pain will subside if you use a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), rest the area and use an ice pack.

If the pain you experience is a little deeper in the back, and you’re having other symptoms as well, it could be related to an internal organ. See your doctor, because these are signs of an infection or irritation:

  • Intestines: Inflammation of the colon may affect just one side of the lower back, but you’d probably also experience abdominal cramping, digestive problems and weight change.
  • Kidneys: An infection or kidney stones may also cause one-sided back pain that occurs between the bottom of the rib cage and your hips. Again, you could expect to have other symptoms like blood in the urine, pain when urinating or fever.
  • Uterus: Pain on the right side of the lower back may be due to fibroids or endometriosis. Along with the pain, you’d likely also experience menstrual irregularities, a frequent need to urinate and painful intercourse.

When to see a provider about one-sided back pain

“If you have pain in the left or right side of your back that started for no particular reason, it will most often resolve on its own or with minimal treatment,” says Dr. DeMicco. “Typically, we see 50% of cases resolving within two weeks and 75% resolving by six to eight weeks.”

Have you been dealing with intense pain for 10 days and over-the-counter pain relievers aren’t cutting it? Time to call your doctor, who may recommend:

  • Stronger medicines: Prescription-strength muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory medications could take the edge off as your body heals.
  • Manipulation: A physical therapist, chiropractor or osteopath could perform hands-on treatment that deliver relief.

“If your pain extends beyond six weeks, your doctor will likely recommend imaging,” says Dr. DeMicco. “An X-ray is usually the first step to ensure there isn’t a broken bone or some other obvious reason for the pain.”


Published on Mar 1, 2022

In this article:

  • Understanding the thoracic spine
  • Causes of pain in the ribs and back
  • Treatment

The thoracic spine and ribs are like a no man’s land for many physicians, including spine experts. While many physicians are comfortable treating and diagnosing neck and low back problems when it comes to things like pain around the ribs and back symptoms, they draw a blank.

First, let’s define what we mean by pain around the ribs and back. Basically, the pain wraps around the back of the rib — generally at least to the side and at times all the way to the front. There is also upper-back pain that often accompanies this pain. Movement usually leads to intense pain or makes it feel like something is “out of place” and needs to be popped back in place. Sometimes specific motions or activities will make this better or worse.

Understanding the Thoracic Spine

Mid back pain radiating to ribs left side

The thoracic spine is between the neck (cervical) and the low back (lumbar). Its bones (vertebrae) are numbered 1-12 and the abbreviation ‘T” is used for “thoracic.” Hence, “T6” means the sixth thoracic vertebra (1).

What’s unique is that the ribs attach here to the thoracic vertebrae. These two structures both constrain and define which movements are possible by the other. And because they’re connected, what happens in one is often felt in the other. In addition, the thoracic vertebrae act as pivot points for the ribs as you breathe in and out. This is often why patients experience pain when taking a deep breath.

Mid back pain radiating to ribs left side

There’s an immense amount going on in the thoracic spine. First, there are facet joints where the two vertebrae meet. There is a spinal nerve that exists in this area at each vertebra. The nerve begins as the thoracic spinal nerve and then continues all the way around to the front of the chest as the intercostal nerve. There’s a disc that acts as a shock absorber as well as a multitude of muscles and ligaments. Then there are two areas where each rib attaches to each vertebra (the costotransverse and costovertebral joints) (2). Realize that there can be problems with any one of these structures that can cause pain around the ribs and back symptoms.

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The Top 5 Causes of Pain In Ribs and Back

Our clinic has had a special interest in the thoracic spine for many years. As an example, most spinal interventionalists have only ever performed a handful of thoracic epidural or facet injections. I’ve done hundreds of each. In all of those years helping patients with pain in ribs and back recover, these are the top five medical conditions that we see in our clinic:

  1. Thoracic Disc Bulge:

    The thoracic spine, just like your neck and lower back, has discs that act as shock absorbers for the spinal bones. These can bulge when they get damaged and can press on and irritate spinal nerves. This can lead to pain around the ribs and back symptoms. In particular, this could be just pain or an electrical feeling. There also may be some numbness in the back and ribs.

  2. Rib Facet Pain:

    Each rib is attached to its corresponding vertebra at two points with ligaments. Doctors sometimes call these “rib facets.” Technically, they’re called the costovertebral and costotransverse joints. These joints can get damaged and cause referred pain in ribs and back. This pain is often localized to one spot and may get worse with a deep breath. The area may also feel “out of place.”

  3. Thoracic Facet Joint Pain:

    The vertebral facets are the joints where each vertebra meets up with the next above or below. These can become injured or get arthritis like any joint and can cause referred pain that is usually in one spot, but pain can extend out beyond the spine as well. This pain isn’t usually influenced by taking a deep breath, but it can be made worse or better with movement.

  4. Fascia Injury:

    The ribs have a tough outer covering called the fascia. This covering is there to help control motion. When it gets injured it can allow too much individual rib motion, which can cause upper back pain that wraps around the ribs. This pain is usually influenced by taking a deep breath. You may also be able to identify a painful rib by palpating the area.

  5. Muscle Trigger Points or Areas of Tendinopathy:

    You have muscles in your upper back that can develop areas called “trigger points” that can cause upper back pain and pain that refers around the rib. The muscles also have tendons that can get injured and worn out with time, leading to tendinopathy.

How Can The Pain Be Treated? Juan’s Story

Juan’s pain around the ribs and back symptoms with spasms began in 2007, and he presented to our clinic in 2020. Any movement, rotation, or flexion/extension made the pain worse, while rest and medication made the pain better.

Previously, he had tried ozone injections, steroid injections, and facet injections, which provided temporary relief. Radiofrequency ablation at the T8-T11 facet joints provided relief for only about six to eight months. He had also developed tingling in his right ring finger and pinkie, pain in his right elbow, and weakness in his right hand. This was likely coming from irritation of the brachial plexus by his ribs.

We approached Juan’s problems differently, looking at what was causing all of these issues. In particular, one of the ligaments in the back of his spinal canal (ligamentum flavum) was loose and buckling, which was irritating nerves. Hence, we concentrated his own blood platelets (platelet-rich plasma) to inject into that specific ligament to cause some healing and tightening. In addition, we treated the irritated thoracic nerves by injecting a platelet lysate around the nerves (epidural using X-ray guidance).

Finally, his facet joints had previously been treated with radiofrequency, which burns the nerve that communicates pain from the joint. Because of this, nobody had ever tried helping the joint with substances that can promote healing. So again I carefully injected high-dose platelet-rich plasma into those joints using sophisticated image guidance technology. How did he do? He’s reporting 90% relief, with pain only during certain activities.

As you can see, there’s quite a bit that can cause pain around the ribs and back symptoms. The first order of business is getting an accurate diagnosis of why you hurt, which is what we did with Juan. Rather than injecting Juan with steroids that could harm tissue or burn nerves, we focused on the root cause of his problems and tried to improve the function of the spine.


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(1) Thoracic Anatomy. Physiopedia. https://www.physio-pedia.com/Thoracic_Anatomy. Accessed August 12, 2021.

(2) Chopra P. Thoracic Pain. In Smith H. Current Therapy in Pain. Elsevier; 2009:194-201. doi:10.1016/B978-1-4160-4836-7.00026-2

Mid back pain radiating to ribs left side

Chris Centeno, MD is a specialist in regenerative medicine and the new field of Interventional Orthopedics. Centeno pioneered orthopedic stem cell procedures in 2005 and is responsible for a large amount of the published research on stem cell use for orthopedic applications. View Profile

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NOTE: This blog post provides general information to help the reader better understand regenerative medicine, musculoskeletal health, and related subjects. All content provided in this blog, website, or any linked materials, including text, graphics, images, patient profiles, outcomes, and information, are not intended and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please always consult with a professional and certified healthcare provider to discuss if a treatment is right for you.

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Why do my ribs and middle back hurt?

Many things can cause upper and middle back pain. These include poor posture; overuse or injury of the muscles, ligaments, or discs that support the spine; a vertebra fracture; pressure on the spinal nerves from problems such as a herniated disc; and osteoarthritis.

What causes pain on left side of back under ribs?

Kidney stones or infection Your kidneys are part of your urinary tract. They're located on either side of your spine, but when they become inflamed or infected, the pain can radiate to the front of your body. When your left kidney is involved, you might feel pain near the left side of your rib cage.

What organ is on the left side of your middle back?

Kidney issues The kidneys sit underneath the rib cage on the left and right sides of the spine, more towards your back than your stomach. When there are problems with your kidneys, you may experience middle back pain, as well as other signs: Problems urinating.

Can back pain radiate to the rib cage?

Spinal pain can be caused by things more severe that might require surgical consideration. These usually involve spinal pain that radiates into arms, legs or around the rib cage from back toward the anterior chest.