One on one personal training near me


  • One on one personal training near me

    No matter how frequently or hard I workout, I could never achieve the results i desire. Deep down i knew,

    i wasn’t equipped with the right knowledge on everything ranging from diet, to training. I decided to sign up with a personal trainer and compete in a local bikini physique contest. My trainer Thara (Doreen Yeo) is a professional coach and a veteran in bodybuilding, having seen the body transformation she has made on all her clients, I knew she would be the one to help me.

    Many snuffed and thought that I was never going to make anywhere on stage, arm with fat thighs, big tummy, saggy arms and a huge determination, I told myself, its all or nothing. After 7 months of proper training and sticking to a wholesome diet under the guidance of my personal trainer Thara, I had gotten into the best shape of my life and competed in a bikini physique contest.

    The after pictures shown are the end result of the 7-month journey with Thara. To date, we are still working closely to bring out the next best version of me for future contests. I could never have done this alone, with the limited knowledge I had. Getting Thara to help achieve my dream physique and crush my fitness goal is one of the best decisions I have made. Are you ready to crush yours too? And of course, thank you Thara, my super personal trainer!

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  • One on one personal training near me

    I see good results training under Thara, my personal trainer since 2016, working out with Thara has been a fun

    and fulfilling journey, I learnt so much from her, ranging from diet to training. A former bodybuilder herself, she is a walking dictionary of exercises, and helps me work on my weaker and stubborn muscle parts through innovating exercises that you don’t see often.

    Dedicated and highly motivating always pushing me for that extra set and rep so that I can constantly improve and challenge myself. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a personal trainer in Singapore.

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    Joo Hong’s 6 months transformation

  • One on one personal training near me

    I had 4 different personal trainers in the past. After many unsuccessful transformation attempts,

    I felt jaded, seems like nothing works. I have also tried slimming pills, different diet plans, even joined a slimming centre. My best friend persuaded me to give it one more shot, I thought to myself YOLO, why not? I already wasted so much time and money on all the fail attempts, why not just invest in it one last time. I met my personal trainer Jovin, who listened to stories of my previous attempts for an hour, and calmly told me that his training approach may sound unorthodox but it will give me sustainable results and that I have to trust him.

    His favourite line “ if it works, you will see it in 2 weeks, if it doesn’t, we have to change it” And I saw it, for the first time, my tummy area started toning up the way I wanted it, my arms got leaner, my core felt stronger, my back muscles are tighter giving me a better posture, and that was achieved in 3 weeks of training. We trained 3 times a week. Every session was a different set of challenges that he set for me, and he would tweak my diet every week. Some days are high carbs, some days are low carbs, all depending on my energy level and how I feel. His diet plan was for me to eat what I am used to eating, and making small impactful changes. I feel fitter, toner and sexier in so many ways, I am so happy with the changes. Thank you Jovin for helping me achieve what I deem was unachievable and making me feel confident again. You are an awesome personal trainer and I look forward to our next workout.

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    Kirstie’s 1 month Transformation

  • One on one personal training near me

    I wanted to get ready for a local competition. Unlike my competitors who had a single-digit bodyfat percentage,

    my body fat percentage of 21% meant that I was not going to be stage ready. I was clueless about macro nutrition, cardio and my weights training program was a mess. I used to follow random fitness celebrities’ workouts on Youtube. Then, I met my personal trainer Tim from Team UAF. I was apprehensive as I have heard stories about personal trainers making you sign, renew packages and blaming the unsuccessful transformation on the client’s failure to adhere to a diet. But my personal trainer was different.

    He was patient, nice and very reasonable. He designed my training program and diet and the workouts we had was fun and full of variety. I was accountable for my food intake and I shared my meals with my trainer and he shared his with me too. I enjoyed the process very much and we even joked about each others food intakes at times. When I ate badly, he would “fine me” with 50 burpees, 100 push ups and 200 squats, all performed without rest. I can never forget the punishment!

    Mind muscle connection was key to developing stubborn body parts, which helped greatly in maximising every single training session. I learnt proper lifting form and techniques and how to avoid injuries while training. I could feel my chest muscles hardening up and lines appearing on my abs. I have never seen those before! This journey was not only fulfilling, but has also boosted my self-confidence.

    My body started transforming after about 6 weeks of training. My diet was on point, my cardio program was well-balanced without burning off the muscle gains I’ve made, my abs started to show and my body fat percentage was heading towards the single-digit. Each time I looked in the mirror, I only became more motivated, and eventually I was at the best physical version of myself.

    My take away is Diet + Training + a Good personal trainer = results.

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    Laurence’s 4 months Transformation

  • One on one personal training near me

    “You don’t have to be great to start. But you do have to start to be great.”

    When I attend high school reunions, my friends are shocked that at age 40, and fast forward after 6 years at 46 I look better than in my teens. I have the body type of an apple shaped endomorph – and pretty much grew up as a pudgy teenager. It took hard work and persistence on my personal trainer Jovin’s part – coupled with conscientious substitution of bad foods for good ones. Jovin’s home personal training services are tailored, he comes in with a plan and we will follow through until we achieve the first goal. First sculpting the legs which is the foundation of cardio vascular fitness. Then working on the back, arms and core.

    There are times I look at the mirror now and go, “Is that really me?” But in the process, conquered three vertical marathons (within top 25 percent of finishers), and the Spartan Race. It’s been a great journey, and I’m looking forward to more healthy years to come. If you are serious about a positive change in your life, Jovin will lead you every step of the way with his unweavering and contagious passion and zest for training and life. I have been training with Jovin for 6 years, and I would recommend this talented private personal trainer to anyone looking to change their aesthetics.

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    Michelle’s 6 months Transformation

  • One on one personal training near me

    Born fat, an endomorph, I was given the bad genetic sentence, but that didn’t deter me

    from trying to lose weight. I have tried every diet trend, from ketogenic, Atkins, vegetarian to weight watcher diet. I committed myself to jog everyday for 30-45mins, did my abs training, lifted weights, even signed up for spinning classes but no matter how hard I tried I could not change my physique.

    I felt demoralised, I fell back into my old habits of binging and eating MacDonald's for supper.

    Sleep deprivation from work made things worse and my energy level was at its all time low. My wife decided to get me a personal trainer for my birthday, and I had a personal trainer for the very first time in my life. Something that I would ridicule and brush aside as “too expensive and it’s only for very rich people” My personal trainer Jovin laid out a game plan for us, consisting of short term, mid term and long term goals. First 3 weeks was all experimental. Training was fun, progressive and challenging at the same time. His commitment was unbelievable, he would wake up at 6am in the morning to text me and ensure that I do my fasted cardio before breaking fast. All my workouts were recorded and we knew exactly what worked and what didn’t. We used a food log as well to track my macros.

    It was an enjoyable journey, very fulfilling, and every session was a new learning experience. Every 4 weeks we measured my body fat % and statistics, and every single measurement was improving. I started sleeping well, I was able to unload my stress onto my workouts. Fast forward to after 6 months, I went from 120kg to 85kg, and most importantly, I have fallen in love with this new lifestyle so much that I am able to sustain my new physique. If you are looking for a trainer in Singapore who knows his stuff, Jovin is your go to fitness trainer.

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    George’s 6 months Transformation

Disclaimer: Please note, results may vary with every different individual.


How much is a 1 hour PT session?

Personal Trainer Rates Per Hour Personal trainers charge $25 to $50 per 30-minute session, $40 to $70 per hour session, and $60 to $100 per 90-minute session. Hiring a personal trainer to come to your home costs $60 to $100 or more hourly.

How much is PT in SG?

How much do Personal Trainers in Singapore charge? The cost of personal training varies depending on the gym or studio you go to, and the package you choose. However, most personal training sessions in Singapore cost between S$50 and S$100 per hour.

How much does it cost for a PT session?

A Personal Trainer is a Coach that will help you reach your fitness goals and will cost between $50-$100 on average for a Private session and $15-$40 for a Group session. But let's break it down further so that you know exactly what a Gym or a PT can do for you and exactly what each service costs.

How much should you spend on a personal trainer?

The national average cost of a personal trainer can range from $50 to $150 per hour (with rates hovering around $100 per hour or higher in bigger metro areas).